Best Thread Capital Spreads

Took a trade and was executed untime. I will be looking at the averages across time and give you feed back.
Hi Simon,
The issue of your price divergence feed only started about two - three days ago. It has been constant ever since.

We have now amended our FX feeds and you should see a marked improvement in fills.

Yes, I have noticed a marked improvement in fills. Still some room to improve but good work Simon.

I had 2 expired tickets over the past couple of days, but this was not a biggie. More importantly, I have noticed the prices now better match what I am seeing on two other FX charting packages (for traders using the free FXPower Charts, note the cable and euro spot rates from CS are generally 1 or 2 pips above what you will see on these's nothing to do with Capital spreads, as Oanda's prices are slightly different as well. What is more important is that when I buy or sell based on the charts, the Capitalspreads price doesn't suddenly skew in the other direction..and I am happy to report that they do not.

I never did migrate to Deal4Free / CMC. I should try them out eventually but I am happy with CS again.

There is a new problem....with the more robust system in place, I am trying my hand at super short-term day trading, holding some positions for maybe just 10 seconds ! This is not good, but its low pippage fun! Simon, would you rather I didn't do this? ie do you have a policy against scalping? Importantly, I don't want to be in a situation where if I am losing doing this you are happy, but if I am winning at this then you are angry ? If its a problem, I can go to Oanda or IB with this as they have no problems with so called scalpers.
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apologies Simon, I forgot to mention that regarding my rapid-fire trading experiment I am not in any way trying to exploit price delays of incorrect prints - indeed with the new found reliable FX feed, this should not be an issue any more. I am just trading with or against very short-term trends. I am not always in and straight out ... if I catch a nice wave, I will trail a stop and may be in the position for half an hour or so. Often though, in my "trend-fishing" experiment its a case of going in and straight out when the price moves maybe 5 pips against me. can you just confirm this kind of experiment is okay ?

I am guessing it is okay, because most traders doing this blow-up. I am just interested in whether you let the successful few continue?
I see on the chart for EUR/$ Rolling Day instrument today at around 7:10 this morning the price on the Capital Spreads chart spiked down to 1.1847 but on the Forex charts eg there was no such spike just curious to know if there was anyone out there who was carrying a profitable position from yesterday and got stopped out due to this spike on their Capital Spreads account.
don't want to be in a situation where if I am losing doing this you are happy, but if I am winning at this then you are angry ?
You don’t trade GOOG do you abob…..?

Last month Capital’s spread was around 30c – this month around $1.20….!?!

(Market spread is 5-10c...)

Capital Spreads front page:-
At Capital Spreads , we keep our spreads permanently tight to give you more room for profit - we believe our spreads are far better value than our competitors thus giving you more opportunity to win..

LOL….! - perhaps the opportunities to win came too often......!.............. 😆
Hi Tradesmart, I haven't traded Google through Capital spreads (or anyone else).

grrr - Capital's rolling fx quotes turned bad again and the system swicthing to telephone only. This happened at the release of the FOMC minutes (understandable if the system got overloaded with volume, or something) but it also happened again right now when there is nothing big going on in the mkt.

Just when I thought it was all running smoothly with a new feed, its seems to be back to its old (less reliable) ways. Why is the price feed so bad relative to other brokers/SB's? I'm still trying my day trading experiment through CS because I like their simple interface and the tight spread on EUR/USD (2 pips) but the system needs to be a little more robust.

Simon, where are you...taking a holiday, eh ? ...the cheek !
It's not just CS whose system goes down - I've had issues with Finspreads as well for a couple of days. To be fair to them, I was using an older version of Java - installing the latest version did seem to clear out SOME of the problems. Will be watching the performance over the next few days.....

abobtrader said:
Hi Tradesmart, I haven't traded Google through Capital spreads (or anyone else).

grrr - Capital's rolling fx quotes turned bad again and the system swicthing to telephone only. This happened at the release of the FOMC minutes (understandable if the system got overloaded with volume, or something) but it also happened again right now when there is nothing big going on in the mkt.

Just when I thought it was all running smoothly with a new feed, its seems to be back to its old (less reliable) ways. Why is the price feed so bad relative to other brokers/SB's? I'm still trying my day trading experiment through CS because I like their simple interface and the tight spread on EUR/USD (2 pips) but the system needs to be a little more robust.

