Change at the Top

Anyone paying £500 is expecting to learn something special are they not,particularly if the vendor has made certain claims.

I agree with you Flash, but in relative terms it's cheap I suppose. Some people have paid 5 grand to sit in a fleapit office down a back alley and watch staff getting punched and bailiffs turning up, all the while being called morons behind their backs (allegedly).

Didn't The Posing Fat Knacker from Oz charge people about 15,000 AUD for training?

And some people have even paid 50 grand, and all they got after 6 months was the chance to steal some office equipment as they walked out en masse.

So I suppose it depends on how you look at it. 😆😆😆
so after all that youve said you would quite happily take the money under false pretenses? Anyone paying £500 is expecting to learn something special are they not,particularly if the vendor has made certain claims.

No I wouldn't take money under false pretenses.

If I was ever to charge, and I am very unlikely to do so, and definitely not with retail clients, then I'd definitely insist on full disclosure of my track record.

I suppose different people place different values on what their time is worth, and sometimes those perceptions can become extremely skewed and out of line with reality.

Similarly some people consider 500 to be a great deal of money, others might spend that on a bottle of wine at dinner.

This issue of false pretenses is an interesting argument. I dont know what was being claimed. We have a few numbers bandied about from the times article, but absolutely no information of draw-down or risk adjusted returns. I may well be that Steve was 100% transparent, and if that is the case, and people wanted to pay the market rate, I suppose you cant stop them.

The pertinent point however is it provides a limited insight into Steve's character. Its hard to generalize but I would argue that a 2 year track record, even for a day trader isn't anywhere near long enough to be advising others. The fact that he even considered himself qualified to advise others shows that he's prepared to exploit an opportunity for commercial gain, regardless of the consequences. At some stage in his career he was thinking in exactly the same mode that the vendors currently exploiting the situation at t2w think. Does a leopard ever change its spots ?

The industry is littered with people many of whom had the best of intentions who where fooled by randomness. Maybe Steve did develop a genuine edge (I did but it took me a great deal longer) Only Steve knows his true intent, but it certainly does not bode well for the long term fortunes of t2w

edited to add, I'm not flaming or trolling "teh CEO" or criticizing in any way, I'm simply expressing a point of view
Assuming Steve the CEO is over 21, then he should be charging at least £6.08 per hour, as per the Gov's National Minimum Wage guidance.
If I was ever to charge, and I am very unlikely to do so, and definitely not with retail clients, then I'd definitely insist on full disclosure of my track record.

all I am saying is if I smoozed over to Malta would you let some cats out of bags for £500? I could even throw in a steak dinner and bring some party games. I will bring some coins ready to toss for the entries.😆😆😆
When you read Sharky's announcement re ' change @ the top ' (ie 1st post of this thread) ...there are some interesting phrases he uses - as discussed below. Now these could just be an accidental choice of words ie semantics, or deliberately and carefully chosen language so as to indicate to the membership what is going on.

Whether we as members agree or disagree with Sharky's actions/intentions and choice re Steve's appointment- we have 2 choices ; 1. Stay as a member or 2. Vote with our feet and walk away. For me - I don't care enough about what happens to T2W - sure I'd probably miss it if it weren't here and I dare say I have learnt stuff here along the way but I'm equally sure I've given as much if not more than I've taken. This is because my entire focus is on trading/making money from it and T2W provides little more than entertainment during the trading session/day as trying to engage in/start a serious trading discussion has as we all know, over the last few years become futile. If I want a serious trading discussion I look elsewhere and to certain individuals in particular.

The phrases I refer to above are as below;

to give someone new the opportunity to bring a fresh focus to the site.
I don't hink there will be many members that would disagree that this is not long overdue.

I’ll remain the owner of Trade2Win He who holds the majority of voting shares remains the policy maker even if Steve as CEO is the decision maker, and as Sharky goes on to say in the 1st post of this thread as if to re-enforce this distinction; I’ll be handing over the day-to-day management to a new pair of hands.

Steve possesses a unique mix of experience and skills that make him the ideal candidate for the job. This is a subjective opinion by the guy doing the hiring. This site is a commercial concern and even though it's product is to a large extent is the quality of it's dicussions boards - it is not an OMOV democracy ! Agree or disagree with Sharky's decision - it doesn't matter - it was his to make.

