C ChartMan Legendary member Messages 5,580 Likes 47 Aug 2, 2001 #1 Sharky- Dave cant get onto a PC at work to close his position and has asked mo to post a close request for both his entries- guts me no end he beat me again🙁 price 17p for short and 2.72 for long. Thx
Sharky- Dave cant get onto a PC at work to close his position and has asked mo to post a close request for both his entries- guts me no end he beat me again🙁 price 17p for short and 2.72 for long. Thx
Sharky Staff Messages 5,950 Likes 614 Aug 17, 2001 #2 Opps Seems I missed that request, oh well sorry Dave! Have to bear with me while im here on holiday in spain. Sharky.
Opps Seems I missed that request, oh well sorry Dave! Have to bear with me while im here on holiday in spain. Sharky.