CollaborativeFx: Free and Open Environment for Learning

Hello All!

Since I'm not selling anything, I guess it is ok to post this here.

If you are interested in a peaceful environment in which to learn about how to become profitable in Fx, or if you are an experienced Fx trader already, who simply wants a place of peace in which you can help others achieve a degree of success, then CollaborativeFx, might be the place for you.

There is nothing for sell on the Collaborative and the name implies exactly what the site is all about. It is a Collaboration of people with an interest in research, learning, developing and enhancing Fx trading skills. The Collaborative is focused exclusively on Fx and it is broken down into two domains: Private and Public.

The Private Domain is restricted and close - so no more access is being granted. However, its function includes Indicator Conversions, R&D, Testing, Analysis and implementation of stable, profitable and consistent EAs. So, it is really an EA Research Laboratory.

The Public Domain is OPEN and welcome to two types of individuals: The Newbie Trader, with little experience, or the Novice Trader, unable to find lasting success. The already successful Trader, who trades the Fx Markets for a living - as their primary source of income.

The goal, is to do something that has not been done before: Unite BOTH the Novice and the Experienced Trader, to give both of them a peaceful place, free from typically online trading community negativity, such that the Experienced Trader can give something back and the Novice Trader can break new ground in the development of their skills and knowledge. To my knowledge, nothing like this exists in the retail Fx online community and that's what CollaborativeFx is all about!

I finished the site on this December 21st. So, we are still a very tiny community. But, we are looking for Experienced Fx Traders, who may have left the online community because of the negative attitudes of the past, and we are looking for Novice Traders, who want to learn from people who actually make their primary living in Fx - each having a positive attitude and respect for the online trading community as a whole.

If you fit that profile, we'd be happy to have you! Drop by from time to time and let us know what you think. But, most importantly, find a constructive way to contribute to the overall mission of the CollaborativeFx!

Important Note:

I personally founded and built the CollaborativeFx, after I began working with an experienced MQL developer, for the purpose of attempting to convert portions of my manual prototype trading system into an automated MQL/MT4 based Expert Adisor for use in my closed-end private fund. In the process, and while building a private closed-end R&D collaborative, I thought it might be helpful to new and aspiring Traders, as well as those with experience who wanted to help their fellow peers, to include a Public Domain inside the CollaborativeFx for their benefit alone.

The primary theme in the CollaborativeFx, is the creation of Laboratories of learning and skills development. Therefore, the CollaborativeFx needs both the very well educated Fx Trader, and the Novice Trader as well, to complete the collaborative loop.

If you trade for a living, but also like the idea of periodically helping others succeed, and/or if you are a Novice trader who does not make their living as a Trader, but hopes to reach that level of efficiency in your trading, then come check us out in your spare time and see how you might be able to contribute to changing the face of retail Fx, forever!

Remember, its FREE, OPEN and we don't commercialize the Collaborative under any circumstances. So, you won't find requests for "Donationals," "Motherloads," or any "PayPal links," "Credit Card links," or other method of payment links, whatsoever.

Think of the CFx as an OPEN University with Laboratories designated for learning and growth. If you are an experienced Trader, then come be a Teacher. If you are a Novice Trader, then come be a Student until you can become a Teacher!

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Hello All!

Since I'm not selling anything, I guess it is ok to post this here.

oops! you obveously didn't read the site guidelines.

2. Mentioning other Web sites

2.1 It is fine to mention, link to, or discuss other Web sites that are of interest to our users, as long as they don't violate our other guidelines. But please don't use our community to generate traffic for another trading community. This goes against basic "etiquette." We'll delete posts that, in our judgment, mention or link to our competitors for the sole purpose of encouraging our users to participate elsewhere.

good luck anyway 🙂
oops! you obveously didn't read the site guidelines.

The CollaborativFx, is primarily a "Research Laboratory" for MT4 Expert Advisors, with both a Private and Public Domains for accomplishing the same. It is a site specifically designed for "Learning, Growing and Developing the Fx Trader." Most notably, the site's purpose and function is to "Unite both the Successful Trader, with the Novice Trader," in a "collaborative" environment - not mere a place to talk about Forex, like so many other sites provide.

So, there is little to no competition at all in real terms. What the CollaborativeFx is attempting to do, quite frankly, has not been done in the Retail Fx Community before.

Participation in the CollaborativeFx, is predicated on your "status" as a Trader. You must be either an Experienced Trader who generates their sole income through Fx trading, or you must be a Novice, who is willing to do your own homework "first" before asking questions of the Mentor (Experienced) Traders.

So, quite to the contrary, when you look at what's out there today and what has been out there for years in the Retail Fx online Community, you don't find the same intentional attempt to create a "collaborative environment" between the really experienced trader and the novice type trader.

The other side of the CollaborativeFx, is a Private Workflow Laboratory, created for the purpose of extending portions of my manual prototype trading system into MQL and EA form. That side of the site, is not open to the Public under any circumstances.

So, the site is quite different than Trade2Win, or any other Forex Related site that I've seen thus far - not that I've seen everyone of them to date, however.

A quick look at the CollaborativeFx Home Page and the externally accessible CollaborativeFx Portal Page, should help the reader understand the difference and the distinction between the CollaborativeFx and other kinds of Forex Sites for the Trader.

Trade2Win, is an open and free forum for the "general discussion" about Forex, which is a world away from the purpose and intent of the CollaborativeFx. Thus, there is no real competition between the two site. People can and do use Trade2Win for "general discussion about Forex." Likewise, people can use the CollaborativeFx, for specific collaboration between highly skilled Forex Traders and relatively Novice Forex Traders, in an environment that is specifically geared for Learning, Growing, Developing and Enhancing Fx Trading Skills and Knowledge.

Unless Trade2Win changes its focus and/or its reason for existing, there won't be any competitive strain with the CollaborativeFx.

I hope that clears it up. Thanks for the well wishes!