Closing a position?


Legendary member
Is it possible to automatically close say 50% of a position when you're 20 pips in profit (without writing a script)? Or will I have to do this manually? (Or write a script?)
Is it possible to automatically close say 50% of a position when you're 20 pips in profit (without writing a script)? Or will I have to do this manually? (Or write a script?)

Easier to use broker with 0.01 lots or trade 0.1 lots *2 and set separate t/p targets

or get a programmer to write t/p half + half rules in ea

In MT4 and Alpari, you can close off a partial position just change the number of lots to close on the close screen.
Thanks; really wanted to have it done automatically as soon as it hits a particular level. Bit like a partial Take Profit level.
on the demo account if I trade 3 lots and want to close one at a certain profit then anaother at a second profit level and let the third run, how can I part close orders on MT4??
Need to have 3 separate trades with different TPs.


MT4 doesn't allow you to automatically partially close a trade. Do you know any way round this? 🙂
I started coding the pseudocode for this. Need to get around to it sometime;

mainly - take profit % at x number areas. + Move stop loss once target hit etc.

Although, i dont even use MT4 anymore. Perhaps wait till MT5 is out, hopefully that will be a function.
IBFX mt4

MT4 doesn't allow you to automatically partially close a trade. Do you know any way round this? 🙂

Got this reply from IBFX can this be done will try later???

Hello Frankie,
Close out the order but change the volume from a 2, which it will default to, to a 1. This will close one lot and leave the other open.

Martin Hertel
Client Services
[email protected]