Dear Wayne
Thanks for this blog and I appreciate your comments. so lets try and answer them. I can tell you that there never has been and never will be a company policy to clip clients on trades I do not know what happened before but lets try and answer your questions about next gen spread betting.
Firstly when you spread bet with us on next generation technology all prices and spreads are calculated electronically using algorithm software. No dealer is quoting the prices or executing trades. secondly all spread bet deals are executed electronically one hundred percent of the time. in other words we have taken the human element out of the process and just process everything electronically. There are no re-quotes, no fill or kill policy that cancels a ticket when the market moves. we execute every time, electronically. .
The system does not read you as a buyer or seller because it doesn't know your position before it quotes. It quotes independently every time regardless of whether you are buyer or seller.
secondly we publish spread charts to show our spreads and prices so you can check them for yourself. just select spread charts from charting menu on individual products.
Because of the investment in technology we are not about head line spreads we are about consistent spreads across all market conditions. I believe that if you looked at our spreads and measured them across all market conditions we would be the most competitive and consistent. It is really all down to technology not head line spreads and human intervention. in effect when you trade on next gen technology you are trading directly with a computer that is executing the trades. Next gen dealers at cmc manage net risk not execute or quote trades.
I will try to answer your question about clients but all i can say is that we do not target any specific client set. If you look at the the way we execute trades you can execute with us on most major products for large amounts. we are good for example up to £200 per point on uk 100 and this will get bigger early next year when we have more technology coming through I fully expect us to be good for £1000 or more per point on Uk 100 early next year when more technology is available. we are not after any particular client size or type. all are welcome.
I hope you give us a try. why not start small. you can even come to the office to discuss your situation to try and help you understand how we work. let me know if you want to come in and we can have a coffee.
hope the above is helpful
i have a question that i never really received an answer for when i was using cmc back in 2006. i recall cmc taking an additional pip when a trades target\stop was hit. When i approached cmc about it, i was told that it was due to liquidity. So i began testing this theory out while the markets were extremely thin (21:00 to 23:00). I noticed the additional pip was taken even during the thin market. in fact i managed to receive a 100% consistent validation of this fact over 20 samples at different times. I trade very differently nowadays and an extra pip isnt a big deal at all however, i do feel that cmc falsely marketed tight spreads when in fact they were larger when you take into account the closing of a trade. when i moved to a non SB and also when i tested ecn brokers i received a closing trade that was exactly as stated on the screen.
would you care to explain this? although i would love to return to tax free trading i just don't know what else is hidden in the system that is designed to peal money from me unknowingly. i don't for a second think that you guys are out to rob people because your business would fail very quickly if that was the fact. i do however want to feel that warm fuzzy feeling inside that is a broker that earns while i earn and wants to keep me there for the long haul with my best interests at heart. for this to occur i need a broker that is completely transparent in their processes and happy to respond to questions without lying about it.
also, could you disclose any information on the number of long time active clients you have. if you could filter out the small fish too that would be nice. i would like to know that you guys really do have consistent clients using your service. if you can answer these questions with integrity i might be swayed to return to tax free trading using your service.