Best Thread Capital Spreads

What's my agenda? I'm getting commission from IG/Oanda and other companies? 😆

I don't care, i'm very happy with my providers and have no intention to ever go near crappy spreads again.

I place polite responses and would expect serious commentators do do likewise. As soon as someone disagrees with you your comments quickly degenerated into abuse. You specify no instances just 'not filling' me or 'filling me in our favour' ? If we actually did this you would have reason to complain to the Ombudsman (who is certainly no friend of ours) and these pages would be full of it.

You evidence a thread of comment (not complaint) of eight years and nine hundred pages as somehow bad? Wow ! What a very blinkered view of the world. If all there were on this thread was complaints do you think I would return , week after week, month, year.. As mentioned two way 'free to all' interaction between the provider and the client can hardly be described as you choose to do.

In reality you might be interested in some of the previous comments that showed that similar trades placed at the same time on Capital Spreads versus competitor platforms showed better returns on CS than on others.

But i feel that no matter what i say you will not be convinced. So if you permit we can leave it at that.


I tried today and made about 8 trades using Internet Explorer as my browser which I never use and all 8 trades worked fine. I was using firefox earlier and have the latest version, not sure how it would affect it but maybe that was the problem.

Have to try again tomorrow and see if I get similar results.
I tried today and made about 8 trades using Internet Explorer as my browser which I never use and all 8 trades worked fine. I was using firefox earlier and have the latest version, not sure how it would affect it but maybe that was the problem.

Have to try again tomorrow and see if I get similar results.

Sounds good, we hope for the best tomorrow.

"Take control with Risk & Money Management"
Planning, Risk & Money Management
You seem to be the only one with this problem. Why isn't there any more post like yours expressing the problem you have? So we have to assume that the problem is on your side and start with your computer.

I'm the only one that has had this problem? That is so laughable, I guess that is why I seldom ever call support, that is usually the canned answer, never heard of that problem before, your the only one. I noticed someone a while back had posted a similar problem with execution, not sure if it was this thread.

Just because someone hasn't posted here doesn't mean the problem doesn't happen to others.

Sounds like you are connected in some way to the company by your posts, you win a lot more customers by not turning it into a personal attack.

i am really sorry that you had this problem but i really can assure you that currently you are the only client we have who seems to be experiencing this issue. (or at least has told us!)

As we are an FSA authorised company a statement like this from the CEO would be actionable by the regulators if it was false. We take many tens of thousands of real trades a day (not on the demo account where we have 100's of thousands) with virtually no issues.

Yes, we are a "market maker" which immediately puts us under the cloud of suspicion but in reality we have no time or inclination to interfere in client activity. At any moment in time we have two dealers watching every single market (almost 3000). All they are interested in is the overall risk of the company NOT the actual individual trades made by clients. Their primary job is to ensure that excess risk is hedged, that systems/prices are correct, that dividend adjustments are up to date etc etc.

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This has to be one of the sillier interludes on the SB threads.

ex4 and Masquerade: you have to accept that CapSpreads and all the other providers just wouldn't survive for more than a few days if everyone had the same problem. If there's a fault, why not video some attempted trades, then the IT people could investigate?
I'm the only one that has had this problem? That is so laughable, I guess that is why I seldom ever call support, that is usually the canned answer, never heard of that problem before, your the only one. I noticed someone a while back had posted a similar problem with execution, not sure if it was this thread.

Just because someone hasn't posted here doesn't mean the problem doesn't happen to others.

Sounds like you are connected in some way to the company by your posts, you win a lot more customers by not turning it into a personal attack.

I can use both the demo and real versions with both Firefox 9.0.1 and IE with no problems.

Many of these site oriented platforms can give troubles to individuals from time to time and especially when Mozilla take a decision to fast track new releases. In many cases it comes down to user settings for security and can take a bit of user effort to sort out.

