Best Thread Capital Spreads

Originally Posted by R.Charnock View Post
Not so dull if you were sitting watching your life's savings go down the drain, perhaps.
Well if you don't have a stop loss in place, who is to blame?

Do your stops still trigger when the market does this? Isn't the market closed, therefor the stops don't trigger until it opens up again. Isn't this what people call slippage and/or gaps depending on the exact triggering of events (it would probably be a gap through your stop and slippage when the market does open back up because it won't fill right away)

I would say that you are still to blame because you didn't plan on this "common" occurence and you were definately to blame if your life savings is going down the drain as you should be using proper money management and the loss even if is a black swan event should only have a limited impact.

Even a black swan event should only affect you minimally. The largest one day loss was just over 20% and the largest one day gain was just over %15. During the flash crash some large stocks were essentially wipped out going down to penny stocks. If your life savingsis is wipped out from such a move you should look at your money management.

Legendary Member

Did you hear back from your the charting gurus about the ATR indicator?
I was just going to ask about SL. I automatically thought that if it's not guaranteed it's not going to trigger.
I was just going to ask about SL. I automatically thought that if it's not guaranteed it's not going to trigger.
If there is a natural gap in the market the stop loss might not trigger. If there is a technical problem with the price feed, it is my experience that CS will honor the stop loss in place and correct it. As I have said before, one should not close manually a position where the stop loss did not trigger. I have many times noticed that CS will close the position according to the stop loss, if it from technical reasons did not trigger in the first place.
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How about this?

The first 3 minutes of market open you can't trade and your stops won't be hit. Will you just cancel the SL order if it gets hit or what? Two days in a row your neighbour has moved my stop to the low of the opening bar. After it had started retracing.
So I get stopped 30 points late when the instrument is going the other way.

I was thinking maybe the stop is changed to guaranteed and dropped ~30 points lower(for the open 3min) and it just happens to be the low of the bar twice in a row.

I mean if this is something you do better I'm jumping over the fence.


I rechecked the trade last day and it wasn't the low of the bar. It was below of the low of the second bar on 3min chart.


The problem seems to be with my charts not showing gaps. So **** me...
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First day today that I logged onto Caps to day trade following the issues I detailed on 2nd August.

I entered a position, and the ticket spent ages just "working" before timing out. Same thing happened a 2nd time.

On the 3rd attempt, the ticket just kept "working", and as the platform is effectively frozen during this execution period, I pressed refresh and tried again, same thing happened so I pressed refresh and tried for a 4th time and same thing happened again, and again on the 5th time, but on this final refresh all the markets disappeared and text appeared in the upper window reading "No available Markets" (or something similar). I logged out and back in, and the same thing happened "No available Markets".

So, I logged out and in again, same problem. My balance and margin details were showing, but nothing else. Mentioned it on my forum and other users were having the same issue, so I logged out and tried in a different browser, same problem again.

Then I gave up.

On logging back in some time later, I was shocked to see 3 open positions - all of those trades had executed but at the time were not showing on the platform and nor was the used margin.

As it's 3 Weeks since last using the platform and I had the problems I described back then, it does make me wonder where exactly the cause of this problem lies because I have a great high speed connection and no issues on any other website, trading platform or otherwise. and regularly clear cache/cookies etc.

The loss I incurred because of this today was significant compared to my normal day trading risk parameters. I have just taken another trade and the platform is working fine now, but still, it's unfortunate that I'm probably going to have to give up on the idea of using Caps platform for day trading in the future.

Other than the reporting features (which I like) and the platform itself (when it's working), there isn't really anything else to keep me trading with Capital Spreads. I never use the charts since they changed to these horrible ones, and the available features are offered elsewhere, usually in a better format.

Only thing I will miss are the spreads which are generally quite competitive for day trading, but otherwise costly when suffering issues such as those of 3 weeks ago and those of today.
This happens to me sometimes. I think it's a problem with browser/flashplayer. Have to be careful not to enter the trade too many times.

