Another up day in FTSE land.
CPI: So much for the Toby Crabel Effect, got stopped out within 2 hours of the open. Looking at it with the benefit of hindsight it seems suicidal using such a tight stop, but if I didn't take these kinds of trades I would not have taken ITRK which has been my most profitable trade so far. For now I think I will just have to keep taking them until I have a big enough sample to say NR's yay or NR's nay. It's going to require a lot of patience for somebody as impatient as myself. Or maybe I should be paper trading NR's if they are so risky. Then how do I define an NR? NR7, NR10, NR20? I don't know the answer right now.
CNA: Now long and in the red. Disappointing considering the FTSE made gains today (albeit modest by the time of closing). Am I the only person who regularly feels like every stock is going up except the ones I am in?
STAN: Gave up the gains from yesterday, and more. I am thinking if momentum on a trade reverses this way maybe it would be wise to move the stop to BE (if in profit) or close the trade (if in a loss), how often do these moves recover I wonder. I would imagine I will be stopped out tomorrow.
So in summary, losses, disappointment, confusion and indecision all round.
When I resumed posting on this thread I gave some reasons why I will walk away from trading if I am not seeing progress in six months (lets call it end of September 2013), something I didn't mention is when I have open positions they are constantly on my mind, so it's not just the 30 mins I spend checking my charts, it seeps into every part of my life and I often find my thoughts wandering to what the FTSE is doing or whether I should be trading inside bars or not, rather than focusing on a particular task I happen to be engaged in, so it's way more that 30 minutes a day it's taking (almost typed "sapping"....paging Dr. Freud) from me. Do I suffer from some sort of mental disorder?