1. It is not an issue for me at the moment, but on the demo I could not see the Bund (or other bonds). I would be surprised if you did not offer this, so is that just a demo limitation?
2. To say something positive, apart from the charts, the platform itself is growing on me.
3. I don't know if you actually have this on the live platform, or are planning it, but it would be good to provide the trader with some reasonably good performance reports. Personally, I haven't bothered too much about performance numbers in the past (maybe that's been my downfall 🙂 ), but I see some quite sophisticated reports being posted sometimes on T2W. Sometimes it will be people's own work, but I get the impression that some trading platforms do quite a lot in this area. As you have said you want the world of SB to be more like the world of ("proper") trading, it would be good to assist the spread-better to become as professional as possible. I'm thinking of things like win/loss ratios, drawdowns, and any other ratios or number which are considered important, when the trader is trying to judge his own performance, and rate of improvement (or the opposite).
One SB platform I use allows you to dump your account history into a spreadsheet, which is a good place for the person who wants to process their own numbers to start off with.
Many thanks,