Best Thread Capital Spreads


Does anybody know how we withdraw money from CS?

I've sent them an email but received no reply back... :|

To withdraw money from Capital Spreads, call their customer support line quoting your name, account number, withdrawal amount, and the last 4 digits of the debit card you wish the funds refunded to. Bad form not receiving a reply to your email - how long ago did you contact them?

Please be advised that you should check your account online around 1 hour after the withdrawal request has been made to see if it has been actioned. If it has not, you may need to call them again. In my experience it is not unusual to have to request a withdrawal twice before it is actioned. Glad you are making some profits!
"Glad you are making some profits!"...No, that's where he stashed his alimony payments so the CSA thought he was broke 😉
"Glad you are making some profits!"...No, that's where he stashed his alimony payments so the CSA thought he was broke 😉

My kids annual lego budget is more than my allowance and me lady is a lady of leisure. Have some heart for a low life geezer esquire...:cheesy:

Sounds like you have mastered the art of deception. Any more financial tips for a rainy day?
Simon…. A couple of points if I may….

In one of your previous posts you briefly mentioned the subject of clients being able to cancel orders or, as it stands, not being able to cancel orders. You recounted that your staff had detected clients cancelling or amending orders after they had been triggered – You say that Capital have put a stop to the practice which, on the face of it, appears fair. My question is…. Are you allowed to do that?

Please humour me whilst I raise few potential points!

Over the years I have had reason to read a good number of spread betting terms and conditions from one firm or another. In simple terms the ‘placing of a bet’ (opening or closing) always follows the same legal pathway. In contractual terms the spread betting firms never make offers to clients in respect of the prices quoted. By this I mean that the quoting of a price, either verbally on the telephone or via the internet website, never constitutes an offer by the company to trade at the quoted prices. The quoting of a price is purely the company’s way of conveying a price to the client which the company is ‘likely’ to contract at. I hope I’m correct so far! In effect therefore, since a contract can only be formed when there is an ‘offer’ followed by an ‘acceptance’, the ‘offer’ to trade is being made by the client (based on an indicated price) and the acceptance or non acceptance is made by the firm (dealing staff, computer or otherwise). A firm would never make ‘the offer’ since, if it worked that way, the firm would never be able to refuse a trade as a contract would be formed the moment that the client ‘accepted’ the firm’s ‘offer’.
This raises some interesting contractual points. Firstly, and most importantly, if a client submits an order (technically their ‘offer’) and it is sent for manual processing then a time delay occurs before the client finds out the result of their order (offer). From a legal perspective, if, during the delay, the client changes his / her mind he / she are well within his / her rights to withdraw the offer. This would apply to all orders which were waiting be it stop orders, limit orders or market orders. Limit and Stop orders are the same as market orders in respect of them being ‘offers’ made by clients to trade one way or the other at a particular price. In one of your previous posts you mentioned specifically that you had stopped clients being able to alter or cancel orders in the time period between the order being triggered and the order being filled – I would respectfully suggest that you can not do this. I understand the abuse which can occur through the manipulation of stop and limit orders in such a situation but this doesn’t alter the basic principles of contract law. In simple terms, if someone makes an offer then they can withdraw that offer at anytime up to the point at which acceptance is made – there is nothing that you or any other spread betting firm can do to change that. By stopping someone withdrawing an offer to trade you are implying that they are contracted at that price when in fact they are not. You can not create a situation where client is obligated to keep their offer ‘on the table’ whilst reserving the right yourself not to contract. By preventing a client from withdrawing their offer to trade are you not creating a situation of implied contract? (ie the client could claim that, because he / she couldn’t withdraw the offer to trade he / she considered that the trade was already binding).

Food for thought I’m sure you’d agree!!


I am surprised nobody have made a comment on Steve post #3332 He has made some very interesting points with regards to rights to withdraw the offer if CS offers you a worse price than you original wanted through their dealer intervention, I know from experience this is one of Worldspreads little tricks .
I am surprised nobody have made a comment on Steve post #3332 He has made some very interesting points with regards to rights to withdraw the offer if CS offers you a worse price than you original wanted through their dealer intervention, I know from experience this is one of Worldspreads little tricks .