Refreshing the page works for me.
"Short selling is prohibited on this market"

Why? And is the only way to know about these restrictions through trial and error? Wouldn't want to spend hours flooding the server with short requests...

if we have a pricing issue and we are not getting prices into our engines then no orders will be triggered whilst the problem is ongoing. So .. if the market is trading at 10,000 and you have a sell stop at 9,990 when the system goes down your order will not be activated in normal circumstances even if the market price indicates that it should have been triggered. So, theoretically, the market could go through your stop and then back up and when the platform resets your order will still be waiting for activation (so you had a 'get out of jail free' card) if the market has fallen further then you will be activated at the stop level on your ticket (unless there was a real gap in the market).


i have raised this as an urgent issue with dev . they are looking into it now.

hello Simon,

do Capitalspreads offer any volatility spreadbet instruments where you can bet aganist the ($qqv) qqq volatility index,or the (iyt) index which is the transport sector index in america.


we used to offer the qqq but the volatility indexes are all on exchanges that Capital Spreads has no approval for. The cost of acquiring these outweighs the client interest in them.

Even though I (personally) do find them so.

I will look into the possibility of Capital Spreads creating its own vol index (it is just a calculation after all)

thanks Simon,
do you offer any sector bets transports, utilities, banks, etc,
If you want to provide signals, then by all means go ahead.

Nobody takes you seriously, and it has nothing to do with me.

It is because 6 months ago (despite claiming to have years of successful trading experience) you started a thread asking what instrument you should spread bet to achieve a 12.5% annual drawdown. 😆

Or because you claim to make a lot of money following £25-a-month forex signals from JTrading (whose results show hundreds of "pips" per week profit and one losing week in the past year).

And because you cannot answer this simple question - if the signals were good, why would they sell them to chumps for a pittance, instead of trading them themselves to the maximum extent that liquidity would allow?

I can go on if you wish.

Please do I'm all ears........👍

In the meantime whilst you're yapping crap as per usual I'll be sucking in the Profits...........

3rd working day into the month and already 342 pips/points booked.......Get yourself over to the FTSE Futures thread and you might even learn something from real traders and not cynical wannabees........

Oh and for Gods sake get rid of that revolting Avatar or at the very least feed it........😴
Get yourself over to the FTSE Futures thread and you might even learn something from real traders and not cynical wannabees........

perhaps i can save TL some time - i cld only manage 2 days back but still heres some choice snippets....

Its a long standing joke that one morning in 2003 I woke up in the Hotel and they were either side........To this day I genuinely have no idea what I did........

Have got a couple pics of Tuk if you want to see her in normal life !!

Wont do it now because this is a trading thread but I have a "school style" photograph of Thai Girls on a Thai Party night and amongst them all is 3 ladyboys, and the idea is to spot them........!!

Does anyone subscribe to the guy Nick in the link at FTSE Day Trader......??
I dont even remember subscribing to the emails in the past but obviously must have....

If anyone is interested in GBP/USD my tame traders in Aus and New Zealand have gone long with 1.63 at target......
These two guys are big players although I disagree with their call. Time will tell and they are rarely wrong on longer term trades....

Caveat emptor.........!!

caveat emptor indeed, your wisest words ever. and you disagree with their call, fair enough - cos you have done the analysis and it just doesnt fit your prognosis.....

A further 50 pips booked in that GBP/USD long trade of monday......
Hopefully one or two jumped in with me......

Target is 1.63+

eh? sorry? you mentalist.

so you stick the $25 paid for FX signal on a live indices call thread, then claim to disagree with it with 0 analysis backing up either way, and then call it out saying you took it and have bagged profits.

are you a minicab driver?

and how well did you know Derek?


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i have raised this as an urgent issue with dev . they are looking into it now.


Four separate complaints from traders on my forum today about freezing tickets and "price no longer valid" tickets or tickets timing out etc.

And an additional complaint that Caps were pricing FTSE at 10 or more points away from the real Market (5675 area) and no trades could be taken.
"Short selling is prohibited on this market"

Why? And is the only way to know about these restrictions through trial and error? Wouldn't want to spend hours flooding the server with short requests...

Still no clear answer for this one, so another try.

Also I can not find

Travelers Companies Inc TRV:NYQ
Travelers Companies Inc, TRV:NYQ company performance -

Is it because it's not there, it's named differently or am I just blind?

not sure which market short selling is prohibited on but the usual reason is because the country in question on whose exchange the stock is quote have prohibited it. if you remember even the UK banned shorting bank stocks for a while (much good it did them!)

while Capital Spreads could technically allow a client to short the stock if the regulators discovered this in the country concerned it might impact our ability to do business/market etc in that jurisdiction.

if there is a particular stock that has been set up incorrectly then please tell us as other wise we would not know

i will look into travellers

this appears to be a single FEP. We addressed the issue a week or so ago but obviously not well enough> i will get onto support
