City trader owes 70m vanishes

I just wouldn't be able to live with it. Probably why I'll never accept to manage other people's money
Scam Funds
Boiler rooms
Rouge Brokers
Internet Rooms
Spread Bet Firms
Trading Coaches
Seminar Sellers
System and Software Vendors
Newsletters & Signal services
Prop Firms

The scammers/snake oil sellers/charlatans/bull sh!tters all trying to take your money exceeds the number of profitable traders in this industry by a huge margin.

Read all those. Thank God I'm not associated with any of that lot, except spreadbet firms.
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One day Jesse Livermore called his two sons into the library at “Evermore” on Long Island. He sat behind the massive desk and the two boys sat down in front of him. He leaned forward and took a wad of cash out of his pocket. He peeled off ten one dollar bills. He did this twice, then folded the bills and handed each boy a pack of ten ones. The boys sat looking at him, each holding their money. “Boys, always carry your money folded and in your left pocket. Go ahead do it. You can keep the money.” The boys did as they were told and put the folded money in their left pockets. “You see, pickpockets always go for a person’s wallet, which is usually in the back pocket. Or they will come up behind you and go for your right front pocket, because most people are right handed. You all right with this so far, boys?” he asked. The boys nodded. He continued. “All right, that’s why you keep your paper money folded in your left pocket. See, if a pickpocket gets into your left pocket, and he gets that close to your balls, you’re going to know about it.”
The boys looked at each other. Their father continued. “Don’t ever lose your cash boys—that’s the moral of this story. Keep it close to your balls, and don’t let anyone near it.”

One day Jesse Livermore called his two sons into the library at “Evermore” on Long Island. He sat behind the massive desk and the two boys sat down in front of him. He leaned forward and took a wad of cash out of his pocket. He peeled off ten one dollar bills. He did this twice, then folded the bills and handed each boy a pack of ten ones. The boys sat looking at him, each holding their money. “Boys, always carry your money folded and in your left pocket. Go ahead do it. You can keep the money.” The boys did as they were told and put the folded money in their left pockets. “You see, pickpockets always go for a person’s wallet, which is usually in the back pocket. Or they will come up behind you and go for your right front pocket, because most people are right handed. You all right with this so far, boys?” he asked. The boys nodded. He continued. “All right, that’s why you keep your paper money folded in your left pocket. See, if a pickpocket gets into your left pocket, and he gets that close to your balls, you’re going to know about it.”
The boys looked at each other. Their father continued. “Don’t ever lose your cash boys—that’s the moral of this story. Keep it close to your balls, and don’t let anyone near it.” well as remember boys, the key to become a honourable man is to keep the promise, that said, if you say that you ll be there on the 1st of Sep, you dont mean the 3rd of Septemeber
The moral of it all is never let a guy called Nick in control of your funds you might lose ya barings lol
This happens over and over again despite all of your warnings from here. Someone gets a cold call and are told give me your money. I know I don't let anyone near my balls, let alone a stranger, so why would I let them have my money. I have to have a close relationship with them before I let them play with my balls. When they know me, they don't dare ever ask to have free access without my knowledge, no matter how good it feels or how much money you might be BSted into thinking you can make.