I’ve given Steve a free hand to review everything we do and work with. The operative word here is underlined and goes to my previous point re the difference between policy making and decision making on day to day operational matters.

All the above may of course be conjecture, or spot on, but for the reasons I state above - it doesn't matter. I wish Steve the best of Luck.

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Lol, this thread should have been called 'Change at the Top-Lamb to the Slaughter'.
Well done Sharky, I bet you are still partying now after passing over the 'T2W'
White Elephant.
The pertinent point however is it provides a limited insight into Steve's character. Its hard to generalize but I would argue that a 2 year track record, even for a day trader isn't anywhere near long enough to be advising others. The fact that he even considered himself qualified to advise others shows that he's prepared to exploit an opportunity for commercial gain, regardless of the consequences. At some stage in his career he was thinking in exactly the same mode that the vendors currently exploiting the situation at t2w think. Does a leopard ever change its spots ?

edited to add, I'm not flaming or trolling "teh CEO" or criticizing in any way, I'm simply expressing a point of view

I too found this very interesting, and frankly a little worrying.

I suspect that most people (including most of those involved in running T2W) wouldn't, which might perhaps help to explain a few things.
After more than ten years at the helm of Trade2Win I’ve decided to step aside to give someone new the opportunity to bring a fresh focus to the site. I’ll remain the owner of Trade2Win and on hand to help where I can, but I’ll be handing over the day-to-day management to a new pair of hands.

Since launching in 2001, Trade2Win has grown significantly and far beyond my expectations. It’s been an epic journey. There are a lot of things I did right and, in hindsight, a fair number I did wrong; but one thing that’s remained constant is my commitment to Trade2Win and the interests of the community.

Finding a successor has been a tough job.

Today I’m pleased to announce that the search is over. It gives me great pleasure to welcome to the team, Steve Anderton.

I firmly believe Steve possesses a unique mix of experience and skills that make him the ideal candidate for the job.

First off, and most importantly, he’s got a passion for trading. He’s traded actively from home for over twelve years and still remains an active trader to this day.

Secondly, Steve has extensive business experience, which will no doubt serve him well as he grapples with the many challenges the job will bring. Also, as a local Magistrate, he knows the difference between right and wrong. He’s used to hearing out the arguments and determining what’s fair and just.

Thirdly, and perhaps the best qualifier for the job, he’s already had experience running a trading community. Steve, along with his son Rob, founded a small but passionate trading forum called Tactical Trader during his early days as a trader. He understands it’s a tough job.

I’ve given Steve a free hand to review everything we do and work with, everyone involved to come up with the best ways to move Trade2Win forward. Steve will be making his own introduction soon and will no doubt be telling you how to get in touch, I know he’d love to hear from you.

Finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of Trade2Win who has contributed to the site. I especially want to praise the moderators and staff, past and present. Without your tireless efforts we would never have got this far.

Good trading to you all.


Hi Steve

if you need any advice theres plenty of old F*rts around that still post 😆

When you read Sharky's announcement re ' change @ the top ' (ie 1st post of this thread) ...there are some interesting phrases he uses - as discussed below. Now these could just be an accidental choice of words ie semantics, or deliberately and carefully chosen language so as to indicate to the membership what is going on.

Whether we as members agree or disagree with Sharky's actions/intentions and choice re Steve's appointment- we have 2 choices ; 1. Stay as a member or 2. Vote with our feet and walk away. For me - I don't care enough about what happens to T2W - sure I'd probably miss it if it weren't here and I dare say I have learnt stuff here along the way but I'm equally sure I've given as much if not more than I've taken. This is because my entire focus is on trading/making money from it and T2W provides little more than entertainment during the trading session/day as trying to engage in/start a serious trading discussion has as we all know, over the last few years become futile. If I want a serious trading discussion I look elsewhere and to certain individuals in particular.

The phrases I refer to above are as below;

to give someone new the opportunity to bring a fresh focus to the site.
I don't hink there will be many members that would disagree that this is not long overdue.

I’ll remain the owner of Trade2Win He who holds the majority of voting shares remains the policy maker even if Steve as CEO is the decision maker, and as Sharky goes on to say in the 1st post of this thread as if to re-enforce this distinction; I’ll be handing over the day-to-day management to a new pair of hands.

