Christian Traders interested in what I am doing

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cool - gets interesting now.........

welcome back tony

So you invited all the demons or what? you swallowed your word that you not read this thread again.

By the way can I see your trades and results for this week? Including that of Richard
Odd, I wouldn't have put you down as a credulous fellow... 😆

of cause I am not a moron, you are not my leader.

It is just not fair when you run someone down, shout about my links to my site
and invite moderators to make mistakes and read my results up side down, but the turned blind eye to your link which is even commercial and even publicly confirming payments here

That is why I asked all of you what are you afraid of😆😆

I am fake, my method is fake, but you congregate here to sneak preview the post
I see gamma, and gammarJammar every morning to see whether I have posted my call.

Yet they call for proofs and someone like you can only shout shut up once in a while

By the way what method do you use
On zingler or whatever said he uses regression he could not explain reason why he is using it.
of cause I am not a moron, you are not my leader.

It is just not fair when you run someone down, shout about my links to my site
and invite moderators to make mistakes and read my results up side down, but the turned blind eye to your link which is even commercial and even publicly confirming payments here

That is why I asked all of you what are you afraid of😆😆

I am fake, my method is fake, but you congregate here to sneak preview the post
I see gamma, and gammarJammar every money to see whether I have posted my call.

Yet they call for proofs and someone like you can only shout shut up once in a while

By the way what method do you use
On zingler or whatever said he uses regression he could not explain reason why he is using it.


I'd deny your retarded accusations if it wasn't for the fact everyone else can see exactly what's going on
Yeah - well I did say I'd TRY and stay away. But no-one's perfect eh. I gave it a couple of weeks to see if you actually started to put some details onto the vague waffle, but frankly I don't see any.

And as my trades, and those of my firm's clients, are sensitive and confidential, there isn't a hope in hell of me showing them to you. I am a market maker, not a prop trader. Not everyone in the world is a retail prop trader talking about 'pips' and 'scalping' all day y'know.
Yeah - well I did say I'd TRY and stay away. But no-one's perfect eh. I gave it a couple of weeks to see if you actually started to put some details onto the vague waffle, but frankly I don't see any.

And as my trades, and those of my firm's clients, are sensitive and confidential, there isn't a hope in hell of me showing them to you. I am a market maker, not a prop trader. Not everyone in the world is a retail prop trader talking about 'pips' and 'scalping' all day y'know.

Exactly. Now you are talking, if you are not a retail trader what experience do you have or can you show retail trader when to speculate your mistakes?

At least you can give a call or views like as for this link

What you are delibrately doing is blocking people to learn, I mean retail traders to learn when to spot your movements or when your movement becomes unrighteousness, and then take money out of that irrational expectation of your decision to move market at wrong time and season.

I know some of you are listening except you do not want to accept the wisdom
coming from the Bible. It is possible to know when your moves are wrong.

If you cannot see any wisdom behind my method, it is because that is the way it suppose to be. It is because you are not a retail trader, you do not trade with your own money, you can afford to be reckless with it, and go score free. But give retail traders a chance, they way you think market moves, may not actually be correct.

By the way since even market maker trade against themselves, in the retail market
they can also benefits unless they just do not want to. That is their cup of tea.

I just pity poor retail taders following some people's advices here.
you can tell him about that bag of euros you just sold me

Are you also a Professional wholesale currency trader? Or you just praying on the poor
retail traders who thinks you have the magic?

If you a big timer then I am suprised at you greed for charging annual fee.

By the way, I think it is better for each person to say I am trading for a central bank, I am a market maker, etc, so that poor retail trader should be able to weigh your advices in good faith.

Why because you don't have problems, govt, is always around to bail you and your bank
out anytime we have market crashes.

But Arabiannights, if you are a big timer, I am just sorry for peeping $3 dollars here and there, have you not heard of Madoff before?
you really are a complete tool, aren't you?

No I am not a tool nor retarded. You simply jumped into an academic discussion you cannot comprehend or know that you are being used as a tool by the likes of GammarJammar. Same goes to lots of all retail traders who just throw insults
because I am using the Bible as an instruction to learn wisdom from above.

Only zigglewigler, though he is a clawn with his method have a little bit of understanding, and
called me someone that just want everything simple, simple, black and white, righteous and unrighteous. Maybe he understood while using those words maybe he did not.

Now take GammarJammar for example with his statment here...
I am a market maker, not a prop trader. Not everyone in the world is a retail prop trader talking about 'pips' and 'scalping' all day y'know.

First he forgot that, without retail market there no brokerage industry which some
or all market maker have a stake. I hope he regrets those words and insults to
the retail industry, brokers and retail traders, even if all of you think I don't know
what I saying, many of you cannot just think beyond what you read from textbooks.

