Ok thanks for the advice, two more quick questions if you dont mind.
Firstly how much capital would you recommend is needed to start trading futures?
Secondly what are the significant differences between cfd trading and spread betting?
Ask away, mi casa su casa.
I have never traded cfds, you'll have to ask someone else. I mean, I know the difference, but if you want practical experience of trading cfds, I haven't got any.
In terms of capital, it depends. You need enough to be trading a small percentage of your account on each trade. What this needs to be in my opinion should be determined by your stop distance.
Take ES for example, and say you want to trade IG's bucket-shop version. Assume your stop is going to be in the region of 3 to 8 points depending on the set up. I would say you should start with a minimum of four or five thousand.
Don't go in under-capitalised, it will mess you up and interfere with your decision-making.
If you just want to get your feet wet, and accept that you need to spend some money just getting used to the markets, use as little as possible.
But in my opinion it is better to demo while you build your account through work / savings / crime and then do it live, rather than struggling with an inadequate account.
Whatever you do, always try to trade with a big account mentality. By that I mean, when you start you often take crappy trades because there might only be 10 or 50 quid at risk or whatever. But would you take that same trade if there was 3 or 4 thousand at risk? Because one day you want to be trading at that level right? So start as you mean to go on. Force yourself to focus on the best right from the start.