Christian Traders interested in what I am doing

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right well you joined at the same time that trader321 or 123 or whatever joined.

so obviously you have been trading the same time as one another.


I don't know who is trader321 or 123, and I do not understand what you are posting or saying. This thread is for people who are serious in changing their trading behaviour. Read from the first post. I know you will be too lazy to do that so why don't you sell your Amazon stuff elsewhere outside this thread?
and anyway I thought the jews were well tight and all about selling junk for money?

Whatever you say, that is why they are so blessed by God to be in charge of your money, banks, IMF, World Bank, your central bank. wake up kid. this thread is not about Jews it is about Christians and if you are not a Christian and you are not interested in the Bible why waste your time here. Post elswhere, before you disgraced yourself and your low intellectual reasoning. Whatever you feel or say will not change the thread. Read from the very beginning.

Though I will be praying for you.
Of course it works and any true Christian would be happy to offer this or a full money back guarantee.


Are you saying I am not a Christian. Now it is not on whether you can use the Bible to trade but whether I am a Christian.You have misfired again.

There are more than enough free materials for people to read. The results are also there:
Results are here:

Based on the framework here

If you as a Christian do not believe that God will even better your understanding of what He has helped me to declare in the above links, then, you are not on the Lord side.
The framework is based on the foundations which God built by Himself.

If you read RPEX posts backward you will know he agrees that I do have a more suprior and advanced method than human methods.

that's right i want to never experience losses again in any market and i am as serious as you are, sign me up.

If anyone wants to stop losses then they should pay for the training. If you disagreed then that is up to you, if the one making losses also agreed with you maybe he is only losing penies not hundreds or 1000s of dollars he can fix with just few hundred dollars.

We must always think about the ambush that Satan and his agents lay for us whenever we put God first in all our investment plans. Some of the weapons they use include lies, causing confusions and pretending to be the mouthpiece of the poor, the gullibles or those without sufficient knowledge, while they indirectly use them to discredit the Bible or stand in the ways of spreading the Gospel. If the issue is about money to further the spread of the Gospel, Satan will paint the issue so terrible bad that even believers sometimes succumbed to them.

If you do not want to pay to acquire training based on the Bible but you are ready to waste 1000s of dollars on falsehood that is up to you. Don't tell me I cannot charge for training.

May the Lord open your own understanding.
fcta i deleted my posts from last night cos I was a bit drunk and i said thing i regretted to you in the morning.

fcta i deleted my posts from last night cos I was a bit drunk and i said thing i regretted to you in the morning.


God will bless you for your sincerity. And He will make his light and glory to shine upon you and bless you abundantly. Many have said real bad things about me, God and Jesus Christ to block other people see the truth, and they think they are right, I still pray for them that the Lord should open their hearts to see Him
The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ – Rev 11:15

If you have a good investment framework based on God's principles, you can also ask God to fund the framework for you. In this way you do not need to have your own money to start any investment. This is how it shall be in the kingdom of Christ. God provides you with seeds to start any venture.

If God provides you with seeds, you will have to conform with his framework and you do not need to be in constant fear, panic or allowing greed to have a better part of you.

See this framework and how to get seeds from God from this document

If we train many people to be following this principles, a time will come when we will have all stock markets of this world to be dominated by righteous investor as foretold in the Bible:

The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ – Rev 11:15
God's investment framework: 5, 164 pips in January!

I thought you were Jewish. Have you recently converted?

Open your eyes to see the title of this thread. I am not a Jew, I am a Christian.
I am here to show you how to be depending on Jesus Christ's teachings to be overcoming, subduing and having dominion over stock and all other financial markets.

There is nothing to be ashamed of or fear. He has the answers to all your problems in the stock markets. No other person can fix the problem for you.

Result of trading with His wisdom which I now call God's Investment Framework for January 2011 is pasted at:

Get serious and change your life. It is your life and money!
Master i return,

Good work on Ocado, i sold at 281, apparently the devil was a buyer in this case and he took the John Lewis stake at 265, what a chump.

Now what about broad market indices? You are a buyer at these lows?
Also, what does your boss think of gold? I don't normally touch the stuff but i'm a bit upset it didn't do anything spectacular yesterday.
Special restoration promotion

"A pastor was invited by the family of a dying atheist to share the gospel with him before he passed on. As they waited in another room while the conversation continued longer than expected; there was hope for the family that the pastor was being successful in his mission. When the pastor finally emerged from the bedroom it was discovered that the atheist had not converted to Christ but he had been able to sell the pastor an insurance policy tenable only in the kingdom of this world and eternal hell!"

