Climate Action = A New Tomorrow

Good Saturday Morning.

Great start to the weekend here.

Every Saturday we get a nice big hot breakfast.

Michigan Football comes on at noon.

Looking forward to spending tomorrow together with my Dad.

We plan on going to the local park for a walk with our family dog Chloe.

Should be a great way to spend a day.

Everyone enjoy a nice weekend.

Take Good Care

Hi Folks.

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice Saturday afternoon.

Sure looks like Michigan showed up to play against Arkansas State today.

Still up big 21 to 3 In the 3rd quarter.

Nice to see them play well again.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Take Good Care

Good Wednesday Morning

Wasn't able to see my Dad or Sister as planned on Sunday.

Voices have been really bad & not allowing me to sleep at night.

They are sick & making me sick.

Without proper sleep I'm unable to stay safe, stable & hospital free.

After a few days in the crisis center or hospital the voices do settle down & become stable.

I continue to do well & put forth my best effort to keep all of society safe.

Thank Goodness for the folks & staff in the facilities helping ppl become safe & stable in society.

I'm able to get a little rest at night now & becoming safe & stable again.

Living a nice normal life free from a facility is my current goal.

I am determined to recover & keep my mind calm safe & stable.

Spending time with my nieces & nephew again means I've got to be free from hospital.

Recently the voices have been so awful at my home I'm unable to stay safe or stable there.

My support team knows I'm still trying hard to recover & they are there to help me in my efforts.

Thank You for your time & Interest in my life & trading journal over the years.

Everyone enjoy a nice day.

I'm going to write up another stock related post.
Tuesday my portfolio was up over a full percent.

Big Gainers

Good Evening T2W.

Slightly down day on Wednesday, but premarket figures for Thursday look amazing.

Good day here today at the crisis center.

I am in the process of applying for admissions into a couple safe & stable long term facilities.

I believe I did say my goal was to stay facility free. Short term facilities aren't places for living.

The places i am looking into are long term & intended for living, recovery & rehabilitation.

Very glad to be making some progress the last couple days.

Thankful for my support team as well.

There are good folks who care about me in this world.

We are working together to help me live a safe & stable life.

Might be able to write up a great success post for us tomorrow afternoon?

Investing wisely in our planet is awesome.

Be Happy

Stay Healthy

Everyone enjoy a nice night.

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Good Morning Everyone.

All week i have been reaching out to my support team in an attempt to secure a placement into a long term recovery program.

Feel like good progress was made & that everything will work itself out for the better. Also hope & feel like I'm in good hands.

I enjoy the folks & staff at my current home but have been unable to stay stable there due to the voices & sleep deprivation.

My group therapist from Courtyard Manor in Wixom came to visit here. Her name is Megan & she helps people find placement. She specializes in providing people with nice homes for living. I do believe she was able to get me back on the list for placement at Courtyard.

It was such a great experience at Courtyard Manor my first stay. In over 20 years of trying I was able to find an awesome place that really worked for me. We spent over 3 years together in Wixom. I enjoyed life with lots of friends, the staff was awesome & my freedom felt great. I lived life out of the hospital there for over a year. Laura works in social work & made me a neat certificate celebrating my success & freedom at Courtyard.

If it weren't for covid maybe I never would of left?

Anyways, I was able to speak to a really nice lady named April. Courtyard Manor is like one big family & she has been with the family there for over 30 years. She has reccomended that i receive another chance to love life again.

It is a unique dynamic living with folks a lot older than me. That's cool though. I loved my grandparents so much growing up. They helped raise me while I was studying engineering while in Florida. Old folks need lots of love too. Happy i might be given another chance to show some love to everyone there again.

Anyways, big day for me today with my release from the crisis center. Hope to be back at Courtyard soon. I do believe they are working on getting me back in when there is an opening.

A big thank you to Serenity & Pat who are in charge. They are very nice, kind, compassionate people at the Manor.

Please provide me with an opportunity to live a great life again. I do love the folks there. We have had some great times & made some cool memories together.

Everyone enjoy a nice Saturday morning & great day of college football today.

Big game for Michigan

Go Blue!
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Hi Everyone.

There was a NAMI walk here in Michigan today.

The national awareness for mental illness is a great organization.

I've never been able to attend the walk but would really like to one day. Next year I hope to help raise awareness & be there with my parents support.

My Dad has suggested I donate some of my drawings & time to NAMI. Supporting people who are in need of mental health support could be an awesome way to help contribute to a good cause. I would be happy to help improve myself & our society in any way.

I do believe our communities need all our help. Donating time at the local food banks & in the library has been very rewarding. The humane society also offers opportunities & needs volunteers.

My drawings might be a small contribution, but they might really help some folks in recovery. Those pictures are really easy to process. I try to keep them nice & simple with a good positive message. I love making them & hope they bring people some joy in this world. Producing images that bring about a smile on someone's face is really neat.

It does seem like a great way to spend some time. Helping folks who need support with a mental health illness in our community I believe is beautiful. We could all benefit from more love & support for one another.

Mental Health really does matter.

No one in this world is perfect.

Hopefully Courtyard Manor allows me an opportunity in recovery.

A chance to live life free again would be awesome.

Please support recovery for folks in need of help & treatment.

Let's keep hope alive for everyone in need today.

Thanks you all for reading.

Everyone enjoy a nice weekend.
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Hi Folks.

Free from the hospital tonight.

My birthday is in a few days.

Planning on getting together with family for a nice afternoon & dinner this week.

Glad to be home & making an effort to live free.

Awareness to climate change has been such a huge part of my life.

Sad we are experiencing such severe weather recently.

Hope everyone in Florida can safely evacuate before hurricane Milton makes landfall.

The storm surge they are predicting sounds really awful.

Please help me in my efforts to take climate action today.

Let's make sure our floods, fires, tornadoes & hurricanes don't get even worse.

Everyone take good care tonight.

I'm going to post up a few drawings for us all to view.

Congratulations to the Detroit Tigers advancing in the playoffs.

Hope we are able to post up a win against Cleveland next game.
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Hi Folks.

On my way to a recovery center for treatment tonight.

Everyone enjoy a nice night & have a good weekend.

Please believe in love & help make things better.

Take Good Care

Hi Guys & Gals.

Very thankful I am free & stable tonight.

I was accepted into a recovery center & will be arriving to start the program tonight.

Looking forward to beginning my recovery journey.

Maybe one day I will be able to help others like those who have helped me.

Please continue to believe, support & invest in a sustainable planet earth.

