Christian Traders interested in what I am doing

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What makes it funny?
Oh dear, you really don't understand do you.
I could sell you a couple of brain cells, double your capacity in a minute. Price 40% of that US$17million.

Look in a mirror to see a narcissitic trader.......and that's a fcta........
When you have a losing trade (if you do trade, which I doubt) do you blame god, or did you wobble off the cycle?

Please realise almost everyone here is too intelligent to be taken in by your drivel, so you won't be able to fleece anyone. But DO keep posting, you are so funny.

Welcome to t2w.
They welcome anyone here.
sound awfully familiar to a certain prophecy of financial Armageddon not so long ago!

its nothing to do with God btw, its all Buddha and Allah in cahoots with the commies
"financial Armageddon "
Must have missed that.
Mustn't waste time reading joke threads.
Hey Daniel,
I've just remembered we all have brain cells that die off every day.
I have several that died today and you could have them for only 20% of that US$17m
You'd find they'd greatly improve your current capacity.

what are the facts? That god is the cause of market movement?
No wonder the world is such a dangerous place when there are fruitcakes like this taking opposing positions. At least this one is just using it to blow himself up financially rather than literally... Old Richard Dawkins has an uphill battle I reckon.

But as someone else has noted, is this not the most fun thread since Spanish departed these boards?
And most of their equations are not always right. You know this yourself.

Financial forecasting is one area mathematics has failed to be useful

I dunno about that - some people made truck loads of money using mathematics in the finacial markets - for a period of time. They just outstayed their welcome when the assumptions behind the models were not sufficiently encompasing to allow for changed circumstances.

It's not a case of the equations being "wrong" but rather some models were incomplete, inappropriate and possibly plain wrong. A very important distinction.

what are the facts? That god is the cause of market movement?
Yes by His commands on Sabbath. And that is why market fractal every 7 days, 7months, 7 years. Even if you do not believe it does not matter, your means of production will simply fail or performed badly.I am not saying you do not have fantastic method, but if it fails to factor in the law of the sabbath it will fail depending on your investment horizon.

Factor this knowledge of God into your forecasting equation, you will be grateful to God that you did. Nothing escape this law. even the Golden ratio though misapplied by many traders.
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Right there's only one way to end this argument.

ftca - can you start making live trade calls please.

We need - entries, stop losses & limits and close - along with the biblical reference that tells you to place this trade.

Then we can all judge for ourselves. At the moment you have supplied us with nothing but rhetoric.
Right there's only one way to end this argument.

ftca - can you start making live trade calls please.

We need - entries, stop losses & limits and close - along with the biblical reference that tells you to place this trade.

Then we can all judge for ourselves. At the moment you have supplied us with nothing but rhetoric.

That's a bit unreasonable, I mean the guy has to wait for a call on His hotline.
And have you ever used the phone system in Namibia?
Not even god can get through sometimes.
7 > everywhere!

As I was going to St. Ives I met a man with seven wives,
Each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits: kits, cats, sacks and wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?

and here....... uncanny!

YouTube - Sesame Street - 7 girls slide
the Sabbath - allegedly.

I did not alleged, it is written in the Bible. I am not saying mathematics does not work, after all there is no knowledge that exist without God.

1. All things obeys the law of the Sabbath, even God himself rested on the 7th.
2. Most network systems follows the principle of branching at 7th item
3. Financial markets therefore cannot be different. When the law was first
given to the Jews some disobeyed, and went out on a Sabbath day to search
for manners.

Some people will say this 1000s of years old law it does not apply but law does not
change. Science knows this. A law is a law. The Earth will continue to rotate around
the sun as decreed by God until end of times. This law will never change.

For primary markets, that is not my concern, but for retail individual, apply
the concept you will be beating hell out your broker. Because primary markets will always
not factor God into their trading. They live after the facts. So do many of you here using models developed after 1932 crash. We will see this year.

Oh by the way, I told people about market crashing on 08-08-2008, they told me to
shut up in that forum. And market crashed. Now after the crash, note if you are selling
stock don't sell beyond 27th Feb. or lock in profit. If you are buying now, that may be
too risky wait till after 27th Feb. You can factor that into your equation.

What is wrong with that.
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