CFD's/Spread Bet Brokers recommendations sought

I have used CMC since last October, and despite what I've read to the contrary I have found them very good. Any 'spikes' on the system have not triggered stops and they do offer a wide range of products with very tight spreads.

They have also been slated in the past for the quality of their customer service, however every time I have had to use them, they have been very helpful. Their trading platform is very good as well, but watch their prices as they can lag behind the market somewhat (always to their advantage). I trade the DJI and it can be 3-5 points off the highs and lows made by the actual market. If you're setting stops or orders this can be something to watch.
Thanks. Very helpful. I am going to open an account with them, and see how it works out. I too had heard that their customer service left a lot to be desired. I asked them about their policy on triggering stops when there were price spikes and first got a unhelpful answer from someone who had not read my query, and replied with a stock answer irrelevent to it, but a further question got a helpful answer confirming what you have said. So I suppose maybe its a training issue, with some of their people better than others.

I am grateful to your comment about their prices. I am not yet trading the DJI but it is on my list of things to do once I get more confident in my abilities to predict this index.


ns1000 said:
Barclays is a white label of City Index. Not sure what their rates are, but you may be paying yet another middleman, albeit one with the Barclay's name

Thanks for replying. I didn't know they were a white label.