Charts (MT4 or other) that will plot the ASK


Junior member
MT4 as everyone must know, is a bid chart. Searched around for MT4 charts (or modifications thereto) which will plot both price bid AND ask -- Surprisingly, no joy.

Thought I'd throw the question out here where probably 50 have the answer on tip of tongue.

Any current charting packages out there (free or $) that by default or fairly easy mod, can plot as a mid-offer chart?
IG index let you choose on their charts. From IT-finance.
... OK, due to the astonishing speed of the ever-estimable wasp, am leaving the post where it is! ta Wasp, will investigate there. I do prefer an MT4 chart on hand for research, but these bid things that never plot the ask are rather useless for my purposes.
you can have both on at same time if you are happy with a tick chart?!
Hmm... IG won't do. MT4 modifications that will plot the ASK as well as BID on the charts, anyone?
I see streaming (web), mobile and WAP options at IT Finance... not what I'm hoping for...
Ticks are useful if timeframe is user-defined -- but as i mentioned, they don't appear to have a downloadable platform [edit to say DESKTOP app...] ?

Any road, still looking for a mod to MT4/5 ;-> that will plot ALL prices traded. thanks in advance for anyone's assistance!
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Ask Hi and Ask Low MT4 Indicator

Ticks are useful if timeframe is user-defined -- but as i mentioned, they don't appear to have a downloadable platform [edit to say DESKTOP app...] ?

Any road, still looking for a mod to MT4/5 ;-> that will plot ALL prices traded. thanks in advance for anyone's assistance!

OK so I created an mt4 indicator which plots the ask hi and the ask low as small dots. mt4 does not keep historical ask data so it uses the Hi+Spread and Low+Spread as the calcualtion for the previous bars. You can enter in a "forced spread" which it will use for all previous bars.

The current bar is actually calculated with the real ask price so if you leave the chart on one timeframe and currency pair it will start to plot real ask hi and ask low. If you change the timeframe or currency pair however it will have to start over. None of this really matters if you have a fixed spread.


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