I have problems with another Spread Bet company which worked perfectly on Firefox 8.1 but drops connection on Firefox 9.0.1 but works perfectly on IE. The answer there is simple which is to use IE as it would be in your case with Capital Spreads unless you are willing to try and find the Firefox problem either on your own or with the assistance of support.

I subscribe to and follow problems on Mozilla and there are plenty at the moment but invariably the problems are settings if general and can be weird incompatibilities with something as odd as left over components of old video drivers. Often what works for millions needs some sorting out for a few.

As a potential customer and now a customer of Capital Spreads I was sceptical after reading various comments on this thread but none of the tales of caution have proved to have any substance so I tend to apply my personal filter and ignore those who rant and rave as just having an agenda.

In any trading the commissions or spread is the cost of doing business and although I never expect Spread betters to get within miles of the costs of Direct Access brokers, Capital Spreads are the least expensive SB company for my purposes with small spreads on the instruments of interest to me.

If you can stick with it and sort out the problems with your firefox access you may well be pleased with the lower cost of doing business but you can of course take the sage advice of those who purport to know and pay an extra few Dollars every time you use another platform from another company.
I'm the only one that has had this problem? That is so laughable, I guess that is why I seldom ever call support, that is usually the canned answer, never heard of that problem before, your the only one. I noticed someone a while back had posted a similar problem with execution, not sure if it was this thread.

Just because someone hasn't posted here doesn't mean the problem doesn't happen to others.

Sounds like you are connected in some way to the company by your posts, you win a lot more customers by not turning it into a personal attack.
On previous posts I tried to give you support and thought you were pleased that your problem finally been solved. I must say this is a odd way of showing appreciation.🙂

"Take control with Risk & Money Management"
Planning, Risk & Money Management
The deal ticket worked the next morning using internet explorer but went on the blink again in the afternoon, at times it took 3 or 4 clicks to get out of a trade. Tried it with google chrome but didn't work much better.

I tried City Index and must of made about 30 trades at various times over the past couple days, never a fail, I was impressed with the execution. The platform seems a bit out dated otherwise, seems you have to punch in your stop loss point, not just points away from entry. I'm sure some like it and once you get used to it maybe it even feels like an advantage. Also like the low spread on the Dow. I like trading the eur/usd so was not impressed when today at times it said the market was not available! Can't imagine being in a trade at times like that. Frustrating. Seems their margins where higher also, are they normal higher or is that just the demo?

Signed up with IG Index, see how it works, execution is of importance.
The deal ticket worked the next morning using internet explorer but went on the blink again in the afternoon, at times it took 3 or 4 clicks to get out of a trade. Tried it with google chrome but didn't work much better.

I tried City Index and must of made about 30 trades at various times over the past couple days, never a fail, I was impressed with the execution. The platform seems a bit out dated otherwise, seems you have to punch in your stop loss point, not just points away from entry. I'm sure some like it and once you get used to it maybe it even feels like an advantage. Also like the low spread on the Dow. I like trading the eur/usd so was not impressed when today at times it said the market was not available! Can't imagine being in a trade at times like that. Frustrating. Seems their margins where higher also, are they normal higher or is that just the demo?

Signed up with IG Index, see how it works, execution is of importance.

I noticed that whilst running both the Demo and live on two Firefox tabs, the demo went flaky a few times since I last posted.

The live one held up which tends to point towards the location of the demo servers. There is a socket state triangle in the lower left hand corner which shows signal strength in much the same way as a wireless display. Tickets grey out and all manner of odd things happen when the assessed socket signal drops too low.

I did not have a problem with the live version when the demo played up and if it is located in London I had pings to London of between 17 and 23ms whilst my socket was supposedly bad. You may wish to see if you get "socket" problems when it plays up because if you are in Canada your start point is likely to be pings of around 200ms to London.

Although usability is very important to me there are markets (SPX 500) derived straight off the e-mini S&P where the spread is of prime importance and whereas I do not feel put off by the 0.4 spread on Capital Spreads I would not use IG for that contract as it has a 0.7 spread. 3 ticks or 3\4 of a point is too much to lose for my liking.

