cash on demand

Yes Sutchie, I am currency subscribed to his Cash On Demand course.

Are you thinking of taking him up on his latest offer?

I like the idea of splitting the cost between a few members on here. But is it logistically possible as I'm sure we live all over the country (I'm in south london). Also, how do we pool the money, who gets it first etc etc...If anyone can come up with a sound idea I'm up for it. If not, I'll just wait patiently for module 5 which should have the 2nd part of how to make up to 25k a month from web ads and if that is any way successful, it should finance any other little surprises that Mr Reynolds might have for us. And as previously said, maybe there'll be another opportunity to be a private student...
Jetheat said:
Yes Sutchie, I am currency subscribed to his Cash On Demand course.

Are you thinking of taking him up on his latest offer?


Am tentatively considering at the moment.
Only rec' d info a few days ago, and I am a bit of skeptic, it has to be said... am concerned that I need to subscribe for 4/5 months before I even get a peep at what Reynolds as to offer...2/3 months is quite long enough to be paying for what seems to amount to basically not very much info beyond the introductory letter I rec'd.

What are your thoughts on it?
This is all part of the plan and a way to keep everyone longing for the next module.
This is what stops people from cancelling once they have the goods in their hand.

I guess today's module will be the first one which will allow us to start making some money. Let's see what it says.

I wouldn't mind pooling money either for his latest offer as I think buying it by yourself is a bit too much.

Blind alleys...

I once paid £200 for a course which promised to reveal the secrets of trading commodities. I paid the £200, and received very little real information, never mind "secrets". Guess what, I was then asked to attend a £1200 seminar which would really reveal the secrets of trading commodities.

I suspect that you are heading up a very expensive blind alley....but, once you have shelled out a few hundred quid, you will be reluctant to quit since you will want something back on your investment............
Pipppin, that's quite true in most cases and I'm well aware of that dilemma. It happens all the time.

The reason why I went with Andrew is because of his credibility and the fact that he does it himself. He even closed down his business and continues to do the very same thing from home.
Already, we can see how it works and I know it does work because I've read about people who have also made it work from different sources.

So, without taking a few risks, you'll never get anywhere. You just need to trust the person you're dealing with.

In fact, I bought something off Andrew in the past and I asked for a refund because it wasn't for me and he promptly sent a refund. So I guess you can say that he can be trusted.

Good luck...

Jetheat, good luck....I hope it works out for you....keep us posted
Pippppin said:
Jetheat, good luck....I hope it works out for you....keep us posted


My only reservation about the whole thing is where the products to sell come from and how much the licence cost to sell them?

If there are all these products to sell out there what are they? who wants to sell the licences to people like us? Plus surely all the good products will be snapped up by others including Andrew and his training partners.

Plus I would like to see an example of an actual product that they have sold and where they advertise it? Otherwise it may turn out that all we end up selling is the concept and not any real products?
dr4878 said:
Plus I would like to see an example of an actual product that they have sold and where they advertise it? Otherwise it may turn out that all we end up selling is the concept and not any real products?

precisely.. i have a feel it might be like those "earn ££££'s simply by stuffing envelopes" scams.

liberal interpretations of the law, yet still legal..

This is my first post on these boards so hello to you all.

I've received the letter from Streetwise Marketing about Andrews Cash On Demand System.

I've read this thread with interest, but has anyone actually made any money from this yet? Where are we expected to all find products to sell?

I'm just worried that this seems to be a mass market publication and there aren't enought decent quality products around.

For those who have read some or all over this course, and thoughts from what you have read would be aprpeciated to help me decide.

Many thanks
Andrew did state that they are not the normal run-of-the-mill type products. They are fairly unique.
If you got the letter from him 2 days ago, you'll know what type of products he deals in.

So as we know what we are getting into, there's little chance of falling into a envelope stuffing scam.
He shows the proofs and you can also talk to some of the other people he taught.

It's all fairly open and honest.
Of course, the real proof is when you try it yourself and see if it works,

FetteredChinos said:
does this just not reek of scam? i cant be the only one thinking this?

