CEOfyi - quantitive analysis of CEO stock price performance



As some of you might know I currently administer a website called CEOfyi which is a unique CEO tenure tracking website which tracks public CEO performance metrics. I posted about it on the forums originally here.

I just now added an exciting new feature which "backtests" the up-to-date historical performance of the stock while the CEO was in office, against a variety of advanced Quantative metrics. I suspected some CEOs have a pretty tortured relationship with their stock price, while others might have a Midas touch. But I wanted to prove it - with data - and now it's done! Here are the Quantative metrics we're calculating, updated daily:
  1. Downside Deviation
  2. Kelly Ratio
  3. Average Length Drawdown
  4. Average Drawdown
  5. Maximum Drawdown
  6. Drawdown Deviation
  7. Upside Risk
No other public site has this data as far as I'm aware - not even close to it. Enjoy! (Not personalized investment advice, those are your own decisions).

Oh the url is: CEOfyi
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