Chinese numbers

You can calculate the so called Chinese numbers yourself based on pivot points. I once paid for a month and decided it was crap but there is a thread on T2W somewhere which will tell you how to calculate the numbers for yourself so no need to pay.
Do Chinese numbers still exist and are they worthwhile - plus any other info you can give me on them.
Thanks, Ernie.
#64 singapore noodles.

seriously though. they, like camarilla levels, and pivot levels do work from time to time. and also, from time to time, they dont work.

its money management and cutting losses that is the key. entry is only half of the fun....

so says the missus anyway...
I tried Chinese numbers when I was starting out and they then graduated on to Chinex numbers. There is a thread somewhere on T2W ( can't remember where ) which shows you how to calculate the Chinese numbers ( pivot points ).

I could never get Chinese Numbers to do anything for me - waste of time really. But I do believe you can get a month's free trial. Look at :-

Also go to the following site for calculation of pivot points.

Have a good one !
I was using CN for almost a year before I had a chance meeting with a chap at a CMC seminar who said he knew of a site that was doing a similar thing for much less, and that you could get numbers for up to 6 markets, I checked it out and signed up for the trial, and then the 5 market sub( which includes the nikkei, but I like to sleep once in a while!),and I'm happy to recommend them the url is a bit of a mouthful, here it is: www.myweb.ecomplanet.comSPGO4620
I have posted this a few times in the past. I think anyone who thinks of paying for Chinese numbers should read it:-
I had a look at their results. Their long entry points for the Dow seems to be the first resistance point using the pivot system (R1) +2. Their short entry seems to be the first support (S1) +16.

I am not sure why anyone would want to pay them to do that when they could do it for free.

To check this out for yourself, use this pivot point calculator:-

Personally I think their results are unachievable as they calculate them using the maximum possible points gained on each day. In practice, this is not possible, unless you know the high and low of the day before trading. If you knew that, you wouldn't need a trading system!

I also think it would be hard to trade this system using a spread better, as the minimum gain of 10 points would be taken up by the spread and any quote bias.

You are dead right. I have been there, done it and confirm the correctness of what you say.
Chinese alternative

Salty Gibbon said:
Yes that works.
Thanks for taking the trouble
Are you making money with this outfit ?

I am, the draw for me was that they do four european markets, so the risk is spread a bit more, the maximums are unreachable but I make about 200 points a week using it, did you take a look?
I'm a little slapdash when it comes to that! the only thing i've noticed is that when the entry points coincide with resistance or support levels, which obviously triggers retracement from the given number, I've learnt to use that to my advantage too
For all your info, the link is to Spreadbettinggold. for me too they are beter as they cover the 4 markets.

It is notworthy that for the FTSE & DOW the entry points are almost identical to that of chinese numbers.