Best Thread Capital Spreads


not sure what the problem here is

once you have traded it takes about 5 seconds to move your stop from the 'computer generated' level..there is even a link to the order ticket from the deal confirm which you get. If you move the stop 20 pips further away then we will (not unreasonably) expect you to have the resources available to match this increased risk.

Most SB companies do not insist on stops...if this is a big problem for any client I always recommend that they go to another provider. Given the problems that many of the smaller SB companies have experienced due to margin I truly believe that the CS model is the fairest to all as it protects the funds of all clients against the actions of one big 'whale'. Some of GTE's clients discovered that their money had been removed from Segregated funds accounts to fund the companies hedging from a couple of huge clients. This can never happen as CS as all clients must have the avaiable resources on their account to cover the risk up to the stop loss plus 20%.

variable spreads? variable margins? we have maintained our spreads on virtually every market at all times and our margins have remained the same for years. Recently we increased the margin on some commodities like Gold but the price had moved from around $300 to $1000 so I do not consider that this was unreasonable. But the spread quote on Oil and Gold remains at 5 even though the price has doubled and more.

Whilst some of our competitors massively increased margin requirements on many equities (right at the worst possible moment, therefore driving clients out of positions right at the bottom of the market) CS maintaineded its 3% margin on FTSE 100 and 5% on FTSE 250 throughout all of the last eight months and our spreads have remained the same for all that period as well (0.1% and 0.2% respectively)

all clients must have the avaiable resources on their account to cover the risk up to the stop loss plus 20%
This explains what happened with me when i moved the stoploss .This will allow CS to benefit from spreads from new trades opened , cuz the client will be stopped out earlier even he has more room for price movement against him .
This explains what happened with me when i moved the stoploss .This will allow CS to benefit from spreads from new trades opened , cuz the client will be stopped out earlier even he has more room for price movement against him .

What does this Garbled nonsense mean ???? Not defending CS but engage brain before typing rubbish like this. Capital Spreads unless I am wrong do not offer credit facilities. Therefore if you want to move your stop in to an area where the risk is such that should the market move drastically you end up owing Capital Spreads money why would you want that ? Well I can see maybe why you want it, but why would Capital spreads want that. If you lose they want the money quickly, they don't want to chase you down for the £20 you might owe them. Last time I looked they were a Bookmaker, not a bank or debt collector.

It's a simple case of Put up or Shut up. Either put the money in your account to cover the stop or don't. Quit posting junk comments on here about stops. In CS t&C it states they do not offer credit and the exact amount of margin you must have to cover positions. Why do you think you are an exception ??
What does this Garbled nonsense mean ???? Not defending CS but engage brain before typing rubbish like this. Capital Spreads unless I am wrong do not offer credit facilities. Therefore if you want to move your stop in to an area where the risk is such that should the market move drastically you end up owing Capital Spreads money why would you want that ? Well I can see maybe why you want it, but why would Capital spreads want that. If you lose they want the money quickly, they don't want to chase you down for the £20 you might owe them. Last time I looked they were a Bookmaker, not a bank or debt collector.

It's a simple case of Put up or Shut up. Either put the money in your account to cover the stop or don't. Quit posting junk comments on here about stops. In CS t&C it states they do not offer credit and the exact amount of margin you must have to cover positions. Why do you think you are an exception ??

I am talking about the ( Plus 20 % ) !! who r the stupid now

the plus 20% is to take into account occasions when the market gaps on opening. If a market closes the day just a few pips away from your stop but then opens the next day 20 or 30 points thorugh your stop then CS require that there is a reasonable chance that you have enough money to cover the slippage. If we only took the exact amount of money for your stop then we would end up with alot of people owing us small sums of money.