Details start from here

This could be you, you can prevent this in the future.
Imagine I told you that stock markets were going to crash by August 08 because it has
a Biblical fractal of 88, the number of Christ, will you have believed me?

I do not think so. What if I came online to warn that Satan was going
to trick Obama and the US Congress?

What if ................I told there is a fractal pattern to control your losses:clap:

Here is the model that Christ controls everything from chip implant to barcode
and stock markest. There is nothing ever concieved and built that is not based
on 888 the number of Christ.


The simplest mathematics in forcasting everything that will happen on Earth
before they happened is what I now called fractal of 6, 7 and 8

Here it is:

There is no problem you cannot find solution to in the Bible using
this pattern.

We call out darkness on June 15 to terrify the enemy of God in Tanzania
and +11 million were converted to Christianity in one month. See proof
at :

If you still need to learn how to avoid stock market crashes you know
where to find the divine resources that will help you. Sometime
last year I said I am going to build a free resources on uisng Biblical
Fractals to train people worldwide.

Today the Lord is our side. Fear not. This kingdom and the stock
markets belongs to us - the children of the most high.

London was set on fire the same day stock markets market
crashed according to the Scripture.

We can save the world together and make money too in the right way
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I have been researching into how to apply chaos theory properly using what is written in the Bible to speculate markets - Equities, Currencies, Commodities, bonds, CFDs, etc.

Now there is a breakthrough and if you are not ashamed to pursue how to apply the Word of God to your trades you may want to contact me to see what I am doing in this area.

Remember all things are possible with our Lord - if you are prepared to throw away secular trading techniques and adopt Divine techniques that brings in profits don't delay.

For example, there is is a new prophesy for the current month based on Genesis 8:13-14 that is currently playing out for the month of February as written in the Scriptures until 27th February. Find out how it affects short selling and long positions.

Don't procrastinate. Believe in the Word and you shall be established.

Thank you
I'm a Christian mate, but this is just crazy. I think you're reading way too much into this.
I am not clear of what you are saying, reading away too much into this?,

Do you mean you cannot use the knowledge of God and his fixed patterns/doctrines to predict mistakes of the heathens, pagans, etc in the stock and other financial markets?

If you cannot apply God in all your ways, with all your soul and heart, please I advice you to pray for God to give you wisdom and understanding in this regard.

Otherwise you are missing out and ability for God to equip you His knowledge for overcoming the stock markets. It works for me, and this is what I am doing using the Bible to spot the next market crash.

This is what investment in the stock and financial markets is all about. If you can spot when the next big short-sell or crash or bear is going to happen, you can plan towards it.

Read Leviticus 25:3, the working model which I have transformed and able to overlay it on any electronic trading chart. Following God's instructions helps you to avoid mistakes like greed and recklessness or unrighteous practices like short-sell.

This is a serious thread, I pray God will open your understanding to His doctrine and how to apply His doctrines to all aspect of our economic activities. It is not religion but doctrines of economic activities.

I am not clear of what you are saying, reading away too much into this?,

Do you mean you cannot use the knowledge of God and his fixed patterns/doctrines to predict mistakes of the heathens, pagans, etc in the stock and other financial markets?

If you cannot apply God in all your ways, with all your soul and heart, please I advice you to pray for God to give you wisdom and understanding in this regard.

Otherwise you are missing out and ability for God to equip you His knowledge for overcoming the stock markets. It works for me, and this is what I am doing using the Bible to spot the next market crash.

This is what investment in the stock and financial markets is all about. If you can spot when the next big short-sell or crash or bear is going to happen, you can plan towards it.

Read Leviticus 25:3, the working model which I have transformed and able to overlay it on any electronic trading chart. Following God's instructions helps you to avoid mistakes like greed and recklessness or unrighteous practices like short-sell.

This is a serious thread, I pray God will open your understanding to His doctrine and how to apply His doctrines to all aspect of our economic activities. It is not religion but doctrines of economic activities.

Since when did God tell us to try an find a 'Bible Code' for the financial markets? I'm not saying that God could have inserted revelations and words of knowledge within his Word, but your thinking, that you can extract real time direction on the financial markets from the Pentateuch;... Have you ever heard of the saying, 'He was so heavenly minded that he was of no Earthly good'.
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