IG are a good company but for Indicies one needs to be aware that they switch to larger spreads the instant the cash ends, say for FTSE whereas CS doesn't. If it doesn't affect you then it doesn't matter.

I have looked at quite a few spread bet companies and whether it be platforms or other factors Capital Spreads ticked more boxes than most. I also have IG and to compare and contrast is inappropriate but both have strengths albeit for different purposes.

You can run CS alongside IG for a while and see which you like best and it might be well worth your while looking at that socket status because although I have good internet connections (cable and ADSL) I bet a lot of people with flaky internet complain endlessly to spread betters.

good luck🙂
I noticed that whilst running both the Demo and live on two Firefox tabs, the demo went flaky a few times since I last posted.

The live one held up which tends to point towards the location of the demo servers. There is a socket state triangle in the lower left hand corner which shows signal strength in much the same way as a wireless display. Tickets grey out and all manner of odd things happen when the assessed socket signal drops too low.

I did not have a problem with the live version when the demo played up and if it is located in London I had pings to London of between 17 and 23ms whilst my socket was supposedly bad. You may wish to see if you get "socket" problems when it plays up because if you are in Canada your start point is likely to be pings of around 200ms to London.

Although usability is very important to me there are markets (SPX 500) derived straight off the e-mini S&P where the spread is of prime importance and whereas I do not feel put off by the 0.4 spread on Capital Spreads I would not use IG for that contract as it has a 0.7 spread. 3 ticks or 3\4 of a point is too much to lose for my liking.

IG are a good company but for Indicies one needs to be aware that they switch to larger spreads the instant the cash ends, say for FTSE whereas CS doesn't. If it doesn't affect you then it doesn't matter.

I have looked at quite a few spread bet companies and whether it be platforms or other factors Capital Spreads ticked more boxes than most. I also have IG and to compare and contrast is inappropriate but both have strengths albeit for different purposes.

You can run CS alongside IG for a while and see which you like best and it might be well worth your while looking at that socket status because although I have good internet connections (cable and ADSL) I bet a lot of people with flaky internet complain endlessly to spread betters.

good luck🙂

I kind of thought there be someone else out there that would experience similar problems, since my computer has worked well with other platforms. I had not noticed the yellow triangle in the lower left corner, is this on the deal ticket? I can't access that now being the weekend but will try on monday.

Yes I noticed IG has a 2 point spread for the Dow which I was interested in but I also am very interested in the eur/usd and it seems to have a low spread of .7.

I also like the idea of trading off the charts and want to try that. Do your trade off the charts? How have you found it to work?

I do have cable internet so that should be fast enough, like I said early have tried City Index and has worked without a hitch.
I kind of thought there be someone else out there that would experience similar problems, since my computer has worked well with other platforms. I had not noticed the yellow triangle in the lower left corner, is this on the deal ticket? I can't access that now being the weekend but will try on monday.

Yes I noticed IG has a 2 point spread for the Dow which I was interested in but I also am very interested in the eur/usd and it seems to have a low spread of .7.

I also like the idea of trading off the charts and want to try that. Do your trade off the charts? How have you found it to work?

I do have cable internet so that should be fast enough, like I said early have tried City Index and has worked without a hitch.

Sorry I got the location of the triangle wrong. It is bottom right hand corner and is in the area\bar showing account number plus values of account. It is a series of blue bars arranged in histogram format with bars lower to higher left to right. It is on the page not the deal ticket.

I have not tried to deal off charts and to be honest do not even look at them. Although I am looking to make some trading practice changes in the near future I still primarily trade DMA futures for which I use CQG for data and analysis.

In the UK there are tax advantages to using spread betting which can make them extremely attractive once tax becomes a big issue. Once the markets (in which I am interested) break out of what for me is semi scalping mode then the SB accounts may come into play.

