Best Thread Capital Spreads

Jbat001 said:
So unless you were going £100/pt, it wouldn't be worth the hassle,not to mention that if you were going £100/pt, you wouldn't be interested in an arb opportunity that small....

No, it would never be worth doing - you can't arb it!
nigelpm said:
Thanks for that Simon.

Do you charge for rollover every quarter on that product or like CMC is it based on the mid price with no rollover cost?

Also what are the spreads like? take RBS as an example and do you only offer that on FTSE350 shares?

You sound like a man who needs to open a cash account and have a play! There are an absolute shedload of quarterly equity contracts on CS, and though some on here like to moan about them, wide spreads is not something they can be accused of.
nigelpm said:
No, it would never be worth doing - you can't arb it!

Lol, I was just making a point about some forms of arbitrage generally - you need such massive capital to take advantage of them, that those who possess such money would rather use it on more profitable endeavours!
Capital Spreads

At 8.00 to-day you show an approx 45 point spike in the Daily Rolling FTSE.

What was the cause and would it have taken out stops?


bracke said:
Capital Spreads

At 8.00 to-day you show an approx 45 point spike in the Daily Rolling FTSE.

What was the cause and would it have taken out stops?



Past experiences told me that if stop goes against you, SB will kill the trade, then you have to call them to debate. Nevertheless if trade go to your favour, ie. limit stop...then you would never have a chance to get it closed out on the spike. This morning, there were certainly a push up in mkt at time of mkt openings in physical prices.

at 08.00 (bang on) we switch from a computer generated price to the exchange price. This morning there was a pricing error on our engines which triggered prices some 30 pips too high. We rejected all these price prints as not representative of the correct price in the market. So any stops/limits etc were also rejected.

We NEVER knowingly activate a triggered stop at an unfair price. This does not mean that incorrect stops do not go through because of course systems will record blips in prices and will 'activate' a stop. Sometimes a dealer may not notice that the activation was not fair (we do quote some 2300 markets after all) and confirms the stop. If this happens we do rely on the client 'complaining' (as he has every right to do so) as otherwise we will never know. This is why we do state that clients should check the details of each and every trade.

Of course this sometimes works in the clients favour as (occassionally) a limit or new order is triggered at an advantageous level, put through by the dealer, and of course the client is most unlikely to come back and complain!!

as maddmatt states there was a bit of a spike at the open but the high was around 5930 in the rolling ftse

Thank you for your reply.

Any further thoughts on adding weighted moving average (WMA) to your chart indicators list? Volume would also be useful.



Just wanted to make a quick ask - do you have any plans to broaden your range of currencies available for FX trading? I love the scandinavian ones for being able to make a much better swing trade than on cable, for example. Do you have any plans to add other more exotic currencies, or would you consider adding them? I'd love to get my teeth into USD/MXN or USD/CNY (Mexican peso and Chinese Yuan).

Anyone else out there feel the same?

we will be adding Rand.. NZ dollars.. and a few others in the near future. I will look at the Mexican Peso but it may prove to be a bit of a dodgy one (?!) I notice that it is quoted by one of our competitors 300 pips wide(!). Frankly on those kind of spreads it would be almost impossible (in the long run) for anyone to make money. You would probably need some £1000 on the account to make a £1 bet as well which would be a poor use of funds.

The yuan is an interesting currency but it is difficult for us to put it up, as the movements tend to be dramatic and immediate which using our marginnig stop policy would make it a dangerous currency to play. So I am afraid that at the moment it is unlikely to make it onto our pages.

capitalspreads said:

we will be adding Rand.. NZ dollars.. and a few others in the near future. I will look at the Mexican Peso but it may prove to be a bit of a dodgy one (?!) I notice that it is quoted by one of our competitors 300 pips wide(!). Frankly on those kind of spreads it would be almost impossible (in the long run) for anyone to make money. You would probably need some £1000 on the account to make a £1 bet as well which would be a poor use of funds.

The yuan is an interesting currency but it is difficult for us to put it up, as the movements tend to be dramatic and immediate which using our marginnig stop policy would make it a dangerous currency to play. So I am afraid that at the moment it is unlikely to make it onto our pages.


Interesting......USD/ZAR would indeed be a fun play, though looking at the huge move in May this year, it could be interesting from your point of view. Any currency pair that can move almost 30,000 pips in a month could be *quite dangerous* even for a relative novice trading £1 a point. What kind of IMR would you apply to it?!

Really appreciate you considering the points though, and I have to say, any more 'exotic' currencies paired with the USD on CS would be a delight!
I see Global Trader have trailing stops built in. Is there any hope of these appearing on the Capitalspreads platform?

trailing stops are not an upgrade that is being envisaged at the moment. The major problem about trailing stops in an SB platform is that when the quotes are based on 'our prices' this brings about significant arguments about what was the reversal on a move ... how do we then account for widening in the underlying market quotes etc etc.. trailing stops really only work on the futures and fx exchanges not in equity markets .
i do not know how gt get around the problem but at this end I can see significant disputes with clients so, in all honesty we are unlikely to go there. Sorry


we have checked at this end with a login.. on an independent internet connection and the site loaded up in a second or two.

if you continue to have probs can you call us as this may be a problem with a particular web supplier.

ahfei said:
Agree with coolTrader. Capitalspread homepage is loading very very slow. How to trade?

Ok at this end - I'm in Leicester. Maybe an issue with your local internet hub?
Did your dealers wake up on the wrong side this morning! What is with the delay in trade executions this morning?
I had a small position open trying something out and got stopped out very strangely...

I think they may have gone automated as the trade history just says 'system' now...

EDIT: problem resolved


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wasp said:
I had a small position open trying something out and got stopped out very strangely...

I think they may have gone automated as the trade history just says 'system' now...

EDIT: problem resolved

In what way was the problem resolved wasp ? I have just noticed that I havwe also been stopped out ........................
I mailed them and pointed it out and they refunded the loss and left me flat.