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Margaret Hamilton: She invented the term software engineering.

1963/1964 – While developing the guidance and navigation systems for the Apollo missions, computer scientist and systems engineer Margaret Hamilton coins the term “software engineering.” Hamilton felt that software developers earned the right to be called engineers.

She was director of the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, which developed on-board flight software for NASA's Apollo program.
Hamilton in 1969, standing next to listings of the software she and her MIT team produced for the Apollo project
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Have you ever watched the youtube live about the countries debts all around the world?
Can you post - copy YT URL and paste - preview - reply post.
Note: I am not responding with likes as it becomes a bother. Some will like, others not. It's irrelevant.
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One of the first challenges for motorcyclists, after some competency, is to do the ton – 100 mph (160 km/h).

The fastest speed at which humans have traveled is 39,937.7 km/h (24,816.1 mph). The command module of Apollo 10, carrying Col. (later Lieut Gen.) Thomas Patten Stafford, USAF.

Actually, that is hopelessly under the fastest speed humans have traveled.
I have been doing 1,3 millions mph (2,092 million km/h) since birth. So have you.

1. Every 24 Hours the earth complete one revolution resulting in day and night.
2. Someone located on the equator line, at say Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is traveling at 1,000 mph (miles per hour). Someone standing at the exact North Pole will not be traveling but only be spinning round on the same spot. Someone located at London is traveling at 650 mph.
3. Now – The earth is orbiting the sun at 67,00 mph or 18.5 mps (miles per second).
4. Now - our sun – which is a star - with all its revolving planets is called a solar system and lives in the Milky Way Galaxy. And – as you guessed – the Milky Way Galaxy is spinning. Our sun travels in the Milky Way Galaxy at 514,495 mph or 8,574 mps.
5. Now - the Milky Way Galaxy with our sun and planets (the solar system) is traveling through space at 1,300,000 mph, or 1.3 million mph or 21,667 mps.
6. So – in essence we are all high speed travelers in space and time. 'Boy racers' need to bet a grip !
7. Finally – the age of our sun is at the yellow dwarf stage in life. In about 5 billion years from now our local sun will run out of hydrogen which will cause it to expand into a red giant. As the sun grows in size it will engulf planet Mercury, then planet Venus, then planet Earth. After the red giant phase the sun will collapse into a white dwarf but will continue to radiate heat for billions of years until it eventually fades away as a 'dead star'.

Such is the story of our solar system. Serious global warming on the way !
Pizza - 0.jpg

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1. Think of a number
2. Double it
3. Add 6
4. Divide it in half
5. Subtract the number you started
6. The answer is 3
7. Correct?