Craig, the only asset CMC have is Ashraf Laidi. Other than that, CMC are a joke / the platform is a joke. CMC's service is a joke. CMC coming on here is a joke. CMC advertising here is a joke. CMC's days are numbered as there are too many better alternative SERVICE providers. If you want your clients back, you'll have to pay them with cold hard cash to come back, otherwise you're wasting your time here.
If CMC wants to change for the better, they should start by changing their name, as the name CMC is doo doo on the street.
I don't wish CMC luck, I hope CMC find it unprofitable to be in business. I hope CMC go out of business, however i doubt this will happen anytime soon as Cruddas has more than enough doolah's to keep the company afloat, and we all know where those doolah's came from!
Bit harsh I think 😱