Community Constitution

obviously there has just been a clean up of spammed messages to obtain the required 15 post count for the pm ad spam fest. but why was the "Doing Well with This" thread from jan 07 binned along with everything? did nobody look at the fact the member had much older posts?? warnings about this members useless system selling efforts are now lost. can the thread be reinstated please.

come to think of it, how many other threads have disapeared like this? :cry:
:) Yes, thank you for your one today.

I've been angling for some time to have some automatic thank you in response to reports. I used to reply to each one individually, but it's one of those time consuming things that has fallen by the wayside. Must do better.


Hi, Jon.

I haven't reported in years, probably, and mostly on Sunday mornings when there is no one else about. As long as someone removes the the spam, that's all the thanks I need.

I know I'm appreciated.

:confused: I think.
this is a good idea, not sure if it can work in practice across the board, but wld certainly provide exposure to different viewpoints. that is essentially what the 'thread' is for.

each vendor could open their product/service to be reviewed (been suggested before), but this wld be logistically impossible for a big chunk of the lovely chaps eg tutoring service over long periods of time or for expensive systems which require a certain skillset of customer before trying out. for howard et al this method works great cos his was built on flawed option theory which was pointed out in laymans terms (perfect for ppl like me to learn) by all the guys here who actually knew (great thread, for the lulz too).

on a prelim level, t2w cld ask a few 'specialists' for a cpl of hours of their month to at least take a look at some of the vendor articles before they get approved to be published, similar to the proof read by the editors (experts cough)/lawyers etc at a newspaper (which didnt work too well of late).

also a lot of other sites are doing webinars, mainly introductory stuff for newbies, and some are done by vendors but there is no sell whatsoever - the subject is not specifically linked to their products, no promotions of their products, its just left up to whoever attends to google their book or whatever if they wish.

with respect to steve's (welcome back btw) social manifesto, i side with NT....and is along those lines (from the threads i have read) and prob the forum i like the most (though there is a documented dedine in quality there also whcih is prob the fundamental shift away from forums). ppl asking dumb/lazy questions get shot down straight away, those with thoughtful questions get considered answers (and theres threads on most topics), the trolls invariably come out losers every time (yet they are persistent). this can add to the lulz, if you dont like you just stick on ingore. plus you rarely see vendor scum spam, so t2w need to get hold of their cleanup bot software asap. they do have vendors & vendor issues as well, & some of those are site sponsors, but not so sure their vetting procedures, but its nowhere near as ubiquitous as here.

steve, the strong message from your manifesto post was you wanted this to be a trading related forum. great. one problem, the content of this site probably gives up, as a complete guess, c50% of its space to vendors (adverts, articles, reviews, spam, threads - baghdady/binary options etc etc). ok, they are vendors associated with trading, but what value do the majority of these vendors provide to trading? what value do they provide to newbies wanting to get into trading? ok brokers, platform providers, chart companies facilitate us retail traders to stick a trade on & do some analysis, and some of them also provide some reasonable resources to newbies. and they do very well out of it. these are the ones i assume prob pay most for ad space/clicks as well.

but what about the rest? 2bit/unregulated brokers, signal providers, system sellers, mentors, authors/educators (some of these do add value cos you can get hold of material for v cheap), spurios mkt info vendors etc etc. what do they add? some wld say a lot, some wld say not a lot. most of the ones on this site offer bugger all imo. i wld like to see a vendor offer a competition for noobs to enter and the winner receive the service for free, or smthg like that. or even offer to do a webinar speaking in detail about their system/product and open it up to questions from members - senior and newbies (not quite like the baghdady one)....but you will need to attract decent vendors for this to happen.

and why was DR banned? not perm i hope.

Hello and thank you for an excellent post, I'm sorry I did not comment sooner.

I know I keep saying this but all this feedback is genuinely appreciated. The tough bit is working through all of it to find a path that embraces the best of the ideas, some of which are naturally contradictory.

Would anyone here be prepared to do what has been suggested? Take a view on the content being proposed as suitable? It may be an article but it could be any form of content? I don't just mean as a one off I mean as a regular gig.

The webinars I agree with and I have already developed a few relationships that might yield some of these. This will not please everyone but that's impossible anyway. There will be those that argue that even by giving the webinar the giver is 'selling', we would have to live with that. As you say, if the participant then wants to find out more it is up to them and it is not our job to mollycoddle them beyond the input. As long as we are sure the webinar is relevant and good enough with no explicit sales pitch then job done in my view.

Thank you again.
I think I could develop an app for this. Any mention of forex, secrets, MT4, Cyprus, Russians, Joe Ross, wealth, only 89 copies, reduced to 2995 for today only...are binned. I'd also add a geographic filter, anything related to Australia...binned.