I was in the middle of a 700 word odd comment when my X11 session crashed (first time in roughly 70 days - I think it was an upgrade I put through) taking all my unsaved data in open apps with it. (and I tried to post this an hour ago, but my DNS fell over for goodness knows what reason, but I've got it to sync with the root servers again) Needless to say the text input field on a web page is unsaved data. I may comment when I can be bothered. Keep in mind that there are now many questions before Simon, so we should give him reasonable time to respond before we carry this discussion much further.
I am surprised nobody have made a comment on Steve post #3332 He has made some very interesting points with regards to rights to withdraw the offer if CS offers you a worse price than you original wanted through their dealer intervention, I know from experience this is one of Worldspreads little tricks .

Thanks for you kind words.

I would just like to clarify that my post does not just apply to Capital Spreads but could be applied to any of the spread betting firms who queue / refer / delay client orders for whatever reason. I have raised the matter on this thread for two reasons, a) the matter has been touched upon in the thread this week, and b) Simon is very open about things and is the only spread betting firm representative who (so far as we know) openly posts here. I would like to point out that my post is not meant to ‘trap’ CS in anyway but merely point out that there maybe a potential for problems should a dispute arise.

Both parties are able to cancel - the SB firm is not forcing the client to accept, they are rejecting all contracts if they see a hedge designed to take advantage of time lag. I don't see a problem with this.
An interesting post by Steve. It's been some years since I did business law but I would agree with his assessment.

As an aside, I wonder how many clients would refuse the offer when in their favour, which does happen. I mention it as looking back over my account it seems to work out roughly even.
Does anybody know how we withdraw money from CS?

I've sent them an email but received no reply back... :|

Give 'em a bell on the 'dog & bone' disclose your card number and they'll deposit the money....

2 mins tops.
Both parties are able to cancel - the SB firm is not forcing the client to accept, they are rejecting all contracts if they see a hedge designed to take advantage of time lag. I don't see a problem with this.

I disagree - On all the accounts that I have or have had I am unable to cancel an order awaiting acceptance or rejection. In the case of CS I am presented with a box with a wording which suggests that my order is awaiting processing - there is no way, which I can see, to cancel or withdraw my offer to trade at the indicated price - the trade box only closes once CS responds to my trade offer either by accepting the trade or rejecting it. It is also a similar situation with IG Index.

You are of course welcome to show me otherwise if I am incorrect on these points.

Give 'em a bell on the 'dog & bone' disclose your card number and they'll deposit the money....

2 mins tops.

Thanks LL and NKruger,

I think there web trading platform is a little different to CMC but must confess it's growing on me.

I like their trade history, account summary and general presentation. At first I thought it was less flexible than CMC but the simplicity and presentation is now more preferred.

I also like the idea of having two accounts.

I also think calling to extract money is in some respects perhaps more secure than automating it accross the web. Extraction for me is likely to be monthly depending on earnings so not too much of a problem.

Once again many thanks.
I disagree - On all the accounts that I have or have had I am unable to cancel an order awaiting acceptance or rejection. In the case of CS I am presented with a box with a wording which suggests that my order is awaiting processing - there is no way, which I can see, to cancel or withdraw my offer to trade at the indicated price - the trade box only closes once CS responds to my trade offer either by accepting the trade or rejecting it. It is also a similar situation with IG Index.

I seem to remember Simon once saying on this thread that if a stop order had been triggered, clients could still close a position before the dealers filled it. WS operated on a similar system, I believe, but then changed things so that if an order had triggered you didn't necessarily know, which could (and did) result in a new position being opened accidentally.
I never quite understood how it was fair to make clients sit around for five or ten minutes waiting for dealers to 'check that an order has been triggered correctly' as SBspeak puts it.
Not sure how CS works never had an account with them, but with regards to WS when I was on referred to dealer,they would play tricks, let my give you an example.I went long the Dow Futures, lets say 13500, and the market went against me by 10 points they would fill me,I had no choice in the matter, I had to go long 10 ticks below where I wanted to go long. I had a a box saying check your open positions."it felt like your are filled sucker take that".