Now Let come back to the discussion.
1. He cannot say that it is all his moves that are correct. Most times he make moves
that are unrighteous or not correct - simply irrational ,This is when market becomes
irrational in their expectatons...I call it unrighteousness in the market. Those expectations
will not be met by God, cos they are against God fixed pattern for the day.

stay away from markets, do not speculate with your broker, until they, market mavers
comes back to their senses about their bad moves .........this when market becomes righteous.

That is the simple, simple, simple method zigglewigler maybe just guessing with his regression.

2. Your own self must be righteous not to be descieved or enslaved with moves and methods of market makers -like GammarJammar, otherwise you will fall into the same trap but your state will be more sorrowful because of you small equity.

It is very honourable for me to scalp of his mistakes and ignorants and make small small profits as he call it. Because I am a retail trader why he is the whole saler

View it this way you go into a wholesale grocery, fruit and vegetable shops to
buy. Do you just buy even though the wholesale have bad apples and lots of rotten
eggs. The answer is no, you wait.

Or look at this way, I am going my way and find two atheist wholesalers fighting over the future direction of markets. I as a retail trader or speculator I have no business with them, first they are atheist,😀😀, even if I advice them to stop fighting because it is a sin in the eyes of God, they will not listen. They may even join hands together to fight me. This is what is happening with small foolish retail traders joining them
without knowledge.

The Bible says stay clear of their arguments until they come to their senses about the
direction of the market. (Avoiding Whipsaws by the Grace of God)

But the Bigman they work for tell most retail traders here that my method is snake
oil business so they rather take side with views of wholesalers they supposed to
be speculating. This is blindness of the world. You cannot use the bigman's method (fear,
lies, rumours, harassments, etc to speculate him. You got to use the Bible. This is not
a dream for me.

ArabianNights steer your contributions along this to use chaos theory and the Bible to avoid chaos in the primary markets.

I told you people before that God can use even a foolish person to open the eyes of multitudes and those who want to be set free of slavery to losses.

If you use methods escapulate by those claiming to be big time mover, you cannot never beat them or speculate them right.

Your comments are welcome if you want to contribute or ask reasonable questions about what market is doing right now.

This I already give you the direction in the morning. You cannot tell me that
I am retarded or deluded, if my purpose is to detect when main market participants
are in fear, panic, or just greedy.
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We were here long before the retail industry exploded. But given when you got started it's not your fault you don't know that.
. . .

Your comments are welcome if you want to contribute or ask reasonable questions about what market is doing right now.
. . .
Personally Oh Chaos "expert", I'm still waiting for you to provide a number for the USDGBP hurst exponent . . .

Simple question I would have thought.
Personally Oh Chaos "expert", I'm still waiting for you to provide a number for the USDGBP hurst exponent . . .

Simple question I would have thought.

This is the best and funniest thread on this forum. 'Simple question' - rofl expect a not simple answer. Can't wait.

Hope all shorted cable at 666 😈😈😈
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We were here long before the retail industry exploded. But given when you got started it's not your fault you don't know that.

There you go again with your insults. You have insulted me through and through,but I still respect you and give credits to your knowledge like when you said the retailers are fools scalping for pips. You have insulted the retail industry and the 193,635 members most of them cannot definitely be market movers.

You got me wrong from the onset. It is not about you, it is not about how big
you are or it is not even about the primary markets. It is about believers
who are retailers and who want to learn how not to be decieve both by your actual
market moves, and coming here to tell people you know how to speculate your own

Will you apologies and withdraw your statments. I know you have alot of influence
in the forum, but age does not matter, you could be here long before the retail industry,you could have even been responsible for creating all the tools retail traders are using. But your views about me is all wrong from the start.

You have called for banning, now what will you say about your tool like
ArabianNights publicly exchanging commercial links and even money

Is that how to foster academic debate? I could keep asking you lots of
question that will be as if I am not respecting you or stepping on people's
toes, but it is a pity, the truth in the Bible have no respect.

We are talking of knowledge to speculate wrong moves of market
movers. so give room for free discussions, if you are really what you claim to be.

You are only making it personal. Don't you think you could have taught the retail
traders or the industry wrong sepcualtive tools?

You have a lot of followers here, some just trade without reasoning, you will agree with me that some are very foolish and blinded.

Like the guy asking for hurst index that is not relevant to your future moves and mistakes. I have explained this before. Some actually said that they abandon RS, and any sugar coated fractal finance some years back after they have tried it since 1999.

Anyway, as I still maintained and I proved it over and over again. Read today's
trade recommendations, if you failed to follow me, you simply deprived yourself of
good pips. Even 1 pip is enough for scalpers.
If you can open your bible and tell me where the S&P will close tonight I will put on some robes, get myself some sandals and start following you around ok.. just call it right now ok.
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