hi arabianights.
Happy to film me typing at 80 words per minute, typing my replies to convince all you cynics out there. I did try to find some body to answer for me but couldn't find an Arsenal supporter amongst my staff, they are all Tottenham supporters. Never told us that at the interview. ha ha
Perhaps you should send them off to be volunteers on "The Apprentice" ...
I can confirm that I have typed and responded 100 percent to every post on this site.
jackoclubs makes one posting and it is negative one. come on jackoclubs lets start off on the right note and say some thing positive even if it is about one of our competitors. I can live with that.
Having read up a little about you after you started posting here, I would venture to suggest that you didn't get where you are by being just the same as every other City boss.
And to Black Swan, I would say that in all fairness to T2W posters, Peter did specifically ask for people's reaction to the new platform, so it's hardly surprising if people have done exactly that.
Back to Peter, if I may ask a hopefully serious question:
Is it / would it be possible to have a trade on that could be set to close at a specified time/date (assuming that its stop-loss or take-profit hadn't already been hit)?
I can see 2 or 3 uses for this:
1. Say you are trading a few hours before an economic news event. You want to take advantage of any pre-news moves, but you don't want to get killed by the actual news event, so you set it to close, say, 15 minutes before the announced time of the event.
2. Similarly, you are happily trading away, but get called to a meeting which goes on for longer than normal, or to handle some crisis or other. Either you don't want to close it then, or you forget, but in any case, you don't want to leave it at the mercy of the market for an indeterminate time, so better to close it by a set time, even at a loss.
3. To avoid leaving day trades running overnight by accident.
It's normal on SB platforms for orders to open to be able to be set either GTC or to expire at a certain time, but I don't think I've seen a way of either opening or closing a trade at a set time, unless I've missed something obvious. Perhaps it can be done by indirect means.