Simon, where are you...taking a holiday, eh ? ...the cheek !
Happy New year Simon.

I have been using your system still get price expired it has improved though. The price expired ticket comes back quicker enabling me to "re-try"

I know you said you don't play with the price but.. . From what I can see it is always out. if it was fixed. Then fine but sometimes it is bullish like now and sometimes it is bearish ie above and below all other price feeds. I have compared it extensively and it is the same.
Hi Simon,

Just to go against the grain... Been having great service with your platform, not had a price expired and all trades have been filled since Christmas. Not had a single problem as yet but still would like to see the 24hr trading soon.

Cooltrader, I don't know what charts you use but I personally use Metatrader4 and I find CS price virtually sits on the BID price at all times which, knowing that it does, works fine, as long as you know where you stand, never really had a problem with CS 'playing' with the price myself.

CS would still be good to trade with for swing / position trading FX if they eventually managed to implement 24 hour order filling.

The lack of this just takes your edge away in my opinion,

When oh when oh when will 24 hr FX be happening, or should I just go elsewhere?
chrisw said:
Hi Simon,

Cooltrader, I don't know what charts you use but I personally use Metatrader4 and I find CS price virtually sits on the BID price at all times which, knowing that it does, works fine, as long as you know where you stand, never really had a problem with CS 'playing' with the price myself.


Really! that is strange i use metatrader as well and some others so i must know "where I stand" 😉 If you had looked at it the charts this evening you would have found it "SAT" somewhere else and NOT on the bid price of metatrader

You don't have price has expired does not mean it does not exist. 😱 I have been trading with capitalspreads for at least 2years. "Price has expired" has been with the system since I have been with it.
I'm not saying it doesn't exist and have had problems with it in the past but, since Christmas I've not had a 'price expired' problem at all. Certainly seem to be getting better (to me ayhow).

apart from the odd 30 seconds here and there I find it to coincide as well as any seperate platform and chart can in the world of FX. Maybe some other brokers/SBs are perfect but I find it workable.

Hi all, from my telephone convo with CS today, they said the 24 hour trading was going to be ready in about a month. Sounded a bit vague, but its something to go by until Simon confirms.

: )
abobtrader said:
Hi all, from my telephone convo with CS today, they said the 24 hour trading was going to be ready in about a month. Sounded a bit vague, but its something to go by until Simon confirms.

: )

Thanks for that - I can wait a month or so, no problems!

Can I make a slight suggestion.You seem to have been having problems with your feeds today. Can you please add a button on your site so we can report price problems it without having to log in to our email box or a chat button.

Sometimes I am trying to take a trade or I am in a trade when this happens. Makes uncomfortable trading.
Also the spinning button for stop modification.

FYI, Your system has "NOT" improved. The price rejection is horrendous and I am finding it difficult closing positions. I will be giving my feed back. It is still the same one day okay and another not.

capitalspreads have a 0.4 point spread on S&P rolling daily. This sounds competitive. Is this price based on the CME ES emini futures market price or the cash price? (based on the futures would be better for me in principal, as it may then be a viable alternative to trading the ES emini, once taxes and commissions have been deducted).

How closely does the spread follow the market that it is based on (emini futures or cash), i.e. does there tend to be an inherent spreadbet bias, one way or another?

What is the maximum betsize on rolling daily S&P500?

Do any other spreadbet dealers get close to a 0.4 point spread on the S&P500? if so, who? and is their quote based on the cash or ES emini futures price?

Many thanks

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But do you actually get filled at the quoted price?

My experience with Forex is that you will get a lot of rejected deals.

I have been told that maximum bet size is £400 on the daily rolling S&P500 apparently, and all orders from £1-400 are treated equally, and should only be rejected during high volatile market periods such as nonfarms (today 13:30 GMT :!: :!: ).

All S&P500 products are based on the emini contract. Rolling daily quote should be within 0.1-0.2 points of the ES emini quote, and any fluctuations in the emini price should result in the same fluctuation in the daily rolling S&P500 quote from CS.

Although the different SP500 products offered by CS will display different quotes at the same time, if the emini goes up 1.7 points by close, all CS quotes should also close up by 1.7 points.

Thats the theory anyway...............
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