Those who create systems are the ones who will enforce that system once created. That's why they created it in the first place. Very few (that I know) who create systems end up at the bottom of the heap. Some, apart from benefitting from it financially, actually end up with knighthoods or in the House of Lords while those in the system struggle to obey the rules. Tony Blair, much as I admire him, is going to end up like that. Putin is going another way, but will go down in Russian history as a hero. That may be so, but they are rich heroes, nevertheless. Even Castro, in Cuba, is on top of his heap. The real genius of creating a system is making the masses believe in it. Some, actually, enjoy being screwed! There are millions of dedicated capitalists and socialists who haven't gained a penny out of their beliefs, but live in hope of a better future. They may not see it, but their children might! However, hope does not buy the baby a new dress. What I advise, as an elderly member of the system, who has seen most of it, even having had to fight the establishment's wars so that they get richer, is to screw the system for what it is worth because, if you are able to, it will,still, be peanuts to those on top of the heap.
To take an example. A recent case of a severely damaged, one could say that he is almost a vegetable, veteran of the Iraq war has been awarded £150,000. His family is going to court. No matter what his final compenstation will be, it will be nothing compared to what the establishment spends in tea parties in a week, of that I am sure.
I realise that I have deviated from what this thread is all about----or have I? Capitalism is a system bent on accumulating wealth. My father bought his house in West Hampstead for £1500. God know what it is worth today, half a million? How did that come about? The good, old, arm of the establishment, inflation. The unions ask for, and get, more wages, the establishment gives it and property and consumer prices are racked up along with it. Everyone is happy, except for those with cash. Those trying to buy a property are back to square one! The establishment is still on top of the heap.