Now if the market went my way, I could wait anything from 20 to 50 seconds for a fill, then eventually I would get a different message saying, I had 3 seconds to confirm a price usually about 5 TO 10 ticks above the market price. Basically because I was making money, they played tricks on me to get it back. AND THEY WILL DO IT WITH YOU IF YOU WIN.......most don't say nothing because most lose money...

I phoned them to ask whats going on, they said. We are entitled to either accept or reject a proposed trade and entitled to check any price that I wanted to deal at by referring me to a dealer before accepting my bet. saying their Terms and Conditions reserve the right not to accept any bet from any particle client for whatever reason it seems fit. I told them, basicaly you got me by the ba11s...They went on to say there are plenty of spread bet firms around if your are not happy sir...cut the story short I told them, you only want lossing traders and put the phone down. I cant say much more becuse I have a complaint in with the FOS. Once the situation has been resolved I will tell all.... I have warned traders about the tricks of spread bet firms they play Remember when they say they hedge 100% of all bets, don't listen to them, they don't.They rely on traders losing, they know 90% to 95% lose money over time.

This post is my personal view on all spread bet firms that I've tried over the years. They are no different to the bucket shops back in the early 1900s, just a modern version.
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Not sure how CS works never had an account with them, but with regards to WS when I was on referred to dealer,they would play tricks, let my give you an example.I went long the Dow Futures, lets say 13500, and the market went against me by 10 points they would fill me,I had no choice in the matter, I had to go long 10 ticks below where I wanted to go long. I had a a box saying check your open positions."it felt like your are filled sucker take that".

Now if the market went my way, I could wait anything from 20 to 50 seconds for a fill, then eventually I would get a different message saying, I had 3 seconds to confirm a price usually about 5 TO 10 ticks above the market price. Basically because I was making money, they played tricks on me to get it back. AND THEY WILL DO IT WITH YOU IF YOU WIN.......most don't say nothing because most lose money...

I phoned them to ask whats going on, they said. We are entitled to either accept or reject a proposed trade and entitled to check any price that I wanted to deal at by referring me to a dealer before accepting my bet. saying their Terms and Conditions reserve the right not to accept any bet from any particle client for whatever reason it seems fit. I told them, basicaly you got me by the ba11s...They went on to say there are plenty of spread bet firms around if your are not happy sir...cut the story short I told them, you only want lossing traders and put the phone down. I cant say much more becuse I have a complaint in with the FOS. Once the situation has been resolved I will tell all.... I have warned traders about the tricks of spread bet firms they play Remember when they say they hedge 100% of all bets, don't listen to them, they don't.They rely on traders losing, they know 90% to 95% lose money over time.

This post is my personal view on all spread bet firms that I've tried over the years. They are no different to the bucket shops back in the early 1900s, just a modern version.

Hi Laptop,

I would be interested to learn which trading platform you do use.

I'm currently using CMC and CS and can see the prices moving together and trades fill fairly quickly.

I have a suspicious belief they manipulate prices to take out Stop positions. I can't prove it but over a period of four years it's engraved into me like DNA. No matter how wide my SL they always get taken with prices reversing pretty quickly.

IMO I think as well as learning the art of the charts, one needs to learn the art of the spread betters and how the system works.
Capital Spreads not working for me either. I have spent the weekend analysing and want to place an order, how frustrating!
Everything in this world of ours is becoming less reliable, less trustworthy. That includes people as well as the computer systems (that are blamed for human incompetence) that we place our deteriorating faith in. We have neither the time nor the patience to wait for a resolution as we want it NOW! And as recipients to a service, why should we have to wait? Ha, maybe I should go now.