Seriously though it's all doable but the problem is you'd be left with next to nothing due to the nature of the industry.
I think I could develop an app for this. Any mention of forex, secrets, MT4, Cyprus, Russians, Joe Ross, wealth, only 89 copies, reduced to 2995 for today only...are binned. I'd also add a geographic filter, anything related to Australia...binned.

Seriously though it's all doable but the problem is you'd be left with next to nothing due to the nature of the industry.

Which would be entirely counter productive for new members because part and parcel of the financial education process is knowing how to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Which would be entirely counter productive for new members because part and parcel of the financial education process is knowing how to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Are you suggesting we should deliberately leave a load of chaff in there?
I agree it would reduce the entertainment value a lot so maybe you have a point.
If you look at this thread and the main contributors to it, it is worth considering how much they contribute to the forum in terms of trading chat before basing the forum around their opinions.

Otherwise, it's going to be a case of the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Why not solicit the opinions of people that actually trade and discuss trading? Why are the opinions of those that do nothing but complain so important?
Why not solicit the opinions of people that actually trade and discuss trading? Why are the opinions of those that do nothing but complain so important?

The simple answer is that t2w has a complete lack of leadership. Steve is completely out of his depth, and he doesn't know what else to do.

There's a complete absence of original ideas, and he's talking to the only people who are prepared to engage in the process. That's the truth.
If you look at this thread and the main contributors to it, it is worth considering how much they contribute to the forum in terms of trading chat before basing the forum around their opinions.

Otherwise, it's going to be a case of the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Why not solicit the opinions of people that actually trade and discuss trading? Why are the opinions of those that do nothing but complain so important?

and you think they'll have better ideas? what makes you believe this? the evidence thus far says they may not. i'd imagine a view from everyone is hopefully welcome. the new ceo exchange platform is indeed a good idea. they may or may not take up every suggestion, but at least everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinion/suggestion if they wish to do so.

imv trading chat board contributors can bring very narrow selfish views to the table, a broader view is required, that's why the board layout shakeup is the way we have it. one selfish (flawed) idea with a motive offered up ages back, ceo appointed and requests ideas from the admin team, up pops the flawed board rearrangement offering, which is hastily snapped up without further ado as a move forward. yeah that's progress (n)
The simple answer is that t2w has a complete lack of leadership. Steve is completely out of his depth, and he doesn't know what else to do.

There's a complete absence of original ideas, and he's talking to the only people who are prepared to engage in the process. That's the truth.

Oh, hare, you are a card :LOL: It's called consultation - look it up.

Although why anyone would pay the slightest attention to your views when your agenda for years has been to de-rail the T2W train by fair means or foul. It must be a huge frustration to you that the train keeps chugging along. Sad.
The simple answer is that t2w has a complete lack of leadership. Steve is completely out of his depth, and he doesn't know what else to do.

There's a complete absence of original ideas, and he's talking to the only people who are prepared to engage in the process. That's the truth.

The Vendetta from Valletta seeking hari-kiri :LOL:

Anyway, how come the Swans in your avatar aren't Black? :LOL:
The Vendetta from Valletta seeking hari-kiri :LOL:

Anyway, how come the Swans in your avatar aren't Black? :LOL:

Just calling it as I see it. A complete absence of any form of leadership or vision. They simply don't know where they should be positioning themselves, and its becoming increasingly apparent

I certainly didn't agree with mr sharkys previous objectives, but at least he had some sort of plan, and that plan was implemented to the detriment of content quality. At the moment, they seam to be running around like headless chickens, completely without direction. The strategy seams to be based on asking people what they want, and as DT points out, he's communicating with an unrepresentative sample of the sites membership.

Concerning my avatar, the black swans have been chased away with a rolled up copy of the financial times :LOL:
Concerning my avatar, the black swans have been chased away with a rolled up copy of the financial times :LOL:

You don't still read that, surely? I'm old and I can't remember the last time I bought one!

How is T2W going to to cater for those who use the FT to swat black swans?

I bet you do the Telegraph crossword as well, don't you?
You don't still read that, surely? I'm old and I can't remember the last time I bought one!

How is T2W going to to cater for those who use the FT to swat black swans?

I bet you do the Telegraph crossword as well, don't you?

last bought when film came out FT pink swat Spanish Fly sorry, can't string together a sentence, sub-Joycean stream of consciousness will have to do


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If you look at this thread and the main contributors to it, it is worth considering how much they contribute to the forum in terms of trading chat before basing the forum around their opinions.

Otherwise, it's going to be a case of the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Why not solicit the opinions of people that actually trade and discuss trading? Why are the opinions of those that do nothing but complain so important?

Why don't you give your opinions then instead of complaining about people that complain.
No one knows your opinion if you don't give it.
Not having a pop, just an observation :)