Career paths


Hi everyone.

There seems to be a wealth of valuable information on these boards, so I thought I'd ask something specific to myself.

I work for one of the big4 accountancy firms in corporate tax and I'm currently studying for the ACA (graduate entry). It's a great place to work but I'm already thinking about possible career options for the future.

I'd like to work for an investment bank (I think name/ prestige is still an important factor in my CV) and while intuitively M&A or securities research may be my most logical entry point, I thought I might explore what options are available - given I know eff all about working for a bank.

I'm a little apprehensive about M&A because of how presitigous it is and the fact I'll be up against the very cream of the crop (oxbridge, captain of the football team etc. types - no disrepect intended; it's just my impression!) - and the horror stories re: the long hours. Equity research is more naturally appealing but I'm also concerned that banks slim down their operations in downturns and as a lower revenue division - employment may be difficult.

So I hear traders work more sociable hours but there are (more) exams? How long are the studies (we talking years or months here)? How numerate are you expected to be? I have a Masters in Engineering from a top 5 uni but I've always found statistics more tricky than pure or mechanics. Will an ACA help me get a job or is it inconsequential? Am I looking at training with grads fresh out of uni if I want to work for a large bank?

Anyway, I'd appreciate any guidance. Thanks!
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ACA + MBA can get you a job in an Investment Bank (structurer, M&A's,etc.)
FSA 1,2,3 or SII Diploma is for Trading Jobs (IB's, Prop Companies, Trading Companies, Hedge Funds,etc)