They might have to do a rethink if everyone just uses a different SB. Even if the spread you actually got was wider, why else would you use CMC?
I guess a lot of Dow traders will move to Captitalspreads.🙂
Guess again 🙂 , what about slippage , uptime , customer service , margins , speed , withdrawals , overnight charges , ... etc , really 1 pip or 1.4 or even 2 doesn't matter that much , it is still a factor but a minor one , there are many other factors to consider as well , so to change to CS just because of a 0.4 pips difference that's just stupid , as if CS is in a good shape and has a great platform !
I would agree with you if it wasn't for the case that CS is a really good company with almost zero slippage. CMC increases the spread by 100%, it could also mean less slippage, hopefully so. CS is by far perfect, but the execution model they implement is in my point of view outstanding in the industry. Yes the platform have a lot to be desired. But you know, I will take that, as I am confident they will give me a price I agreed upon (unless invalid price of course). They will honor the stop loss in a percentage rate that I have not seen with another SB company, and that say a lot to me them being a market maker.Guess again 🙂 , what about slippage , uptime , customer service , margins , speed , withdrawals , overnight charges , ... etc , really 1 pip or 1.4 or even 2 doesn't matter that much , it is still a factor but a minor one , there are many other factors to consider as well , so to change to CS just because of a 0.4 pips difference that's just stupid , as if CS is in a good shape and has a great platform !
So CMC made the changes to the spreads today, and did double the US30 spread to 1.4, which isn't ideal. However they did a lot of other changes as well, of which I like the introduction of what they call Forwards. Which are basically Futures contracts with their spread applied. So far from manually viewing the charts they seem to track the prices well, but I think the key difference of these to the cash products is that they have no daily financing cost or carry costs other than the end of contract rollover. Which is a positive for people wanting to use adjustable leverage and reduce their overall fees. (This is for the CFD account)
So at first look it seems that the changes will benefit swing traders the most, but adversely effect intra-day traders. But day traders should be trading proper futures accounts imo anyway, as bucket shop accounts are not suitable for that.
Hi isatrader, indeed it says financing cost none but just below it says roll-over spread. So for your example, every day gold, you will lose 0.25?
Perhaps I am missing something?
I think cmc have decided to target the non serious blow your account quick punter rather than provide a serious trading platform.
I think it is better if you start a new thread on the subject.🙂Hello
I am new to this community and I have just started trading forex.Can anyone tell me about a simple system to trade.I do hope there is someone who is willing to guide me in this wonderland.
I am new to this community and I have just started trading forex.Can anyone tell me about a simple system to trade.I do hope there is someone who is willing to guide me in this wonderland.