CMC markets -legal action

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["If, for example, you had evidence that CMC were exercising your instructions based on conditions different to other clients (i.e. they singled you out in order that a Stop was breached), then you might have something. Still, I doubt very much that even if you had any evidence to show this, it would be admissible in court."

This is one of the thing and proving that is not a big deal, i have already have enough evidence of that. But i dont have enough evidence to prove if this is co's general business practise. They intentionaly change the conditions you trade to steal from you.

Say if you ftse100 is 5000 and you place a normal size trade. They delay your trade intentionly and wait for the price to move. Either way it moves they take the difference. Price they trade and price your trade got fillled are different.
i still managed to increased the amount to over 250k before i gave back 100k. i like their software and system if they let you trade properly. At the moment I dont do much trades with them. and i missed the definite change to get it to a million. That annoys me.
I also have a jurnalist who is interested in makin a story about them. If you had similiar problems with them, let me know i can give his number and you can tell your experience with them.
putting on my naive cap:
could you not have two accounts open. (obviously from two differetn people, but sitting side by side)

could you empirically show that a large trade was delayed while an identical trade of a smaller amount get through quickly?
bear in mind, CMCs risk has to be considered, and a large amount may need to be manually considered. much as you dislike CMC, this would be no different than someone (in a brokers) coming in and wanting 500,000 shares of Microsoft, and demanding they get them all for the price on the screen.
when, in reality, the shares could only be bought at quantities and prices the buyers are willing to sell at, and thus the actual average price would be different to the screen-price. This could account for the discrepancies you see at CMC when you deal in size.

putting on my cynical cap:
how many PMs are you getting asking about this system you have that generates such large returns?
Is this thread an oblique attempt to harvest interest in your system?

good luck. as per previous experienced members, CMC will win. Horses for courses. You use the platform/broker to suit the trading style. If you had 250K, and lost 100K, you still have 150K to take to a brokers and apply your system to make your 1Mill.
good luck.

You had £250k with them and gave back a £100k? You've still £150K - stop poncing around web-sites asking the advice of barrack-room lawyers (like myself). Get a decent law firm from the City.

Grant (DLL).
i have already got them. What do you think i am doing here. I am collecting more evidence and thanks to few people on this site they do confirm my point about this co. All i want people with similiar problems to come forward.

We all know the trading game, we make or lose money but if a company starts messing up with you and intentionaly tries to destroy, i think i have right to bring them down. This co deserves to be brought down and it is not imposiable. like turnin 1k into 1 million, you anly need ten good deal.:cheesy:
yes i have done what you said, same computer same connection, same instrument and same amount and i have recorded this many times.

About making so called huge returns, I dont give trading advice and i dont ask anything from anybody. But if you dont believe me and take a chance and ask me to prove it. i will prove it, if only you have 10k spare. I will give you all the trades i have done since march and I will take your 10k to spend it. If i dont prove it then i give you 10k myself. Do you want to bet? My advice is dont.
one advice i will ask from everyone. I do need a SP co to open a account. But they have to be relaiable, and more importantly execute trades instantly or less then two seconds. Do you know anyone very reliable and fast.
whiff of a scam here....

just a faint aroma at the moment though...

you right it is a scam. change your picture.

why do i get people like you replying. All i am asking, againg, does anybody have similiar problems with CMC to prove that i am not alone and this is not a rare case as they claim. Which part of this sentence, do you not understand?
Right - that's it right there. You're very clearly going to be shown up as a total hypocrite in court (assuming this even gets that far). You don't mind picking them off for latent prices etc, but you can't stand it if they're not whiter than white when they deal with you.

Go on - litigate. Can't wait. Please let me know when it goes to court. I may even volunteer my services as an unbiased expert witness. There are lots of 'sharp practices' perpetrated by the SB bookies I'm sure, but what I'm also sure of is that 99% of the time the biggest moaners about it are people who are not at all averse to trying to hit a slow price just after payrolls etc, and as such, imho, get all they deserve.

