Charateristics of currency pairs

Justin Yeung

Hi everyone, im a beginner in FX trading 🙂

I have some queries about the charateristics of the popular currency pairs, such as: GBP/USD, EUR/USD, EUR/GBP, USD/CHF, USD/JPY :idea:

I've read some posts on the internet saying there are specific charateristics with each of the pairs... can you guys help me out? :clap:

Many Thanks
We need a bit more to go on Justin. What specifically are you asking here?


Some people say there are specific charateristics with each majot pairs, and im wondering what charateristics do they mean? for example, do they have any correlation on each other, do they have high volume during specfic trading hours, do commodities have an affect on them,?

Well, economic indicators obviously would impact their movements but for example, the UK CPI and the US FOMC release today, how would it affect GBP/USD and which one can outweight another?

i have many question marks in my head.. 😢
google terms like

"Mrs Watanabe" (impact of retail traders on the Yen, though this might have stopped a bit now due to legislation

"commodity currencies" (tendency of the currencies of large commodity exporters to follow commodity demand, e.g. AUD, CAD, some skandies)

"carry trade" (the borrowing of low yielding currencies to invest in high yielding currencies, e.g. borrow in JPY and invest in AUD)

"flight to quality" / "risk appetite"/ "risk on / risk off" (in times of trouble, investors move out of risky / emerging markets and into safe / developed markets, and this has a concomitant effect on the cross currency rates)

that should give you some ideas
Your questions are far too broad as everything can have an effect but then nothing can have an effect. Sometimes the markets shrug figures off as if they weren't released othertimes the release of a figure is the biggest thing since sliced bread.

As for hours, then use your head. Do that and you'll find that Sterling is far more active at 3pm London time rather than 3am.

As for characteristics then look at the charts, there you'll see the character in full but then it's normally always changing, hence there are no proper answers, only experience and you get that by studying the markets for 100s and then 1000s of hours.
They have none, they're all vacuous bimbos just waiting to be treated badly and get's what they a shame not to oblige...🙂