Chinese numbers

Don't waste any time on either of them. I looked at Chinex recently and a lot of their results were made by trading at points that were only available when the main markets were closed. This is a common mistake when back testing and makes their results unrealistic. But the results were not that good anyway.

I wonder if the FSA know what they are doing. Might be worth enquiring.
Bigbusiness, I think our posts crossed, but thanks very much to you and to Trader333. You have saved/made me the £50 subscription - thanks.
I tried the free subscription and would confirm all the negatives on this thread!!!


It advocates day trading the indices via spread betting.

Total crap.

Don't waste your time or money.
ignore the mpg (maximum profit gain) fugures they quote. they are impossible to achieve. the reality is long drawdowns. don't waste your money or time.
Chinese Numbers


I have been looking at different ways to reduce the volatility in my profits& losses through spread betting and have come across

for £60 a month it seems that it would be relatively easy to cover this cost and make a decent profit each month, although clearly not as much as they claim,

has anyone used this method, I would appreciate any commnets

Don't waste your money. You can calculate the numbers for free if you look for the details in this thread.

I did look at what would be realistic results of trading this for a few months with a spreadbet company and I wasn't impressed. Some months might be good but other months are not that good and there are lots of days of watching the screen all day with no trades. Not easy to trade and probably not easy to make much profit.
Thank you very much for your reply, I'll check the calculations for mar and feb and see if its still R1 and S1 plus a factor, I also agree that the number of profit points is impossible to match so true results are difficult to gauge

Thanks again
Chinese Numbers

I have been directed to this site which, as ever, makes some amazing claims. The cost is £59 a month which is affordable for a trial punt but while the strike rate seems good, published profit claims look to be calculated on users getting out at an unrealistic top. Perhaps I am too cynical... but does anyone have hands on experience?
Chinese numbers - interesting !

Please provide info, web-address or synopsis of the method or system.
Not looked at this in a while, but as I remember the profit claims are rubbish, basically it gives you an entry point and then tells you what the maximum points you could make is if you sold at the high/low point for the day. Also it doesn't take into account the fact that you might be stopped out 2 or 3 times before it actually goes up and at a 20 point stop that would cost you.

I think it is based around pivotpoints, which some minor adjustments. You can calculate them for free here if you want

Save your £59.

here are some links.

Their words are chosen carefully. You are correct as is a99, putting it into practice is another story. I followed their progress via the free (after time) emails. 🙁
