Censorship Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nika
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I was threatened a couple of times, but then again on citybulls he'd clearly stated that "no publicity was bad publicity" and things like that... I was actually half hoping for a suit, would have been great fun!

It's easy to find fault with option (a) but when I exited I actually had a higher bid for my share from another pool member than what wasp was willing to bid... I decided to take wasp's bid and tell the other member what I thought... they then promptly bought two more shares off wasp...

Suing for slander can be very very costly because it's such a grey area to some extent. Scaremongering Dave, that's all it was, and could easily have backfired on the person pressing for this action.
Putting it on the wiki sounds like a bad idea, as anyone (ie Wasp) can edit/delete it???

If I were wasp, I'd take a week away from the internet, refrain from tequila, go on long walks, and get my head settled. He's been under a lot of stress recently and I think this marks the turning of the corner.
i think like trading and one night stands some decisions are easy to see in hindsight 🙂

once a circle of trust has been created [and you would have had to have been there to participate in that circle that was created over several months] then to withdraw trust becomes a greater thing.

after all if someone just did a thread on the board 'i'm starting up a scheme that will make us rich this time next year for only investing £100 no one would believe it. [however the nigerian lottery emails still worked as did the bank details ones even without the circle of trust].

this is what every commercial business is trying to create -a circle of trust. Some with good intentions of offering a mutual beneficial arrangement [fair exchange is no robbery] and others who only have that idea as a mask.

there seems a fairly standard pattern of people on the web offering 'education' [the hook] be it through a free course , videos , chatroom , live trading room, a strategy [the line] as a way to get people to later part with their money in signing up for something 'extra special' [the sinker].

It's quite alarming how easily people are hustled. But if we take this industry as a whole it really is an absolute nightmare because there is so much for crooks to hide behind in terms of creating illusions.
I was threatened a couple of times, but then again on citybulls he'd clearly stated that "no publicity was bad publicity" and things like that...

fwiw, I was among those threatened too... he would ruin my reputation, he would sue me and come end of year he would make sure the site's managers would face legal charges too. As usual, a lot of hot air and talk but no real case.

The evidence I have shared publicly is only the top of the iceberg. When it really matters, I still have something far more interesting and disturbing up my sleeve, so I'm pretty sure wasp will stay quiet for the time being.

Meanwhile everybody is free to start acting like a cry-baby because they didn't get paid out and others did, and how morally or ethically unjust this and the rest of the world is.

It won't make a f*cking difference, but it might help people feel better if they can put the blame on someone or something else as opposed to taking responsibility for their own (lack of) actions and admit to failure.

As wasp used to say: live, learn, adjust.
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Wrong again.

Have you noticed there are no advisors any longer....I wonder why this is the case 🙄

It's called politics. You don't admit that you're wrong or guilty, but you find a way around it so it looks like you're making a change for the better. Happens on daily basis, and T2W mgmt clearly doesn't mind getting their hands dirty in the process, as long as it doesn't show to the outside world.
It's called politics. You don't admit that you're wrong or guilty, but you find a way around it so it looks like you're making a change for the better. Happens on daily basis, and T2W mgmt clearly doesn't mind getting their hands dirty in the process, as long as it doesn't show to the outside world.

All this wasted effort on deflection ....the members are not blind you know.
There is a new volunteer role that I am actively involved in setting up. Once the details have been finalised, a full announcement will be made. Rest assured, it has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread.
will volunteers be allowed or encouraged to "juice" the membership ? If so count me in mate