CMC Account Problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter AGB
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Re - Capital Spreads:

I've deleted my post since it was inaccurate.

You are right - their daily forex has an attractive low spread
and charts.
I can't even logon to Marketmaker now.

Last time I looked some 15 minutes ago still showing NIL balance.

Cant log on to either platform , no Dec contract folder on the Lite platform & a mess up of orders.....what a farse!

this was the last thing they wanted to do with 'new competition ' just springing up, but if people start to close account they will only have themselves to blame
I put in a buy order on the FTSE cash, which was OK, and then pressed the sell order button and nothing has happened. The market has fallen and I cant contact D4F by telephone or e-mail or log on to MarketMaster. Anybody else having this problem? If you are what are you doing about it?
Certainly am, and it's extremely irritating. Managed to log on for just long enough to place a trade that may or may not have been confirmed and now I can't log back in after repeated attempts. I imagine they're fielding a deluge of angry phone calls at the moment so we'll have to be patient.
logged on now, but my damn Account is STILL saying that im losing more than i am....bloody annoying!
I've had problems too & waited on the phone for 10mins before speaking to someone.

Luckily it was only about a limit order I was trying to place so no damage. But I asked the man what would have happened if I was in a trade that was going badly against me & he said that they would know how long someone had been waiting on the phone & the prices. Said they'd put the trades right - so moral is 'Hang onto the phone till someone answers'.

Not trying anymore trades today as this happened to me yesterday afternoon & had loads of incorrect margin calls over the w/e.
I have now managed to log on and have closed the trade at a 36 point loss. I e-mailed them between the two trades stating that I had pressed the sell button earlier and had no response. I understand that their server will know that I tried to close the trade so will I have any comebacks with them.
Who knows?

But they've put everything right on my account & say they are aware of the problems people are having getting through. I'd call them & sort it out.

Good luck
I'm also taking regular print-outs of my 'All orders' blotter so that I can prove all my trades.

It's quite simple - with the mouse within the blotter somewhere, press the right click button. Then there's an option to print the blotter.

I'm print out my 'current positions' too.

I had a worrying weekend with large margin calls that I knew couldn't be right, but as their system was down they couldn't check.

Have now managed to logon.

Guess what? Balance still NIL.

It has now been like this for 5+ hours.

Application to FXCM will be in the post shortly.

my account is still about 70 quid lower than it should be aswell. cant seems to get an answer out of them as to when it will be fixed...!! %^$#heads

After reading the posts above I think I will open a mini account with FXCM UK, and pay tax on any gains.

😱 😢
My account has got the correct balcnce, if i go over to the web-based platform, but is still wrong when going through MM5. Good thinking Neil. When i've got my 'financial situation' sorted, i.e have saved up some dollar, i wann leave steal4free aswell. Would have to rob a bank to trade with IB though, as in the 25K to daytrade stocks and the minis....
Keano, you don't need $25k to trade e-mini's with IB. $2,000 would be enough, but at least $5,000 per contract is more realistic really.
Just thought I would have a look at CMC before I went to bed, last checked at 9pm when I still had a nil balance.

My money is back!!!!

It has only taken about 12 hours.

Has certainly given me some cause for concern, at the moment I am only trading £1 per pip, my intention is to eventually increase to £10.

In view of what has happened today, as I said before, I think I will be looking at FXCM etc. rather than CMC

Ditto AGB!!!

After 14 hours they are finally showing a Cash Balance!!!

But after phone calls and numerous emails , no sign of even a hint of an explanation or apology!!!

If Barclays Bank had wiped out all its customers credit balances on their current accounts for the day, we wouldnt have heard the end of it!!

I, for one, will be casting my vote by moving my money elsewhere!
CMC Problems

Likewise with my account, except I appear to have a rogue trade that I didn't place (£3 pp Long on DOW). I don't know what to do since this has happened before where I have tried to close the position yet opened a new one in the opposite direction.

Most of today my account has been showing a deficit of about £500. In addition, they had placed automatic liquidation stops on the account which I could not cancel.

The helpdesk might as well not even exist too. When I finally managed to get through, the person I spoke to sounded totally uninterested ans simply said they were aware of a problem.

Not happy.
I had huge shock when I came home from work to find a margin call & 3K gone thought I had done something terrible only to find out it was D4F. Reassured me it was OK and told me to look at Client reports not client positions and this gave me my true reading even though my account said Nil.
well I will defo not be placing any trades until they get their act together. Farcical!