cisi certificate in investment management or imc

Hello Majicka,

Is there any other way that trading equities or currencies, you can legaly collect funds from friends or clients and trade on thier behalf, or you can trade from your account and share the profit with them...?

I've met people who worked for hedge funds and long only funds, who only had the IMC.
Really? Strange considering that IMC doesn't cover FSA regs.

Did they have previous experience? Or were they qualified by experience i.e. working before FSA was formed?

I thought it did but then I've got the CISI Certificates, so I may well be wrong. No, they joined as graduates, working in the front office. I've seen quite a few front office jobs advertised in sales and trading that just want the CISI Certs. Would the CFA really be that useful?

I dunno, I personally think people make too big a deal of qualifications. Working in the markets is unlike other jobs, in that you're learning every day. There's always more news and other information to take in - I'd rather work with someone who was less qualified but had experience and a feel for the markets than a highly qualified grad fresh out uni.
Hello Majicka,

Is there any other way that trading equities or currencies, you can legaly collect funds from friends or clients and trade on thier behalf, or you can trade from your account and share the profit with them...?

As far as I know, to get paid in any way for trading by clients, you need to be FSA registered, as well as your firm being registered.
Does anyone know the pass rate for the New IMC (level 4)?

And yes, the "New IMC" (thats how they are calling the IMC Level 4) covers FSA regulations. That + CFA Level 1 gets you RDR/FSA Compliant.
The pass mark is somewhere between 65% and 75%. That's as clear an answer as I could get from the CFA.
To my understanding, the 'new' IMC now negates the need to additionally take CFA1 in order to be RDR compliant, as used to be the case with the 'old' IMC.
Hi, I am looking for IMC Study materials -ideally from 7city or CISI -please get in touch if you have these and looking to sell

much appreciated
Woah sorry guy I see what you're saying now. I though you were talking about the CISI qualification not the CISI cet in inv mgmt.
Erm the reason IMC is being changed to level 4 is because of the new rdr stuff from the FSA. The lev 3 wasn't seen as good enough to advise clients so they changed it and upgraded. On that basis you're better going for the IMC over the level three but just so you know I don't think the IMC is any longer sufficient for FSA approval on it's own. You need other quals.
I'll be doing the lev 4 IMC when they release the OTM next week (or so I'm told) so if you decide to have a go let me know any maybe we can share notes or something. 🙂

Hi there, im interested in IMC Study materials, if your done with them and looking to sell, please get in touch

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