Hi all, guess you are all aware of what information asymmetry is all about.... guess you also all highly dubious of anyone new to the forum stating that they have found a way of beating a major financial spread betting firm...yep you guessed it I have done just that.
I have discovered a loophole that enables the trader to benefit from market information prior to it being reflected in a major financial spread betting agency quote.
This has enabled me to make several thousand pounds in a matter of days. I am now keen to share this information and make as much out of it as possible before the loop is closed. However, in order for this to be of benefit I will need registered interest from at least 50,000 traders. Your physical location is irrelevant.
As an example, in week one if you open an account with £500 and follow the guidelines I would expect you to net a £4,000 profit. This is based on very conservative trades starting at £2 / pt then increasing to £10 / pt as your equity increases. There is no reason why you can not trade at much higher amounts from the outset if you are already an experienced trader thus enabling you to significantly greater returns.