Thanks very much appreciated.
but dont go soft on me need your good questions and pressurised questions. it is good for me, good for CMC Markets and good for the industry.
I believe it is about time that the spread bet industry stood up to be counted. I am truly sick and tired of stupid promotions, head line spreads. I believe spread betting to be the ultimate way to trade the financial markets. Why?
Because NOW you can execute trades on precision pricing, real time across most asset classes.
there is no cgt
there is no stamp duty.
you can trade fractions of a contract, eg £1 per point on FTSE when under line futures contract is approx. £58 per tick.
you can go long and short.
you receive dividends and corporate actions on share bets.
So much to offer and yet the financial spread bet industry has been borne out of a book making mentaility when it should have been borne of our a dealing mentality.
if you look now most major UK banks offer financial spread betting. The industry is changing and I want spread betting to be perceived as a strong financial product and the ultimate way to trade financial markets. To do that bets have to be executed as a financial product. I believe next gen does that with no fill or kill, precision pricing, price is good for an amount, no requotes, no ticket time out and no dealer referrals. I am ex trader from a bank and that is my mentality. quote the price, let the client trade and hedge the flows. That is what next gen does.
The journey has begun.
tks pc
Thanks a lot. Honestly, you are doing quite well and I enjoy very much reading your posts, keep it up.