As I mentioned in my previous comment the minimum margin on all of our markets is far lower than all our competitors. For instance to make a £1 bet on the FTSE 100 index with most of our competitors you will require upwards of 150 quid in your account. With CS you could have as little as £30 BUT you will have to have 20% more than the stop loss. Even with the 20% addition the margin required with CS is far, far lower than our competitors.


not sure what the problem here is

once you have traded it takes about 5 seconds to move your stop from the 'computer generated' level..there is even a link to the order ticket from the deal confirm which you get. If you move the stop 20 pips further away then we will (not unreasonably) expect you to have the resources available to match this increased risk.

Most SB companies do not insist on stops...if this is a big problem for any client I always recommend that they go to another provider. Given the problems that many of the smaller SB companies have experienced due to margin I truly believe that the CS model is the fairest to all as it protects the funds of all clients against the actions of one big 'whale'. Some of GTE's clients discovered that their money had been removed from Segregated funds accounts to fund the companies hedging from a couple of huge clients. This can never happen as CS as all clients must have the avaiable resources on their account to cover the risk up to the stop loss plus 20%.

variable spreads? variable margins? we have maintained our spreads on virtually every market at all times and our margins have remained the same for years. Recently we increased the margin on some commodities like Gold but the price had moved from around $300 to $1000 so I do not consider that this was unreasonable. But the spread quote on Oil and Gold remains at 5 even though the price has doubled and more.

Whilst some of our competitors massively increased margin requirements on many equities (right at the worst possible moment, therefore driving clients out of positions right at the bottom of the market) CS maintaineded its 3% margin on FTSE 100 and 5% on FTSE 250 throughout all of the last eight months and our spreads have remained the same for all that period as well (0.1% and 0.2% respectively)


I think CGSL is a good thing, a computer generated stop loss is always better than no stop at all. My question is Simon, why does the CGSL have to be eons away from the entry level? CS is not alone in setting a terrible wide stop. I will not go into speculation on why you have this wide stop loss level. But from a client level service point of view, I think it would be good for CS to look into the possibility of shorten the CGSL.
I am talking about the ( Plus 20 % ) !! who r the stupid now

Which it states clearly in the T&C's. In terms of Margin CS are VERY CHEAP to fund a position. Just check out Cantors, City Index and you will see what EXPENSIVE RIP OFF margin levels are. I really don't see your complaint as Valid. £30 to trade £1 of ftse is cheap in anyone's book.
Which it states clearly in the T&C's. In terms of Margin CS are VERY CHEAP to fund a position. Just check out Cantors, City Index and you will see what EXPENSIVE RIP OFF margin levels are. I really don't see your complaint as Valid. £30 to trade £1 of ftse is cheap in anyone's book.

first , who told u i had a complaint ?
second , nobody can judge CS for this ( plus 20% ) , but in the other hand u cant say the margin for FTSE 30 pound , u should say their margin for the FTSE100 = 20% of the stop loss and the minimum is 30 pound . example : if i bought 1 ftse at 6300 and my stop loss at 5300 then the margin is 200 not 30 . another example : if i sold 1 Euro/$ at 1.4000 and my stop loss at 1.7000 my margin would be 600 not 40.I have no complaint cuz CS is free to put any margin requirment they want
first , who told u i had a complaint ?
second , nobody can judge CS for this ( plus 20% ) , but in the other hand u cant say the margin for FTSE 30 pound , u should say their margin for the FTSE100 = 20% of the stop loss and the minimum is 30 pound . example : if i bought 1 ftse at 6300 and my stop loss at 5300 then the margin is 200 not 30 . another example : if i sold 1 Euro/$ at 1.4000 and my stop loss at 1.7000 my margin would be 600 not 40.I have no complaint cuz CS is free to put any margin requirment they want

so if you aren't complaining.....why are you posting on the CS thread about how CS margin's rip you off.
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I didnt say they ripped me off this what i said b4 :

Their (auto stops) tricky and annoying , if i want to move a stop 20 points on US crude oil i need (20x my stake) free trading resources ? on live account they ask more than 20 y ? it happened many times

then after Capitalspreads post about the ( plus 20% ) i said :

Originally Posted by capitalspreads
all clients must have the avaiable resources on their account to cover the risk up to the stop loss plus 20%

