Career path after Alevels.


Junior member
Just finished my A levels going onto Sheffield hallam uni to take ‘Business economics’.
I want a career as a stockbroker or in spread betting firm. I’ve been advised to go on SII..Which type of qualification should I do?
The certificate one from unit1, 2,3,4,5 to 6 or IAQ or international ones?
The workbooks cost £75 which is ridiculous. Has anyone got these workbooks, are they any good? Any other learning material I could use?
Are the workbooks easily presented good information, or is it just questions with no answers?
Is it worth joining SII membership with all the start up fees etc?
In Sheffield and Rotherham area where I live how could I get experience that would land me an entry level position in a brokerage firm?
Any advice/information would be very helpful.

Also any advice on getting part time jobs, most people at my age work in bars/restaurants/retail for part time income. Yet I’ve sent cvs off and never got replies?
I’ve never had a part time job and most part time jobs require past employment experience. I’ve even bought a book called brilliant cv’. Any ideas of what to do?
Nightmare would be to finish uni and end up stacking shelves at Asda with all the school drop outs and thugs who skipped school.🙁
Advice/information/recommendations would be much appreciated.

You’ve got three years until graduation. Forget about SII, etc until your third year – you’ll have enough work from uni.

The local press should have plenty of ads for part-time work.

What about asking if you can do work experience at one of the firms (without salary)?
Just finished my A levels going onto Sheffield hallam uni to take ‘Business economics’.
I want a career as a stockbroker or in spread betting firm. I’ve been advised to go on SII..Which type of qualification should I do?
The certificate one from unit1, 2,3,4,5 to 6 or IAQ or international ones?
The workbooks cost £75 which is ridiculous. Has anyone got these workbooks, are they any good? Any other learning material I could use?
Are the workbooks easily presented good information, or is it just questions with no answers?
Is it worth joining SII membership with all the start up fees etc?
In Sheffield and Rotherham area where I live how could I get experience that would land me an entry level position in a brokerage firm?
Any advice/information would be very helpful.

Also any advice on getting part time jobs, most people at my age work in bars/restaurants/retail for part time income. Yet I’ve sent cvs off and never got replies?
I’ve never had a part time job and most part time jobs require past employment experience. I’ve even bought a book called brilliant cv’. Any ideas of what to do?
Nightmare would be to finish uni and end up stacking shelves at Asda with all the school drop outs and thugs who skipped school.🙁
Advice/information/recommendations would be much appreciated.

It's a bit like if you have money you can make money, the trick is getting the first job.....

Put nice clothes on and take your CV into firms, learn to blag a bit, look confident, not arrogant and always be polite, if you are turned down, write a note saying that you would still be interested in working for the firm in the future. Make sure anything you write looks nice, is spelt correctly and has good grammar.

Try to make your CV as interesting as possible so join clubs, do voluntary work and then find a job. Get a good degree - ie concentrate on what they are teaching you, whilst at Uni. It's very easy to think it's not that hard, not work and run out of time to learn stuff as you won't have the structure of school and the temptations are many and various.

Look at internships, apply for jobs in the summer, go to the investment depts of big accountants if you have to, anything is better than nothing.

Focus, plan, execute.:cheesy:
Just finished my A levels going onto Sheffield hallam uni to take ‘Business economics’.
I want a career as a stockbroker or in spread betting firm. I’ve been advised to go on SII..Which type of qualification should I do? Many people want many things from life. You keep wanting...
The certificate one from unit1, 2,3,4,5 to 6 or IAQ or international ones?
The workbooks cost £75 which is ridiculous. Has anyone got these workbooks, are they any good? Any other learning material I could use? Buy second hand. Look at Amazon or ebay...
Are the workbooks easily presented good information, or is it just questions with no answers?
Is it worth joining SII membership with all the start up fees etc?
In Sheffield and Rotherham area where I live how could I get experience that would land me an entry level position in a brokerage firm? Tough call...
Any advice/information would be very helpful.

Also any advice on getting part time jobs, most people at my age work in bars/restaurants/retail for part time income. Yet I’ve sent cvs off and never got replies? This is a little naive of you...

I’ve never had a part time job Lucky you...and most part time jobs require past employment experience. I’ve even bought a book called brilliant cv’. Even bought a book? 😱 You have really pushed the boat out haven't you?Any ideas of what to do? Tell us what you can do and I'll give you some ideas on what you can do. What's wrong with bars restaurants or retail. I've started off at McDonalds after Wimpy turned me down. My friends use to stack shelves at Asda and he is now a regional sales manager.
Nightmare would be to finish uni and end up stacking shelves at Asda with all the school drop outs and thugs who skipped school.🙁 Yep you are heading that way.
Advice/information/recommendations would be much appreciated.

I agree with GrantX's and Shadowninja's recs.

Having said that getting really bad vibes from your write up. Don't pretend to be something you are not.

Develop your self first. I can't help thinking you have had it too easy. Don't ask me why. Someone has to put you down to see if you have the metal to come up from the acid test stronger or weaker.

For someone who is going to university you sound pretty lame... Get real bro... I feel you. Honest I really do...

Best thing you can do at the moment is work your boll0cks off and get good grades. Enjoy university and life and discover your real self.

Best of luck...

Yours sincerely,
I agree with Attila have a great time at Uni, study hard and play equally as hard.

I agree with the other posters here. Have fun but do work hard, graduates are "ten a penny" nowadays so make sure you come away with a *good* degree to stand out from the crowd.
First question I'd ask you is do you know what a stock broker does or are you using it as a generic term for various types of sales and trading roles within the city?

If you really want to be a stock broker then you might as well get some form of part time sales job while you're at uni. Get lots of practice at opening people up, building rapport and closing deals and you should make a good broker. In fact getting a job as a charity chugger is actually likely to build up the various soft skills required in sales very quickly.

I would suggest that you do some research though as stockbroking might not actually be the sort of career you were thinking of.
if you dont mind me asking gamma what sort of company do you work for ie prop shop, investement bank etc its ok i dont expect you to say the company lol