Best Thread Capital Spreads

Hey everyone! I have opended a CS accnt. but have not funded it as of yet. Reading all the problems lately has got me a bit worried. Should I hold off for a while and see what happens or go with another SB?
Probably best to go elsewhere.

It is hard enough to make money at this, even without unfair delay and manipulation.

CMC and Finspreads more or less fill you instantly, if you want to stay with the spreadbetting route.

Why suffer ?

roger1224 said:
Hey everyone! I have opended a CS accnt. but have not funded it as of yet. Reading all the problems lately has got me a bit worried. Should I hold off for a while and see what happens or go with another SB?
I've toyed around with SB demo accnts. for a few companies. SB is new to me and I have only been follwing it for about a year. As far as I know there are no SB companies in Canada and some companies don't allow Canadians or Americans to SB.
Unless Canadians do not pay tax on spreadbetting, there are only disadvantages in using it to access the markets. Just read the last few weeks of this thread !

Check out,, All good retail brokers, with a fair share of positive comments here and on other trading forums. I know JonnyT swears by Interactive.

The fills on all 3 will usually be a lot less than 25 seconds.
DirectAccess said:
Who owns Capital Spreads ?

Here's Simon the md in an article last week :cheesy:

Here are a list of companies that seem to be owned by the same group is this correct Simon? Why so many 😕

They have your web application.
Why so many...?

Just 'spreading' it about a bit I guess....!?!..... 😆

If you don't like one logo, try another - it's the same dodgy software lurking behind them all...

fascinating.... 😕
Kinda like a franchiser and franchisee relationship the others get their customer base to place trades which end up with the parent and they get a cut of the spread .

stand to be corrected of course if applicable. 🙂
Kinda like a franchiser and franchisee relationship the others get their customer base to place trades which end up with the parent and they get a cut of the spread .

I don't think so - all of these spreadbet marketing 'front-ends' operate out of the same address at Gresham Street apparently......

Very likely all of the 'proceeds' end up in the London Capital Group pot.......

We might hear from Max Clifford before we hear from Simon.....

ps - I think I'll sign up for - market movements have always been double-dutch to me, so we might get on well.... 😉

London Capital Group Ltd
51-55 Gresham Street


Domain name:

Created on: 2002-11-18
Expires on: 2006-11-18

Administrative contact:
NetBenefit Hostmaster
3rd Floor Prospero House
241 Borough High St.
+44 (0)20 7015 9370
+44 (0)20 7015 9375

Technical contact:
NetBenefit Hostmaster
3rd Floor Prospero House
241 Borough High St.
+44 (0)20 7015 9370
+44 (0)20 7015 9375

Domain name servers:
"Kinda like a franchiser and franchisee relationship the others get their customer base to place trades which end up with the parent and they get a cut of the spread "

It's not just the spread they are getting with this lot.
i noticed a few threads appearing on capital spreads on other trading forums now. lots of pxssed customers. suprised there has not been the usual promotional post from them.
DirectAccess said:
i noticed a few threads appearing on capital spreads on other trading forums now. lots of pxssed customers. suprised there has not been the usual promotional post from them.

What trading forum?
DirectAccess said:
i noticed a few threads appearing on capital spreads on other trading forums now. lots of pxssed customers. suprised there has not been the usual promotional post from them.

Why are you spreadbetting with a name like that? 😉

No we dont pay interest on unused cash.

Funds are held in a client segregated account with Barclays and Clients are covered by the FSA insurance cover of up to (i think) around £48K

Yes we do quote rolling bets on most markets .. we charge Base plus 2% and pay base minus 2% on rolling bets

Jonny T

I assume you mean just like the 'real' market...if you miss the price (sameone is quicker than you ) nothing is done... if the market moves against you you get the fill. Or am I wrong ? We have the same problem as everyone else when we trade in the market half the time you miss the price and the other half you wished you hadn't !!

abob trader

I am sorry can you ask the question again ? i missed it


Well yes, we offer White Label franchises all over the world. It says on our home page 'Affiliate Schemes' or did you all miss that one. Is there a problem with this? Or should we stay a cuddly 'little' SB company confined to the south east of the UK.

Because of FSA restrictions it is now very, very, difficult for new companies to launch in the financial sector, with the affiliate scheme companies are able to offer their clients spread betting products and as you say this brings more clients to our platform.


Do the white label franchises currently suffer from the same issue re delayed confirmations, filtered fills, price expired tickets as the main CP site ? I am assuming that all are run from the same back end and operating on the one and only Internet, we all use ?

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Problems with FX feed

as clients have been saying we are having problems with FX feeds at the moment .. this is frustrating not just for you but for us as well... as other clietns have pointed out there is no problem on other markets just FX...

we are working on it but everybody always says how easy it is ... well i can tell you that it isnt , everything takes time to build and change etc etc

I am sorry but we are very very busy this week and I am out of the office all week the replies will be further apart as a result.. this is not becus I am dodging the threads
