Best Thread CMC Markets owner answers your questions

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To cut the chase... does anybody like new gen plaftform from CMC?
It seems to me that except Peter (and his imaginary followers) everybody else is minority and can't stand the new platform.

Still trying to find somebody who likes it 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

That's cause it's only people who complain are gonna bother to say anything. No one who likes it will be bothered. So it doesn't mean anything in and of itself.

PC.... I will do some imaginary work for imaginary money if you want
hi arabian nights
thats great I will give you imaginary start date when I can imagine it
tks pc

That's cause it's only people who complain are gonna bother to say anything. No one who likes it will be bothered. So it doesn't mean anything in and of itself.

PC.... I will do some imaginary work for imaginary money if you want
Hi Tar
Thanks for your opinion but next gen sign ups are very impressive. Like I have said before three times more spread bet sign ups than year ago and growing.
I presume you are client of fxcm and ig to give this opinion.
thanks Peter

It doesnt mean it is better , u disappeared for years then u r back marketing this new platform ofcourse u will have new applications including marketmaker's clients who wants to try it , i dont want to give u a list of the advantages of other platforms over yours , it is a long list , but this is my own opinion .

Hi Peter, can you confirm whether the financing charged to a short UK equity position is the same as the charge for a long position i.e. a debit of 0.5% +2%? Thanks
Hi Tar
Fully appreciate your opinion but it should be based on the fact that you have or hold accounts with each sbet firm when you are making comparison on real trades.

I am not talking about migrated clients I am talking about new clients not existing clients. so three times more clients than one year ago not including existing clients migrating over. The rate of migration I cannot tell you but it is above 30 percent and below 60 percent and growing.

Whilst I accept that next gen will not appeal to every spread better as a business we have to go on stats not individual opinions. Like I have said stats are saying that we are on the right tracks. Doesnt mean we are resting on this and not improving but three times more spread bet clients than a year ago has to prove the new system is better than the old system. Or am I missing something.

It doesnt mean it is better , u disappeared for years then u r back marketing this new platform ofcourse u will have new applications including marketmaker's clients who wants to try it , i dont want to give u a list of the advantages of other platforms over yours , it is a long list , but this is my own opinion .

Hi nodga

If you are short stocks you do not receive interest. that might change when interest rates go higher but for the moment you will not receive interest on your short share positions.

thanks pc

Hi Peter, can you confirm whether the financing charged to a short UK equity position is the same as the charge for a long position i.e. a debit of 0.5% +2%? Thanks
Hi Tar
Fully appreciate your opinion but it should be based on the fact that you have or hold accounts with each sbet firm when you are making comparison on real trades.

I am not talking about migrated clients I am talking about new clients not existing clients. so three times more clients than one year ago not including existing clients migrating over. The rate of migration I cannot tell you but it is above 30 percent and below 60 percent and growing.

Whilst I accept that next gen will not appeal to every spread better as a business we have to go on stats not individual opinions. Like I have said stats are saying that we are on the right tracks. Doesnt mean we are resting on this and not improving but three times more spread bet clients than a year ago has to prove the new system is better than the old system. Or am I missing something.

Ofcourse i use Fxcm and IG among others .
That's cause it's only people who complain are gonna bother to say anything. No one who likes it will be bothered. So it doesn't mean anything in and of itself.

PC.... I will do some imaginary work for imaginary money if you want

👍 Good point but I'd still expect somebody to say something good.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the reply,i am now able to access my chart on the old platform,at least for now.Unlike some i think the new platform has potential and is better than the old.What i could not understand was how it was thought a good idea to release it when it lacked so many basic facilities.For example having a chart but not being able to place text etc on it.All it does it get users frustrated and so judge it unfairly.Surely it is better to delay release altogether until it offers a more complete package?
Hi Peter

I would loved to have released it all in one go and have all the bells and whistles. Clearly commercially this would have been the better thing to do. However, we decided to release what we had and keep the old system going to run parallel. Then obviously we would keep adding different things as next gen evolved. We are getting there now. It is such a fundamental change for us and for the sbet industry that it has taken time but the new releases are coming thick and fast now and you should see a lot more stuff coming out.

many thanks for taking the time to post.
regards Peter
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the reply,i am now able to access my chart on the old platform,at least for now.Unlike some i think the new platform has potential and is better than the old.What i could not understand was how it was thought a good idea to release it when it lacked so many basic facilities.For example having a chart but not being able to place text etc on it.All it does it get users frustrated and so judge it unfairly.Surely it is better to delay release altogether until it offers a more complete package?
no not yet. clients demand web version and iphone/ipad version. maybe one day but no immediate plans
tks pc
Forgot to ask... do you have a downloadable version or only browser-based?
I have to admit that all SB platforms slow down the browser and found it easier to use a downloadable version.
hi Tar
wait for next gen cfds. some amazing new stuff that is not out there now. I am sure you will like it. also more products coming on board.
will be with you in couple of weeks.

tks pc

Trying the demo currently but yeah maybe i will try the cfd version .
Hi Tar
Thanks for your opinion but next gen sign ups are very impressive. Like I have said before three times more spread bet sign ups than year ago and growing.
I presume you are client of fxcm and ig to give this opinion.
thanks Peter

Having three times more signing up than a year ago doesn't really mean much if you were hardly signing up any new clients at that time, which is quite possible judging by the level of disillusionment with CMC. Next gen is new and has been heavily promoted, so you're bound to attract punters.
Many of the posters here will have tried most of the SB opposition, so you can't just dismiss criticism. IG's GFT's and FXCM's platforms offer more than next gen.
Hi Ross
I was not dismissing criticism I was just saying you are wrong based on the stats. Also if competitors offer more then why are we doing so well in signing new clients. We have to be doing something right and all I am saying is that based on the client sign ons not every body agrees with you. Commercially speaking we are very happy with where we are with next gen.
I think you just love trying to wind me up because I am struggling to find a positive comment from you on this site.

tks pc

Having three times more signing up than a year ago doesn't really mean much if you were hardly signing up any new clients at that time, which is quite possible judging by the level of disillusionment with CMC. Next gen is new and has been heavily promoted, so you're bound to attract punters.
Many of the posters here will have tried most of the SB opposition, so you can't just dismiss criticism. IG's GFT's and FXCM's platforms offer more than next gen.
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