I might well blow my account..its happened before but not for a few years.😆 I find human behaviour so fascinating. Ross if you care so much for me why not just send me some of your trading rules for me to play with? I take it your a successful trader? I dont consider myself to be one, so why on earth I should expect credibility on this forum is anyones guess.
Peter thank you for understanding why I have posted so many threads...I to want others to see that it is wrong to just dismiss something off hand. Your team have done a great job on the new platform and yes its going to grow on me (but watch lists with performance please!!!)...and yes I am really excited that I can put in stops and profit taking at point of entry very very easily...this Ross may stop me from blowing accounts in the future, although I doubt it as I simply love making the "conviction trade" with no stops and no take profits lol. So know spreadbetter can spike me out very easily. (sorry PC) (Thats surely going to blow my account isn't it Ross?)
In a previous post I mentioned that I know a guy who made 60million by mistake (and that is the truth and he was 60+ years of age when it happened! So was very philosophical about it, and willing to share his profound views on the concept of success, as a result of his good fortune.)...dont you serious types realise that this is really the point? We all have fun trying to take control of a situation, its how we live every moment of our lives if we have any gumption. (PC must love his position cornering a small piece of everyones efforts!) but it can be just as easy to lose money (and make money) by design as it can be by accident...the point is do you really understand what happened? Did you learn from it? I started my gambling career on fruit machines! I learnt the game was rigged and never got back more than 74% of my money so I moved on. Then I got on the property ladder in a booming market and understood very quickly how leverage can build wealth (first time buyers mortgage 5 % down on an asset that went thru the roof...buying property "on margin") so I bought 7 of them! But I still didn't know which way the market was going, to believe I did would make me a mug. I was just lucky...I took a risk and was lucky!
I spent ages investing in mutual funds, hedge funds and all sorts and thru that I learnt money management (who in their right mind would put all their savings into just one fund? So I learnt money and risk management. Having some high risk funds and some low risk. Funny for me the high risk stuff has always gotten me better results even taking into account some complete capital losses...so how can it be higher risk? Theres a paradox for all to consider! Could it be that risk itself is a character triat of the individual making the decisions?
The only thing I have not yet learnt is to think big...like Goerge Soros or maybe even PC...so any tips there would be useful:clap: perhaps a massive leveraged position on ???? with no stops and no take profit until at least 6 zero's plus? Would that be a way to blow my account or make me rich? I dont have crystal ball so I dont know but I know for sure anyone with connections to Goldman (the vampire squid) knows better than me whats going on ! So a Private Message would be welcome PC? I'll place the winning bet on one of your competitors platforms if its going to cost you anything lol That way its a win win isnt it?