CFTR Associates & TrendSignal.

Andy D

Junior member
Hi All,

I have recently seen advertisements in national press for 2 companies providing training on Spread Betting. One is CFTR Associates the other Trendsignal. Please could anyone who knows anything about these courses, good or bad, please post a reply or even email me. Any recommendations would be great too. I am looking to attend a course on spread betting and not sure where to start. I currently work 9-5 in recruitment and looking for something I can learn to increase income. Going by what I have read i'd start out End-of-day tarding or in the morning if possible.

Thanks very much

This has been written about extensively on this site and if you do a search you will find it.

cheers Paul , I've just spent the last 2 hours reading every post on CFTR And TS. ! My eyes are popping out my head. I think i'll give CFTR a body swerve and take a visit to the TS guys office if possible. They have sent me an info pack with CD. Also, on the CFTR front, when I asked for testimonials from their clients they were pretty quick to send them through, all of which are positive. I guess these will be selective.


I advise you stay stay clear of CFTR. I lost money!

Andy D said:
cheers Paul , I've just spent the last 2 hours reading every post on CFTR And TS. ! My eyes are popping out my head. I think i'll give CFTR a body swerve and take a visit to the TS guys office if possible. They have sent me an info pack with CD. Also, on the CFTR front, when I asked for testimonials from their clients they were pretty quick to send them through, all of which are positive. I guess these will be selective.
