Career change - advice needed


Hey all. I hope you're looking forward to the weekend.

I'm posting here to try to get some advice. I apologise if there are multiple threads about this already but I didn't see any similar.

About me: I'm 27, currently studying for MBA (part-time, due to complete in late 2009). After graduating (2:2, Business Management), I went on a grad training scheme with HSBC (retail banking) but after 6 months, I had an offer to become part of a business start-up. I don't want to get back into that side of banking, not really for me.

Business has been successful but for the past year I've been re-thinking my options. Ultimately, having just bought a house and the future holding more responsibilities (some of them wearing nappies), I'd rather have something more sustainable. This doesn't mean I'm lazy - a normal job would probably see a reduction in my working hours!

I'm realistic enough to know about the 'good lads' club that exists within the industry, hence, I've been looking at back-office jobs, possibly as temping. But even a lot of these are asking for experience, which I don't have.

Ideally, I'd like something in equities/derivatives. I've always been interested in the stock market and enjoyed the work on it at uni. From there, I dabbled in shares. I found out about spread-betting by mistake, really. I had an account at IG as I play the spreads on various football markets (being a big fan of the lower leagues), when I saw that the spreads could be played on the share prices, too. That also led to an interest in the commodities and FX markets.

So, could I improve my approach? On timescales, the good thing is that I have plenty of work to do still - I would envisage not leaving until the Summer 08 (although earlier if the offer was right). Financially, I could probably afford to do an internship and work for free, but like before, I have my doubts about whether I could attain one.

I have February pretty much free. Would it be a good idea to get the Securities and Derivatives SII qualification (I think it's Units 1 +4) done? I already have done Introduction to Investment (The Foundation Qualification).

Thanks for any input.