This explains what happened with me when i moved the stoploss .This will allow CS to benefit from spreads from new trades opened , cuz the client will be stopped out earlier even he has more room for price movement against him
I didnt say they ripped me off this what i said b4 :

then after Capitalspreads post about the ( plus 20% ) i said :

Originally Posted by capitalspreads
all clients must have the avaiable resources on their account to cover the risk up to the stop loss plus 20%

This explains what happened with me when i moved the stoploss .This will allow CS to benefit from spreads from new trades opened , cuz the client will be stopped out earlier even he has more room for price movement against him
Your concern is valid, however, it should not be a problem if you apply proper money management. Your langue is ok, but ceydababy should not use bad langue attacking you in the first place. He probably just had a bad day.
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Your concern is valid, however, it should not be a problem if you apply proper money management. Your langue is ok, but ceydababy should not use bad langue attacking you in the first place. He probably just had a bad day.

Maybe he (short) crude oil Thursday night !
ofcourse it is not a problem i should risk a tiny amount only from my account every trade , but i was confused b4 when they ask for much more resources every time i move the stop loss . Anyway i didnt move my funds from CMC to CS yet i am just trying CS prices and platform with mini account (sek account) , i didnt make up my mind yet , we will c .
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This explains what happened with me when i moved the stoploss .This will allow CS to benefit from spreads from new trades opened , cuz the client will be stopped out earlier even he has more room for price movement against him .

Apologies for the "garbled" comment concerning your use of the pen. I have just noticed you are from Jordan. Your use of English is far superior to my abilities with the Arabic Language.

So...Apologies for that.

However, CS is still CHEAP. Platform not as good as CMC but you get what you pay for.

CGSL is the maximum margin that the computer will use to place a stop. It is curious that you say that you wished this number was less ( I would agree with you as I think that stops should always be close) but CS must try to be all thing to all men (errr women). The majority of comments from clients are of the other persuasion. They say that as they still have more funds available on their account then the stop should be further away!

We have tried to have a sensible level for maximum margin that is neither ridiculously large nor restrictively small.

As I mentioned in my previous email it really does only take a few seconds to change on order level. If you have a huge number of trades making up a position you can always ring us up and get us to amalgamate some of them...making it easier to change all the orders in one go.

some of our competitors do indeed any more impressive seeming platforms but we check out quite favourably on price/deal confirm/margin requirement/order functionality etc etc... these are the major factors that should influence a dealer. Not the fact that the screen "looks good". The CS platform can also be used just as easily in an internet cafe in timbuctu (or stansted airport) as from your desk pc.

Simon, you have previously said that you do not wish to add the ability of customers setting the S/L when placing a bet, as the initial ticket already contains much information and it would be too confusing for the punters.
If this is still the reasoning, the real question becomes: does anyone - anyone - actually maintain the initially S/L as you set it? You would know this better than anyone, but I will venture a guess and say no - or at least, very few.
If so, introducing yet another step - seconds or not - might reasonably be seen as actually adding to the confusion, not curbing it.

How about a possible compromise: Have a box for S/L on the initial, opening ticket, but already pre-filled with you calculated S/L (and making it mandatory). People can opt to deal with the confusion and changing it, or they can avoid the extra heat in their grey matters and just accept it as it stands.
The best of two worlds, or am I missing something?


oddly enough the vast majority of punters just maintain the stop level as most clients are just punting for a very short time span.

On your other question... a good reminder.... I have sent in a query to IT to ask if a client preferences area would not be too difficult/costly to add.

preffered bet size
stop order distance or loss amount etc


CGSL is the maximum margin that the computer will use to place a stop. It is curious that you say that you wished this number was less ( I would agree with you as I think that stops should always be close) but CS must try to be all thing to all men (errr women). The majority of comments from clients are of the other persuasion. They say that as they still have more funds available on their account then the stop should be further away!

We have tried to have a sensible level for maximum margin that is neither ridiculously large nor restrictively small.