But hey - just my $0.02


Expert in what field? It seems like you have lost so many times, cant even stand

I had similiar replies back in 2001 (i think) when i said to shareholders and FSA that one time ftse100 company is publishing misleading information and directors were lying about the financial soudness of the co. they all attacked me and telling me i have secret agenda. That realy annoyed me and i have managed to get over 15% shareholders support in few months to prove them that directors were lying. Four days after i send a fax to co to call for AGM asap. They declared insolvent. If they didnt, there was a good chance, they could have end up in a city cell.

So please everone, just dont waste your time with irrelavent replies, more importantly dont waste my time.
you right it is a scam. change your picture.

why do i get people like you replying. All i am asking, againg, does anybody have similiar problems with CMC to prove that i am not alone and this is not a rare case as they claim. Which part of this sentence, do you not understand?

Dude, you already must have plenty of friends, coz you're sure as h*** won't make many here with that attitude. Btw, your story just doesn't make any sense, which most of the people trying to help you here surely are aware of at this point.
you right it is a scam. change your picture.

why do i get people like you replying. All i am asking, againg, does anybody have similiar problems with CMC to prove that i am not alone and this is not a rare case as they claim. Which part of this sentence, do you not understand?

one issue i've come across lately;

I use the web plateform of late, and I've had a few trades "rejected". I've place dthe deal again, only to find my initial trade had gone through and I';vge doubled up.

This hhas happened 3 times - the first 2 they acknowledged a glitch in their web platform and cancelled the trades - this time I'm told I left it too long and I'd hhave to cancel at my cost. Appently I should call and confirm that the deal hasn't been done if it's rejected on screen - which seems totally unacceptable.

The chap suggetsed I downloaded their software, which although sensible, renders their web platform useless to me.

I'm talking a few quid here mind - and overall I can't fault their service.

Expert in what field? It seems like you have lost so many times, cant even stand

I had similiar replies back in 2001 (i think) when i said to shareholders and FSA that one time ftse100 company is publishing misleading information and directors were lying about the financial soudness of the co. they all attacked me and telling me i have secret agenda. That realy annoyed me and i have managed to get over 15% shareholders support in few months to prove them that directors were lying. Four days after i send a fax to co to call for AGM asap. They declared insolvent. If they didnt, there was a good chance, they could have end up in a city cell.

So please everone, just dont waste your time with irrelavent replies, more importantly dont waste my time.

You arrogant twit. Don't you waste ours.
Dude, you already must have plenty of friends, coz you're sure as h*** won't make many here with that attitude. Btw, your story just doesn't make any sense, which most of the people trying to help you here surely are aware of at this point.

i have enough good friends, for your remarks which i cant put in here, all i can say, i dont need sad b****88
can you please justify why you think it is you can feel free to pick them off when they have a slow price/wrong print but when they move their sheets and you get picked off it is a matter for the courts?

that is, if you have time in your busy schedule of course.

have a look at the real, exchange regulated market....someone makes a wrong price, they get picked off and there is no comeback on the exchange. works both ways. if on an exchnage this happnes what makes you think that an independent bookmaker will be any different?

it's all sunshine and happiness when you're picking off the bookie but guess who bangs the drum the loudest when the tables are turned. the way i see it is you got hung but you still have £150k. Go into the proper market and employ your system and make the big bucks.
one issue i've come across lately;

I use the web plateform of late, and I've had a few trades "rejected". I've place dthe deal again, only to find my initial trade had gone through and I';vge doubled up.

This hhas happened 3 times - the first 2 they acknowledged a glitch in their web platform and cancelled the trades - this time I'm told I left it too long and I'd hhave to cancel at my cost. Appently I should call and confirm that the deal hasn't been done if it's rejected on screen - which seems totally unacceptable.

The chap suggetsed I downloaded their software, which although sensible, renders their web platform useless to me.

I'm talking a few quid here mind - and overall I can't fault their service.


how long does your trades take in not volatile market conditions?
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