Charts in real time


I have just joined the forum and am looking to become a day trader. I am a complete novice in trading shares and will be looking through many of the newby articles to set me in the right direction.

My question relates to Charts. I have registered with Trading View to see charts for companies but notice they are not real time and out of sync by 15 mins. As a day trader, is there a mechanism where you can view real time charts so that you can respond to buying or selling of shares. Also they are not linked with De Giro the broker I have registered with.

Can anyone put me in the right direction? Is the realtime charts service chargeable? Any recommendations

Many thanks in advance.
I have just joined the forum and am looking to become a day trader. I am a complete novice in trading shares and will be looking through many of the newby articles to set me in the right direction.

My question relates to Charts. I have registered with Trading View to see charts for companies but notice they are not real time and out of sync by 15 mins. As a day trader, is there a mechanism where you can view real time charts so that you can respond to buying or selling of shares. Also they are not linked with De Giro the broker I have registered with.

Can anyone put me in the right direction? Is the realtime charts service chargeable? Any recommendations

Many thanks in advance.

If you're just learning, it doesn't matter whether the charts are real time or not. In fact, you'll be spending a lot of time with replay. When you have put together a testable trading plan, then you will be more likely to find a real-time feed useful.
Chargeable yes .

Check prorealtime website .

Thank you for the suggestion. I'll check out the pro real time website. Still early days and need to find my feet. I have been reading the forum articles since yesterday. Will be looking at the trading plan tonight to get me set. I am also looking at purchasing the book Mastering The Trade by John Carter.

Looking to start off with £1000 and see how I fair. Just want to master the techniques and the ability to respond quickly once shares are bought.

Anyway Thank You so much.