As I mentioned in my previous email it really does only take a few seconds to change on order level. If you have a huge number of trades making up a position you can always ring us up and get us to amalgamate some of them...making it easier to change all the orders in one go.

some of our competitors do indeed any more impressive seeming platforms but we check out quite favourably on price/deal confirm/margin requirement/order functionality etc etc... these are the major factors that should influence a dealer. Not the fact that the screen "looks good". The CS platform can also be used just as easily in an internet cafe in timbuctu (or stansted airport) as from your desk pc.

Thanks for your answer Simon. I have taken up this issue before as I find it important, especially if you are a newbie. You must ask yourself, is the CGSL anywhere close to where you would place the stop loss in the first place. If the answer is a roaring no, it is definitely a big risk you are taking. It is only human to miss out on a few stop losses. If you make frequent trades, you will get caught. You have to do the calculation very quickly in your head, apply the correct number and confirm the new stop loss (a few seconds can make all the difference). This can apply stress to your trading especially in a volatile market, something we know that is to be avoided in trading. What happens if the site goes down, or some other technical error appears, just before you actually have the chance to amend the stop loss level (it has happened to me a few times)? And if you at the same time get a very quick huge movement against you? You are stuck with a huge stop loss with no possibility of amending it. This is not a problem for me anymore, but I feel many traders are struggling with this issue.

I must admit, I am kind of surprise to hear that most people stick with the default CGSL setting applied by you. I interpret that as most traders find the S/L feature uneasy. You said yourself I quote "I would agree with you as I think that stops should always be close". As I said before, CS is not alone, almost all the SB companies have this kind of setup. A user predefined stop loss level, does not appear to be in the interest of the SB industry today (GFT seems to be an exception).

No doubt CS have good features as well, and by overall a good spread betting outfit. However, things can improve and competition are indeed mounting up. If the request are sound, reasonable and technically available, I see no reason why you shouldn't implement them into your platform.

I notice yesterday, no time out on the dealer ticket window, very good. I hope it will stay that way.🙂
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Good platform, rubbish training, a bit error prone

I have only used Capital Spreads, so I don't have anything else to compare them to but on the whole I think they are a good outfit. Spreads seem pretty tight, for example 2 ticks on EUR/USD.

If you are a newbie I wouldn't bother about their spread betting intro course even though it's free. The course I did was rubbish and I got the impression they were only doing it for PR reasons (and because the MD seemed to enjoy pacing up and down looking important).

I like the platform. The charts are clear. The automatic stops can easily be changed.

I think my only reservation is that they sometimes seem to make mistakes. :-0 For example selling prices have sometimes been completely wrong, but they have always been corrected afterwards without me having to call them. More worryingly, a couple of times I have been stopped out of a FX trade when the price was a long way from my stop and the chart showed no sign of having jumped to the stop and back. I can't complain though because the opposite has also happened: once, after placing a limit order, the price appeared a long away from the limit and I suddenly found that my trade had been closed at the limit price, handing me a couple of hundred quid for free! 😀
I have only used Capital Spreads, so I don't have anything else to compare them to but on the whole I think they are a good outfit. Spreads seem pretty tight, for example 2 ticks on EUR/USD.

If you are a newbie I wouldn't bother about their spread betting intro course even though it's free. The course I did was rubbish and I got the impression they were only doing it for PR reasons (and because the MD seemed to enjoy pacing up and down looking important).

I like the platform. The charts are clear. The automatic stops can easily be changed.

I think my only reservation is that they sometimes seem to make mistakes. :-0 For example selling prices have sometimes been completely wrong, but they have always been corrected afterwards without me having to call them. More worryingly, a couple of times I have been stopped out of a FX trade when the price was a long way from my stop and the chart showed no sign of having jumped to the stop and back. I can't complain though because the opposite has also happened: once, after placing a limit order, the price appeared a long away from the limit and I suddenly found that my trade had been closed at the limit price, handing me a couple of hundred quid for free! 😀

Having read some of the better reports on here, I think I may give CApital Spreads another crack. Account is closed now thats the only problem !