Steve possesses a unique mix of experience and skills that make him the ideal candidate for the job. This is a subjective opinion by the guy doing the hiring. This site is a commercial concern and even though it's product is to a large extent is the quality of it's dicussions boards - it is not an OMOV democracy ! Agree or disagree with Sharky's decision - it doesn't matter - it was his to make.

I’ve given Steve a free hand to review everything we do and work with. The operative word here is underlined and goes to my previous point re the difference between policy making and decision making on day to day operational matters.

All the above may of course be conjecture, or spot on, but for the reasons I state above - it doesn't matter. I wish Steve the best of Luck.


Hello bbmac. I'm not going to comment on your post as it doesn't matter whether I agree with you or not. This is how you interpreted the announcement and you have every right to let us all know these interpretations.

What I do want to do is thank you for making it in a sensible, well presented and non-confrontational manner.

I now have to get on with things that will make this a better place to be and that will appropriately balance the needs of the community and the commercial .

Thank you for wishing me luck in doing so.
Hello bbmac. I'm not going to comment on your post as it doesn't matter whether I agree with you or not. This is how you interpreted the announcement and you have every right to let us all know these interpretations.

What I do want to do is thank you for making it in a sensible, well presented and non-confrontational manner.

I now have to get on with things that will make this a better place to be and that will appropriately balance the needs of the community and the commercial .

Thank you for wishing me luck in doing so.

S'not really fair to imply -if you are, it seems you're doing but 'tis inet after all- that the rest of us have been nonsensical, ill presented and confrontational.

Aside from policing, there's not really much in the way of feedback between t2w and members. There's a bit of a culture of not taking life too seriously around here and obviously this doesn't go down well with some of the more erm.. 'cardigan' mambers/staff. As with everything in life, it's really a case of horses for courses. Microcosm, bumping heads blah blah.

You have to understand that there's more than a bit of frustration among members for various reason I'm sure I don't have to explain to you so a little venting is inevitable. Most of us here are not idiots so you can choose to focus on delivery method of messages or the explicit and sometimes implied/contextual content.

All anyone really wants to know is what your views are. What do you think is right and wrong with the place? What you're planning to do? These types of things. It's all a bit vague at the moment, you have to admit.Personally, I'd have though that this would have been a natural and logical starting point for introduction but you and Sheezy chose to go down the personal route which is understandable. The problem is the very cynical membership see this as a detraction - which I honestly don't believe it is but hey ho.

S'not really fair to imply -if you are, it seems you're doing but 'tis inet after all- that the rest of us have been nonsensical, ill presented and confrontational.

Aside from policing, there's not really much in the way of feedback between t2w and members. There's a bit of a culture of not taking life too seriously around here and obviously this doesn't go down well with some of the more erm.. 'cardigan' mambers/staff. As with everything in life, it's really a case of horses for courses. Microcosm, bumping heads blah blah.

You have to understand that there's more than a bit of frustration among members for various reason I'm sure I don't have to explain to you so a little venting is inevitable. Most of us here are not idiots so you can choose to focus on delivery method of messages or the explicit and sometimes implied/contextual content.

All anyone really wants to know is what your views are. What do you think is right and wrong with the place? What you're planning to do? These types of things. It's all a bit vague at the moment, you have to admit.Personally, I'd have though that this would have been a natural and logical starting point for introduction but you and Sheezy chose to go down the personal route which is understandable. The problem is the very cynical membership see this as a detraction - which I honestly don't believe it is but hey ho.


Scose - you should be put in the T2W lime pit.

Trading is a serious business not a game for students killing time posting lulz. The sooner you understand that the better.

I find it beyond belief that some posters are not even giving the new CEO a chance and laying into him before he has even started.

glad to see you took note of my 'wasted youth' comments. Give it 10 years and you will understand.
I find it beyond belief that some posters are not even giving the new CEO a chance and laying into him before he has even started.

Did anybody really 'lay into him'? All I saw was the link to the rather embarrassing interview and of course the previously undeclared history as a vendor.
Did anybody really 'lay into him'? All I saw was the link to the rather embarrassing interview and of course the previously undeclared history as a vendor.

I agree that the interview showed him in a very poor light. However If you've any experience with journalist, it should come as no surprise to discover whats said during an interview, and what eventually printed can diverge quite significantly.

That being the case, it would be unfair to jump to conclusions based on that evidence alone.