You appear to have somewhat misinterpreted my post. Yes I saw a couple of problems on the Demo which were not seen with the live account. I haven't checked the sockets routing but I do not believe that anything seen with the demo is representative of the live account because I think they are hosted in two entirely different locations.

I think you would be doing yourself an injustice not to check the issues out thoroughly and perhaps open but not fund a live account (I believe that is possible).

Various SB companies offer competitive spreads when compared to others and it pays to look thoroughly and pick what is favourable for purposes. It may well turn out that one company is good for one instrument but another better suited for another instrument. I use a couple of DMA brokers because they offer different deals and see comparable logic in using different SB companies.

I have spent weeks of spare time when not actively trading, testing and checking SB companies and find it odd that you choose to give up on the only company that I was happy to go with beyond the one I was already with. In your position I would be trying to find what is wrong before walking away and moving on.
I think you would be doing yourself an injustice not to check the issues out thoroughly and perhaps open but not fund a live account (I believe that is possible).

Various SB companies offer competitive spreads when compared to others and it pays to look thoroughly and pick what is favourable for purposes. It may well turn out that one company is good for one instrument but another better suited for another instrument. I use a couple of DMA brokers because they offer different deals and see comparable logic in using different SB companies.

I have spent weeks of spare time when not actively trading, testing and checking SB companies and find it odd that you choose to give up on the only company that I was happy to go with beyond the one I was already with. In your position I would be trying to find what is wrong before walking away and moving on.

I'm sure I could open a live account without funding it right away but I still wouldn't know if the deal ticket works any better. I will look at that connection status bar next time I log in. You seem to think highly of their service.

Thanks for all the info.
Sorry I got the location of the triangle wrong. It is bottom right hand corner and is in the area\bar showing account number plus values of account. It is a series of blue bars arranged in histogram format with bars lower to higher left to right. It is on the page not the deal ticket.

Interesting ... I just logged in now and it only has about 2 bars showing, when I mouse over it, it says Poor (socket) [version 1.05.26_A]

30 seconds later it shows all the bars and says Excellant

So what causes that problem?
Interesting ... I just logged in now and it only has about 2 bars showing, when I mouse over it, it says Poor (socket) [version 1.05.26_A]

30 seconds later it shows all the bars and says Excellant

So what causes that problem?

That is the problem and although I have not looked into the cause, because it had only happened to me twice very briefly, it appears to show that a check from the site thinks you have a flaky internet connection.

The deal ticket will grey out when when the site thinks you have a bad connection and the answer is to ring or e-mail support, tell them that you are getting intermittent poor socket notifications and ask for an IP to ping so that you can see where the connection goes outside of parameters.

It might be as well to ask them what the parameters are between excellent and poor as from Canada to London you will have highish pings before you even start.

If their site determines connection by latency (ping) checks it may appear to be overkill but with markets that frequently move quite a lot in a few milliseconds what is the point of trying to hit a ticket price which could be a second or two old and way off the mark. It is for clients protection and the spread betting company's integrity that checks are made to determine that the prices shown (on the deal ticket) are the ones at which the deal will be done and it does nobody any favours if the price is changed on execution by virtue of time delay caused by overly long latency.

You have identified an issue that needs looking into and support is next call.

I think equally highly of both Capital Spreads and IGindex and for my needs they cover every angle in the spread betting area. They are different horses for different courses but make a good pairing. Some of the others do not match up for a variety of reasons but may be entirely satisfactory for other people.
i think i will go on holiday and leave it to TradUK as he knows a damn sight more about IP/Internet linkages etc than i do.

I will send the last few messages to IT and get a reply


I am having problems with the time2trade charts.

I cant seem to "Zoom in".......when you hit the Plus Magnifiying glass nothing happens. It was fine last week!

Can you shed some light on this Simon?


almost unbelievably i never use this function as i use the mountain slider at the bottom.

but i agree it was not working.

Email was sent and they appear to work now

click on zoom button.. then left click and 'hold and drag' over the bit that you want to focus on

