Is anybody else having trouble accessing their "open positions" and "order book" this morning ?
Yes my friend "load a ******** by them today" - blank screen " no positions to display" cant access Order books etc - they are certainly trying the patience - bluudy crooked behaviour when trying to trade
It gone up 10 points this mean the ask price reached your stop loss point , its ok to be stopped out , but if the ask price didnt reach your point it is not ok .Hi there, Any one using Capitalspreads. I went short on the FTSE100 and put my stop loss eleven points above the price. Ftse went up 10 points afterwards and i got kicked out just before it retraced in my predicted direction . I called them to ask why and they told me its because of their one pip spread. Is this standard practice with sb firms to close your positions when price is just a pip away from your stop loss or was this just a rip off.
Try IGIndex - downtime is minimal and there are no delays when opening or closing a position. You won't regret it.
nearly the same spreads on Rolling daily markets except oil , ftse 2 instead of 1 ,yen 3 instead of 2 , dow the same , euro the same , euro/pound the same , dont forget 2 important things , Igindex markets r open 24 h and they have GSL 🙂yeah.. just shell out the extra wide spreads 😆
By the way i am still in the process to open an account w them , i tried cfd demo and binaries . But look at the link below u can c that if u want to rollover u should give them notice to rollover all ur daily bets unless u close it . the rollover spread (plus-minus) for ftse 0.5 point , dow 1 point . And 2% annually rollover charge (plus-minus overnight rates) for spot FX . Their is dividend adjusment for indices ofcourse , tues/wed for the FTSE100 .I've also got an account with IG but while it's OK for day-trading there are no rolling bets making it too expensive to hold a position for several days.
Editing because I've just seen tars post, do they do rolling now ? , I could'nt see any for forex last time I looked.
I'll check again.
u r welcome , Capitalspreads charge is 2% above intrest rate , ex. ftse is in pound and the rate is 5% capitalspreads charges 7% instead of 5% if u r long Ftse and gIves u 3% annually instead of 5% if u r short Ftse , example : u r long 10p/p ftse at 5300 u pay daily = (5%+2%)*5300*10 / 365 =10 pound daily . example: u r short 10p/p ftse at 5300 u take daily = (5%-2%)*5300*10/365=4 pound . ( if u r long equities u pay , if u r short equities u take usually ) . Ig charges u or gives u at Ftse 0.5 point for every contract , and 1 point for the dow .Thanks for the link, tar.
I've just had a quick look through and found this :
"Daily Bets expire on the same day as the bet is opened, at the closing
market bid/offer price of the share on the relevant exchange, plus or
minus half the IG spread. However, you can always ask for the bet to
be rolled over to the next day. This involves closing the old bet and
opening a new one. The opening level of the new bet will be adjusted
to reflect the effect of interest, any dividends and any borrowing
charges, but there is no extra IG spread to pay.
You can roll a Daily Bet over as many times as you like. You can also
leave us a standing instruction to roll a particular Daily Bet, until
such time as you instruct us to close it. Alternatively you can leave a
standing instruction to roll all your open bets until you decide to close
Effectively, it seems that you can arrange to have a daily bet treat the same as Capital treat a rolling bet. Does anybody use both and know how the "adjustments" compare with Capitals daily rollover charges?
Anyone else having orders "missed" when trading Wall St Rolling Daily ? Have watched price come to rest on my order price but not trigger it several times, only for it then to move in my direction, leaving my order still unfilled. I am sure there is an innocent explanation for this !