Woodie's CCI
I am not looking for a debate. Just expressing my opinion, which I feel can be beneficial to people who might be thinking of getting married to a technical indicator.
No, I am not in Woodie's room often. In fact, I am never in his room. I do have friends who hang out in his room for the comradery.
I know Woodie from when he first appeared on Paltalk. I had many conversations with Woodie at that time. As I said, Woodie is a great trader and a good teacher.
I know he does have people not look at price action and to only look at the CCI when they are having trouble attaining confidence and discipline in the indicator. Basically, when price action, candle sticks, whatever is preventing a newbie from being disciplined and profitable. If you think Woodie advocates just looking at the CCI indicator and being oblivious to price everyday, all day long, well, we must be talking about a different Woodie.
Forgive me for my lack of clarity with the example I used regarding a trending day's profitability vs a choppy day's profitability while using the CCI. The point I was trying to express was that CCI will not tell you if it is a trending day or choppy day. To be profitable day after day, year after year, you need to see price action.
There is no magic indicator in trading but there is a lot of misplaced hope.
I have been trading long enough to know that 85/90% of the people in Woodies' room will eventually wash out of trading. It is not because Woodie is not a great trader and it is not because he is not a good teacher. It is because it is very difficult to teach 20+ years of trading experience and DISCIPLINE to employee type personalities.
There are many ways to profit in the trading arena. No doubt that CCI can be used in one of these ways.
Gary777, I am confident that you can become one of the successful 10/15% of traders if you master the discipline, patience and persistence required to insure a statistical edge in whatever indicator, method, system you are using to enter and exit trades.
Believe me, If there were 500+ weak hand retail traders all entering CCI trades within a few seconds of each other in a public chat room someone would be squeezing their stops most likely after front running them 😀
I am all for traders helping traders.