"In short The US citizens are the RATs" ...that's a bit extreme , I know they are unpopular
"easy we will make these mutants sterile so they cannot breed." ..if this is proposed for the "us rats" it's going to make a lot of people very happy ... Insha'Allah
"fat buggers " ...the US got there without any modified foods and the UK is following them fast. It isn't the meek who will inherit the earth ,it's the porkers
...can't breed for s...t ,but eat ... world champs !
Hi chump, o.k. , with the rats and US citizens, just a term, of course I dont see any other humans as or imply them as a lower ya know.
But the scientist detected the rats dna carried the modified dna from the food it was given , now the US citizens have been eating gentically modified food for the last 8 years without any requirement for the industry to point out ...
"Hey this food has been buggered about with gentically, you may want to consider not eating it because no long term study has been carried out on the effects of consuming genetically modified food and its effects on your own DNA, yes your kids' ,kid's friends uncle may have 2 heads and real cauliflowers as ears."
mm with the sterilization of mutated living animals as foodstuffs for humans, hmm isnt it a bloody shame that all life on earth may and is being manufactured this way ? why doesnt man work with the existing natures environment so natural animals can breed naturally ?
Apparently in canada there isnt any natural soyabean crops, none. only the gentically modified crops.
In india, monsanto marketed to the indian cotton farmers to buy monsanto's wonder yielding ,desease resisting cotton seeds. They are more expensive but you get a bigger bang for the buck ? Well no, the crops are failing, yielding less than the natural cotton crops cost more and the indians need to spend even more money (raise finance) on pestisides. The farmers are going bankrupt and 50% of them commit suicide.
But not only that its again another biological contamination (GM modified seeds being dispursed by nature, birds, wind, rains etc) that once out cannot be stopped. The long term effects of this ?
Gawd knows, but some scientists studying the test tube foodstuffs notice agression (in fish) killing all the natural species of the same breed. Also organic farmers once their land is bio contaminated with GM seeds blowing onto their lands, well they cant sell as organic any more.
Some lawsuits are ongoing in the US regarding this.
In the UK I think theres a problem with GM farmers not being able to get insurance because of the bio contamination of the GM seed being carried to ? LOL wherever nature takes it, miles, hundreds of miles away...
Some salmon (DNA modified) have escaped into the natural environment apparently, what will happen ?
So, the solution to bio contamination of earths living creatures? LOL..... er, mmm. Dont forget big bucks at stake. when you have man and money on opposite sides its not uncommon for the former to put the latter as a priority.
I'd like to think, T2win members might be able to find the solution for this huge issue.