No. You're not. A colleague of mine got involved in this sort of thing - went to a 'money back' seminar, 'the last one ever' and made nothing out of it. I offered to help him using some of my company's resources but he really had little or nothing to sell. Don't want to get involved in the current status of Manhattan Direct, but suggest that anyone thinking of getting involved in any of these schemes gets his/her hands on back copies of a publication called The Board (email [email protected]) featuring Mr Reynolds, Lowe, Johannsen/Hall, Adams et al. These guys seem to make their money out of the seminars and 'membership fees' rather than selling the products you (and how many others?) are licenced to sell. In the case of Simon Hall/Johannsen (The Mega Wealth scheme and similar) there was a BBC exposé on him a while ago. This one may be different :I don't know.

The other thing to watch out for is their cross-selling. Buy something from one and you then get an 'exclusive' invitation to a 'never-to-be-repeated' seminar at a hotel near Heathrow or in Newport (yes, really), only to get a mailing about another one a few weeks later. Sound familiar ?

My colleague makes 2 recommendations to anyone thinking of getting involved.

1. Ask, and get in writing, whether the principal has an exclusive licence for the products and how many other people are selling these same products AND HOW MANY YEARS THEY HAVE BEEN AVAILABLE FOR. Many of them are US manuals which have been around for years and are in old formats - CD and video rather than DVD and are being offered by several people each of whom claims to have an exclusive licence for them.

2. Ask to speak to - AND MEET WITH IN PERSON - others who have signed up and who are making money (Seems to me that if a number of you are doing this together you could compare notes and see if you are being fed the same stooge).

Seems to me it's best to start with the premise that if something looks too good to be true it probably is. As ever, these are my opinions only : do your own research etc. etc.
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Spot on anyone making any money yet from "cash on demand"? If not, when does the goldrush begin?
Pippin, Bluebelle & FC.

If you don't go for something, you'll never know how good or bad it is until you try it.

Tell me, have either of you come across a recent business opportunity that you thought would be good or good enough to at least try.

You see, in my experience, the people who complain about opportinities are people who are happy sitting on the sidelines and critisizing others who get on with it and try to make a living.
I'm not saying that you're one of these people but it seems like you're the type who would rather pass an opportunity by and then blame it on the rest of the world for lack of success.

The people who end up making money are the people who go out there and try new things. People who don't give up simply because they encountered a few bad eggs to begin with. People who don't discard an opporunity by just scanning the sales page and then discarding it as rubbish.
Would you categorise yourself as one of these people?

a flaw in the logic...

Good point Jetheat.......but there is a big difference between spotting a market gap or niche, and then using ones talents/persistence/determination to make it reality, and entering the "get rich quick" arena.

I too received a mailshot recently from Andrew Reynolds (he has latched onto the fact that traders/spreadbetters are a potentially lucrative market). I studied it carefully, wanted to believe in it, but could not escape a fundamental flaw in the logic.......

I was offered the first lesson with a money back guarantee. However, I knew that the first lesson would teach me nothing, or very little, but would concentrate on showing me how successful Mr. Reynolds is. If I continued past lesson one, I would probably have shelled out a few hundred pounds, only to realise that I have learned very little beyond how successful Mr. Reynolds is. Do you then cut your losses, or pull out in the hope that the mirage will become reality? Either way, Mr. Reynolds cannot lose, but you, or I, can.

Jetheat I really admire your determination to find a successful venture, but the world contains deceivers and schemers who are only too happy to rob people of their money and their dreams. I hope Andrew Reynolds "cash on demand" is not one of those, but to say the spiel looks too good to be true until proven otherwise is not cynicism but reality.
You're quite right.
You just can't find out until you actually pay the money and have a look by which time you may have been conned.

I went with Andrew as he's been sending me mail over the past 6-7 years out of which I ordered once and then got a prompt refund.
So my past experience in this case helped me make a decision, not to mention the fantastic sales letter!

The only other way to find out if its for real is to ask people who have already done it.
This was the case with Andrew again. He shows us the several people he taught and how they've all gone on to make a killing.

In my case, this formed a fairly good reason to go for the package.

In the end, it was a combination of factors which led me to buy this package.
If I was buying anything over the Internet, I normally would not go for it unless there was a money back guarantee. The exception to this rule is when other have tried it and it works and I am freely able to speak to these successful people.

I offer a money back guarantee on the product I sell because I know others would be reluctant to buy from someone they don't know. So I made sure I would have the customer feel at ease when buying my product. Have a look:
