Best Thread Capital Spreads

al motor

we are building a 24hr FX platform but it is slow going as the parameters are very different to our current policies.

An automatic stop monitor may prove unpopular with many clients, for a start, as with a computer there is no friendly dealer who may ignore spikes etc. Widening spreads out of hours will definately not be a good selling point for our company and a whole host of other PR problems.

The IT guys are getting on with it at the moment but dont hold your breath.


Yes- auto stops, will not be popular, since they will be messing about with the strategy ! !

As i said, it is just that other "normal" forex co's obviously do 24hr trading, since it is a mkt which is open 24hrs aa day.

But i appreciate your efforts-


we have adjusted some of our spot rolling FX rates on a trial basis. The official spread will still be as stated in out Product Info sheet but for the time being the quotes will be narrower on about 5 markets.

Afternoon Simon.....

I just had an email from ETrade (I'm a long standing brokage client from the tech era) and I couldnt help but notice that they have down as a key note speaker at one of their own seminars. Apparently you will telling the assembled masses how to benefit from using E*Trades spreadbetting trading platform in 'todays tough market conditions'.

Is it pure fluke that there are two people with the same name or is there something in the pipeline?


When you place SB trades with E Trade,your position is executed by Capital Spreads Traders.

as a capitalspread client can I open an account straight away with etradespreadbetting or do I have to go through the whole process of submitting the form?....

if you wish to open an etrade account then you will have to go thru the whole process. The good old FSA insists on compliance in all areas. (mind you it only takes about 5 mins).

And no!! etrade are not taking over capital spreads

we just assist them in providing a service to their clients.

Have a great bank holiday everyone ...even the states are off this time so shud be a quiet monday.

Automated trading interface


Is there any chance of an automated trading interface, so that people with platforms such as tradestation or esignal, with automated dealing capability could automatically place bets?


Im a little confuse on you forex prises..on the popular one such as EUR/USD is 4 pips on the daily forex and 3 pips on the rolling forex.I thought the daily would be a lower spread.anyhow

You said recently you was going to reduce you spreads on the forex markets. but you still 3 pips the same as DFF but not the same as they offer 1.5 spread on the EUR/USD.

I like to say on behalf of other day traders who trade the forex intraday to offer us a 2 ticks spread on the EUR/USD and beat DFF BY 1 TICK. just a thought

the daily FX is more expensive for us because we have to trade in and out of the market at the closing price on the day. Whereas the rolling markets we just hedge until the client positions tell us otherwise. We prefer clients to trade the rolling which is why we make it more attractive to do so.

I have not had much customer feed back on the OandA platform other than the comment that it is there. We dont seem to lose clients to them so I must assume that there may be other issues involved.

When I said we were cutting the spreads on various markets these were in things like EUR/JPY and USD/CHF etc . At the moment a three pip spread is v.competitive (especially when you look at the margin we require to do so).


Spread Betting is a joke .. and Capital Spreads is a terrible spread-betting service .. I read in this forum how they had the tightest spreads, and signed up with them, and on paper it seemed comparatively tight. My experience has revealed otherwise -- you actually get charged double the advertised spread.

The system they use employs a sliding window spreac mechanism that could stop out of a position, if you are relying on real market prices to monitor your position. I could not believe it when I got stopped out of a position while the real-time prices were several points off my stop loss position.

I reckon this is scamming way to apply spreads. Spreads should be applied at the time of purchase or sale, and stop loss positions should be triggered by market price not by a spread-adjusted price.

My second issue with their system is that once you take a position, the system will not allow you to take another position in the opposite direction. This cost me dear..

So, next time you read about how tight their spreads are ..

Generally, the UK spread betting shops are taking their customers for a ride, but capital spreads seems to be the worst. I am never going to use UK spread-betting shops, or any spread-betting shops for that matter, and will go for buying contracts or spread trading which has lower margins.

It is a joke, and the only folks laughing are the spread betting service providers.

Quote.."My second issue with their system is that once you take a position, the system will not allow you to take another position in the opposite direction. This cost me dear.."

Surely if you are taking another position in the other direction then you are closing part of your first position? ie reducing your explosure caused by your first position. The nature of your complaint seems unclear. You can only speculate that the market is going to move one way!

Just seen the bit about E*Trade choosing capitalspread presumably because 'they know quality when they see it' .. my take on that is that it has nothing to do with quality, but everything to do with increased earnings at a reduced cost -- ie, reason behind most outsourcing decisions.

2 points relagrading that:

-- E*Trade probably had a fairer system, but realised they could make more by using the capitalspreads style of spread-adjusted market prices.

-- There can't be that many mugs doing spread-betting .. as even a regular dumbo newby like me was able to quickly realise that its a mug's game with the dice heavily loaded against you. So, in the face of shrinking (or volatile) customer base, E*Trade will gain by eliminating some of their operating cost, for a guarrantteed increase in revenue as the use of capitalspread most probably represents.

I think the folks touting spread-betting as great for begineers are those who have snake-oil systems/books/ebooks/courses to sell, or those involved in providing these services. Newbies reading this should realise that there is something called spread-trading out there, which has lower margin requirements than many spread-betting services do .. oh, yes .. lower margins .. this is becasue some spread-betting shops will force a minimum number of points for setting your stop-loss which one must use when taking a position .. if that is not the same as a margin requirement, pls tell me what it is ..

Newbys should seek out a good spread-trading book/course, and seek out brokers who accept spread-trading positions. Once you have tried this once, you will be kicking yourself that you ever let these scammers take you for a ride.

Hope this post is useful to some would-be mug.
stevespray said:

Surely if you are taking another position in the other direction then you are closing part of your first position? ie reducing your explosure caused by your first position. The nature of your complaint seems unclear. You can only speculate that the market is going to move one way!


In a regular futures contract or spread-contract, this is possible. One contract is a distinct entity which can stand by itself, and should not prevent you from buying another contract which represents taking an opposite position. Of course, one can also choose to adjust their initial position by closing out part of the initial contract. Please, tell me why this should be impossible, as long as you have the funds to take that position.
